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As the sun began to show over the new York horizon Kade was making his way up from the sewