Types of infected

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Walker the most basic type of infected slow very easy to despatch both from afar and from close range physically weak but will not stop coming towards you no matter how m7uch damage it has sustained hitting it in the heart or the head will put it down quickly

Apperance is like that of a killing floor zombie but they can range greatly in apperance based on the host body types there for physically in shape and more physically strong hosts will boast more powerful infected types they have extremly animated and limited power to think therefore making them especially easy to trick and/or out maneuver you're only concern is when they take you by surprise of when they attacm in massive hoards

Crawler a more mobile version of the crawler that also boasts much higher aggression levels typically used as shock troops by high ranking very intelligent infected forms they have long claws that can spread the infected if they manage to cut or bite you and it is not treated
I M M E D I T L Y after being struck they however are very fragile and a fee well placed semi strong blows will kill them easily

Apperance is more monstrous with a hunched over back small tentacles as well long claws like hands with razor sharp nails and a slightly bug eyed head and is now also green and black for a unprepared survivor they can be a major threat simply due to their speed surprisngly amount of stealth capabilities increased intelligence and some sense of strategy and tactics they are known to ambush and attack from multiple corners at once such as a pack of wolves hunting it's prey they are also known that like walkers to eat corpses and even fallen allies

Tank a slightly less common but much more deadly form that began to developed roughly a week after the initial outbreak of the virus they typically take the form of hosts that already had high levels of protection such as a juggernaut or SWAT officer or very well muscled humans or creatures they are typically slow but are known to produce massive slams from their fists and are able to charge forward are a high rate of speed for a short distance their natural hard skin makes them resistant to regular weapons making them tougher then some others to put down and their increased strength allows them to throw bodies and medium sized such as smaller motorbikes and such around like feather lightweights they are known to sometimes use a grammar or other heavy object as a weapon whenever they are being commanded by a high ranking infected form as they are under their control and therefore able to actually function as they have very limited amounts of intelligence but if you see one charge M O V E they are ruthless and while they cannot spread the disease like usual they are knwon to rip apart whatever it catches in its grasp limb from limb and their hammer and fist strikes can bust in a car

Screamer a slightly more exotic infected form they usually take the form of a slender women like figure that hides in the corner but one thing that they do have is immensely keen senses they have some of the best eyes and ears of the infected ranks making them excellent at spying and eavesdropping they are known to attack with their claws when pressured too but their main feature is their scream sounding like a women in terror their scream not only attracts other infected but can also potentially lure unsuspecting raiders or suviviors into a death trap as their scream nearly perfectly mimics that of a human adult(or even child in some cases as children have been reported to be infected as well)that is in either pain or terror they also usually have super long pitch black hair if you enter a nest of infected and their are screamers about take them out first their cries will only attract more attention but at the same time you can use that to bait the other infected into you're own death trap

Similar to the screamer the caller has virtually no hearing virtually marking it as being deaf but it's eyesight is beyond perfect they can mimic human cries and sounds even better then the screamer and are stand alone assassins usually using their ling gone dead voices to bait humans and other hosts before either devouring or infecting that hosts dooming they being for the rest of its life they attack with their razor sharp and very long teeth and claws and appear very similair to crawlers but they have much larger flylike eyes and a bigger head to hold in place their massive teeth and have a slightly goblin/gargoyle like look to them and also have a greenish but not more stone lime look to them

Very lethal and exotic environment exclusive creatures if death incarnate these beings aren't always the most common as they most of the time don't spend their time in the daylight of the city rather seeking out or spending their days in the jungle and/or other exotic environments shaped like zombified buglike humanoids with scorpion tails carrying more of the infection within its sacs these creatures relentlessly stalk and hunt their prey and while they have their teeth and claws their main tool of the trade is their tail when injected into a victim they not just become paralyzed but also get infected with the virus they can also choose to going acid at distant targets their skin is tough enough to survive glancing blows from weapons making them as slightly more tough to defeat but what they are really known for is their patience and surprising amount of speed stealth agility and intelligence they don't spread the disease through the claws though

Large hulking beasts with giant cybernetic cannons on their right arm covered with metallic armor and half of their face covered in a metal cage and physically fit these beasts are a major threat to deal with on the field their main weapons is their cannon which fires orbs of energy that explode with the power of a frag grenade they also have a large amount of stamina and physical strength and posses more intelligence then the standard walkers crawlers and tanks and their metal can deflect lesser bullet types such as light pistol rounds

Hulking beasts of pure unfideled rage and fury blind but possessing a great degree of hearing and unparalleled strength skin tough enough to deflect bullets and literally able to rip a car in two and burst through stone walls with minimal effort but while they can easily be outsmarted make sure you have a heavy caliber weapon while facing this creature characterized by its silvery stone colored skin large bald like eyeless face and head this is a true force to face on the battlefield

These creatures walk on four short legs with a large tail like object on top of its body lined with glowing spikes and the creature gas a vaguely human head these yellow green spikes that they fire have two fire types normal and infective when ordered by a higher ranking more intelligent being the spikes that they fire are very lethal and sharp and can easily peice even the most modern body armor at a rate of about 120 spikes in one minute or infective these hollow type spikes inflict fluids that carry the infective parasite and three direct hits from a spikes can completly infect a living host they are very fragile though and fall quickly under enemy fire

These are a mutatic gene of beings combined of flesh and machine like cannon hounds they carry a weapon on their arm but those time they are either a chainsaw or a long straight blade used for slashing and stabbing opponents made for straight up killing creatures rather then infecting them it also takes place as a slightly zombified humaniod with all its red muscle skin showing (like that chainsaw creature from killing floor two)

Humaniod pod carrier
These are very slow fragile infected humanoids usually infected from those already fat or obese this allows them to conjour up and place inside the host more fluids of the parasitic infection inside of them and are notorious for bursting and exploding in a acidic puddle and cloud of both poison and acid up to 5 feet in all directions they also will grab you and try to puke acid on you to try and melt you're face they are easily penetrated and defeated by gunfire just try to refrain from engaging them at close range

Pod carrier
These long four legged spider like creatures carry sacs of eggs and pods inside of its back sac capable of launching and carrying small creatures into its stomach to be infected and turned to the board these creatures are remarkably resilient to damage but have a vulnerable spot as in being their head and right on top of their mid section if their body they can fire sacs that release pods of small wormlike infection forms and leave a puddle of acid that burns the skin and poison the mind to the very smell and touch they can attack with a punces bite but it isn't known to be powerful they aren't overly aggressive preferring to let their sacs do the work

These were the "L-class species" aka low-class species typical very common somewhat during movements and widely known of and this class are FAR from the most dangerous and FAR from the most intelligent of the creatures that the X-virus creates these are the "foot soldiers" created by the X-virus

Next up are the "R-class species" these are more rare more exotic and more deadly and more effective agasint enemy units the R stands for "Rated-class species" meaning these creatures have reached the halfway point between being low level "thugs" And being easy to despatch to being creature that can pose a considerable threat to even veteran soldiers that aren't prepared for their fight with these unholy offspring

These flying hornet like creatures fly somewhat slowly over head of a battlefield dropping sacs that either explode in contact and detonating infective juices into an aopponant creature or having the sacs burrow into the ground acting as land mines for enemy troops and can be extremely damage to unarmored foot soldiers they also have six very sharp legs that can be used to pick up and stab enemy troops and a pincer jaw that can snap a man's neck with ease their tails that hold their sacs hang low underneath their body which makes it a prime target to shoot at range from a distance they also share some color similarities with hornets and wasps such as being black and yellow striped

These "Sargents" of the X-Virus can sometimes be seen acting as field commanders and warlords of the X-Virus's forces both of their hands are instead roaring chainsaw like blades and they have a pair of wide muzzled energy cannons on their shoulders that fire balls of kinetic energy and with armor integrated into their skin they can pose a serious threat to enemy troops especially with their ruthlessness in close quarters and are known to be able to speak short and simple sentences marking them as being one of the most intelligent R-class creatures out their and they are in general one of the strongest R-class beings known to man their only major weakness known is fire..use LOTS of it when combating them

These terrifying half snake half human like beings are horrible to look at disfigured humaniod face go my skinny claw like hands and a serpentine like body that resembles a mixture of both snakeskin and human flesh no one knows for sure what their roles are but they have been seen acting as field commanders shock troops and normal combat field troops possibly marking them as a "Swiss army knife" among the infected and much like the Chaincannon they have been reported to be able to speak short and simple sentences but at a much clear voice time and it isn't so garbled by metal and fluids they strike with either their razor sharp claws or their massive horrifying tail and can bite non infected humaniods to infect them they have a very strong dislike of water and also fire as well

Among the stealthest of the infected they use biomechanical "goggles" to zoom in in targets then use a very long scorpion like tail to fire a single high velocity dart that infects those that it hits instantly they can only fire about 50 in a minute but their nearly silent sound that they make whenever they fire their darts males them very hard to detect and their pitch black stone like skin makes them harder to detect during the night but unlike many other infected creatures they are extremely fragile and a single well place gunshot or sword shank will cause it to die it's very large fly like eye are especially vulnerable

These slightly bipedal 8nsect like creatures make up the main flying units of the infected ranks known for their sktterish and jumpy personalities they have keen senses especislly hearing and have the unique ability to sense tremors and quakes in the ground so they are often set in areas where those who will try to take them out stealthily will often be as she to the fact that they can lick up on the vibrations that their feet cause if they aren't being to careful they have two long arms as pincers and a stinger that can be used to inject venom and spread the X-virus there wings flap quickly but are very fragile and their carapace can take much blows or gunshots from enemy fire but they are quick and frankly quite agile

These winged worm like creatures make up the "fire and firget" portion of the flying tanks if the infected tgese heavily infected gaint slugs and worms are now nearly 10 feet long and are 3 feet thick their two massive wings allow them to fly at a speed of about 35mph and are capable of regeneration even after being cut in half highly advise that you use fire or other types of anti organic weapons when combating them their spiral jaws can rip through a human torso in seconds again they are fragile but very quick

Ripwolfs four legged winged wolf like zombified creatures possessing an unparalleled sense of smell and strong hearing they can run up to 40 mph the bite with parasite infected jaws that can year flesh apart and their wings allow them to fly/glide short distances (150 feet) and they can use this at a nearly fully silent ability thus making them nigh undetectable at night when attacking and they also have better then average night vision

Large intimidating demonic shaped creatures they possess a screeching squeal that can deafen and damage the hearing of creatures within 50 feet of it and their massive large and sharp claws tear into flesh and light materials such as wood plaster and sheet metal they also have wings and their bipedal gargoyle like faces make then a terrifying threat to behold on the battlefield and they are able to fly at speeds up to 30 mph on a dive and able to ing to nearly any surface

These humans are infamous for their ability to.refuse.to.stay.dead they have extensively improved resilience to damage and are knwon for their massive sucker like holes in their faces that they use to puke up the virus at a short range they otherwise appear nearly fully humaniod with minimal change to the hosts body but they however will keep moving and regenerating unless you destroy either the brain or the heart making them a target to be best taken out at class range from behind as they have low senses such as very poor hearing sight and virtually no sense of smell or by a single accurate shot from a distance to either the forehead or upper head area or the dead center of the heart

R-class species are known as "Rare class" species these species a few in numbers and are quite rare but a potent force commanders and are extremely difficult to fight even for the most veterans soldiers fortunately for humanity though is that these species are lesser known of (so less public panic in the few "safe zones" left on earth) and are very rarely encountered

These aquatic based creatures resemble a mixture of a snake and a humaniod fish creature mix rarely heard of and spotted only at sea or coastal areas and toxic water being somewhat common in this story these creatures infest any watery based area that they can and whenevr they sense or rather spot a unsuspecting humaniod they released sonic pulses that the human brain registers as a seet luliby song by a women with a voice like silk and smooth honey but once they get in range of the sirens teeth and claws they are doomed the sirens then strikes inflicting parasitic wounds with their claws and draining their blood with their jaws they are however only about as resilant as a human that isn't infected by th X-Virus so a single well placed blow it shot from a gun kills them instantly

Spotted only in Africa and desert areas these human elephant and Rhino like mutated creatures(so qualities of all three of these beings mixed into one horrific being) they charge at 30mphand strike with a headbutt with a force of about 5 tons of force their bulletproof skin makes them invulnerable agasint most conventional sidearm and small arms fire but if you manage to shoot their eye a you can kill then quite quickly they also have a large 5 foot tall horn that which when stabbed into a target or object causes the infection to spread from its horn it's has been shown to be surprisingly resilant to fire based weapons as well as other anti organic based weapons other then acid which has been proven to be fairly effective against them they have enough strength to knock over a lighter tank or armored vehicle as well

These very long and large Eel like creatures inhabit the open ocean and codtal areas especially coastal areas with reefs and underwater hills and mountains and ruins ambush monsters at heart they are very very skilled at hiding in plain sight with their ability to change their skin color to match that of the surroundings they possessed a infecting and poisonous bite that causes a transformation into an infected within 30 minutes of initial contact unless dealt with already they also are know to act like constrictor snakes coiling their bodies and wrapping their bodies around targets their skin also leaves behind a sticky mucus that causes breathing problems as it immediately hardens once you take it out if the water or it touches anither organic creatures causing these to protentally be a great ambush type weapon their skin is fragile though and is easily cut

These mutated shark like creatures inhabit the deeper part of the oceans hunting down their prey with vicious speed and/or aggression biting down on them with not infective but still very very lethal jaws that have proven to be able to bite fully grown human in half time and time again they also have skin that's tough and is said to feel like slimy sandpaper but they can however infect anyone who tries to catch/touch them through skin to skin contact

Sleeper gnats
These massive 30 foot long shark like snake mixtures inhabit the deepest parts of the ocean hunting for any surviving seafood that may of escaped the initial grasp but eventually they also may decide to instead go to the surface to feed this is when they have been spotted the most they move slowly and don't often eat much and are very solitary creatures they however are the cresture that is infamous for infecting and intoxicating the water releasing the X-Virus genes into the water making it a murky soup they also but down with a force of 5 tons they have tougher skin then their surface dealing counterpart the sharkfang

Hydrask squid
These aliomite creatures have massive circular like shells that hold a squid like creatures inside massive in size they are able to eat a fully grown human whole and are used as transport barges occasionally by the X-virus's troops their shells are incredibly tough able to withstand multiple blows from smaller caliber rifles and cannons as well as lighter type of rockets and their suction cups on their tenticles are hooked and jagged and carry the X-Virus within them

These lumbering giants of the sky are infamous for their eventually polluting of the air and the creation of artificial clouds marked as priority targets by human and OC forces as they float around and infect the sky very very slowly but while they can withstand a few shots from a rifle gun a direct/indirect missile shot will take them Down easily if they manage to get right close above you they have tenticles carrying the infection that they can slash you with they are huge at about 10 feet high and 4-5 feet wide(judging on if the humaniod host was already obese and male and female hosts typically yield different results)

A high ranking R-class species made by the X-virus this crab like mutated creature carries with it a massive and very thick she'll that has been shown to be able to survive direct missile hits they are also quick able to run up to 20mph and being very physically strong hey cab life up to 15 tons their pincer claw can slash at targets carrying the X-virus within them and can slice a car in half it's crushes claw carries a tremendous amount of power behind hit and it's crusher claw can crush a brick wall it's also highly intelligent for an infected form it's so rare simply due to the fact that so few of its numbers exist they act as field commanders and since that they can carry other infected forms within it it's also used as a mobile mini base it can also fire sacs of infection at distant targets it stand roughly 20 feet tall

These mutated goats posses a great degrees of stubbornness and strength they are capable of running at 40mph and ram a target with its head for a powerful blow no matter how much damage it takes if it can move it will try to ram you it's head is also bullet proof and immune to small arms fire they only stand about 5 feet tall and can bite and spit in you're face which causes infection but are rarely seen due to their main habitat being wide open fields grass lands and rocky mountain areas

T-class species these species are known as "Titan-class" species they are very powerful and the second highest ranking class of infected in the world they are surprisngly common though and they are usually always marked as priority targets by human and OC forces some of them also reach massive heights

Titanborn the signature "T-class" species standing at a massive 8 feet tall and while it has a humaniod body it's face and body are highly mutaliated and disfigured face and/or body they also have tenticles stored inside of them that they can shoot out to a short range they also process tremendous amounts of physical strength slow moving but smart enough to use weapons such as rocket launchers and have a basic knowledge of strategies and tactics they are also tremendously resilient to damage being able to withstand dozens of gunshots and blows and able to smash down walls

massive multiple legged creatures that resemble the cybugs from wreck it Ralph being about 7-8 feet tall and 10 feet long these massive creatures are a true force to be reckoned with on the battlefield made from a mixture of multiple infected hosts they have a multitude of eyes that allow it to see in multiple spectrums and for a 180 degree field of view from its front it also has rapidly moving I sent like wings that propel it at a speed of 50 mph on a dive it's jaws and pincers fire darts of poison that carry the infection and they fire it to a high rate of fire their shell is able to withstand a good amount of damage before being destroyed and it's claws can peruse through light materials it is also shown to be very intelligent in general with its brain power rivaling that of the smarter creatures in the animal kingdom

Chainheads are the true second in command of the infected ranks very similair to gunhounds they posses much better intelligence and can even outsmart humans on some occasions and are one of the few species still capable of speech even after being exposed and infected to the virus they are also sometimes usually deployed in teams of three to high level locations and missions they have a large cannon on their right arm and extended claws on its other arm strong amount of physical strength high intelligence and strategy sense they are one of the toughest second in command types of species to face in a fight they also have bulletproof armor on their bodies

Other then the very brain of the X-Virus the O-class or "Overlord-class" are the defacto leaders of the infection strong smart and very much terrifying to fight some aren't even originating from living hosts some used to be..buildings

The remains of the famous Effal tower in Paris France this most immobile being is a "back up power unit" for the "main brain" of the X-Virus possessing very high levels of intelligence and  perfect 360 degrees of sight thabks to it's many eyes this creature also can infect creatures with merely it's breath which goes out of one of its twelve breathing holes in its bodily apperance is like a mixture of a ball and the effial tower and inside three hearts and four brains exist the only way to bring down this thing is by destroying it's four brains and three hearts within 1 hour of each other especially target it's brains as they control it's movements and limits it's control over other beings it's hearts just keep it going as long as just one exist the others will keep regenerating it also has hundreds of small snake like grapple hook like tenticles all over it's body as well as mind controls ability

These towering four legged crab like giants have no claws and it is known how this beast was ever made only four are known to exist at all and is one of the very few species to naturally use human made weapons resembling that crab mech from the brine kingdom in Aquaman its used to carry dozens of creatures into the fight and it's legs can strike holes into the ground and on top are four 120mm cannons that fire high velocity flak rounds it also has an incredibly thick shell able to withstand even bombs it however doesn't spread the infection on its own unless it's using it's cannons which can also fire shells that explode in a puff of infecting smoke that spreads over a wide 20 foot area and s single direct impact from these shells of both types can result in an instant death to most 50 percent of targets aka virtually all lighter targets

These trilobite like creatures are some of the most powerful forward assault species that the infected ranks posses providing very safe transport to small amounts of ground forces while being able to punch back at whatever targets attack it seemingly machine like these creatures have been rumored to not even be an infected type creature but rather a type of flying biomechanical creature from the depths of hell itself it's shell has been shown to be able to withstand up to six direct missile hits that are of a larger caliber such as rockets have been shown to be rather ineffective agasint them they are also able to fire a beam of pure energy that has two fire modes one us a beam that lights targets in fire and the other turns them into an infected being their main weakspot is their belly and the bottom of them in general they can also fly up to 150mph

Only one "Belldown" exists as the parasite literally infected the walls of the ruined Big Ben turning it into a towering semi motionless bipedal super intelligent being that acts as one of the four "backup brains" of the main "brain" this creature appears as a motionless blob for most of the time but when it needs to move it becomes a hunched over gargantuan hunk of muscle mass fat and flesh with the very big Ben tower itself being used as its main weapon it now fires a massive beam of pure energy that infects all those within a 150 feet so far this ability was only witnessed once and the CIA tried to classify it but to no avail as hackers managed to find it (found out who they are shortly) same as before destroy it four hearts and three brains and you'll kill it for good

Esperinza Esphange(just made up some words tbh XD)
Currently the tallest infected ranked creature in existence the infection literally infected the Empire State Building as it is now a rectangular mass of flesh muscle and fat with dozens of shapeless eyes all over it's body and various over weapons taking out this creature would require a force equaling hundreds maybe even thousands of the best soldiers in existence this creature has five hearts and six brains instead of the usual three and four and has an impossibly thick skin that almost nithing can penetrate it

These slightly squid like tower like creatures make up the "sentry towers" of the infected ranks seen often around the main "secondary brains" as well as the "main brain" these beings posses large degree of natural infective weapon and a very very keen sense of sight they are deaf however and couldn't hear someone firing a gun right beside it at point blank range while yes it is a feat to bring one down they do not act as brains for the main stem and thus can be used as cannon fodder by the main stem 

The strongest of the infected skeletons this infected tyrannosarus skeleton is the "assault commander" of the infect ranks being 40 feet tall and possessing a keen intellect and a bloolust that cannot be quenched this being doesn't digest its food like most predators but instead eats them then brings them back to a cresture that can infect other beings to thus add them to their ranks (he does so by puking them up) he is also strongly immune to fire but is afraid of water use this to you're advantage if it happens to spot you

The most terrifying creature other then the main stem these dragolich like hydras posses four heads a massively thick hide flight and a powerful level of intelligence it can fire beams of necrotic energy that also infects those it hits/kills there are only four known Excidepra's in the world one for each major point in the compass they stand at 60 feet tall and weigh up to 150 tons taking one down will be a major blow to the infected forces

A gargantuan wormlike creature that is one mile long and 100 feet wide only two exist so far and they exist only in the Arizona desert and the Russian oil fields they can only be killed by its single brain and two hearts being destroyed within 3 hours of each other they destroy and cause city's to collapse and destroy buildings

Great blue
A zombified blue whale with extended fins and tenticles all along it's body and it's developed a taste for flesh and the urge to infect all that it can within its reach it's unknown just how many of these creatures exist but they have been proven to be valuable assets to the infection

The main stem

The original brain and true leader of the infection aka the X-virus itself it exacts it will agasint any creature that carries the X-Virus within it it's very smart and is nearly omnipotent at times and has its own personality it views human and other organic life as just food for its own body just meant to be infected it's true location isn't known but rumors have said that it's underground or in a castle or in them sky even

No one knows

Demons also will appear in this story but I'll be using things such as the demons from DOOM 4 aka baron of hell imp the unwilling etc etc etc

WolfDragon152 I think I might of put too much words here tbh XD

Aka 5641

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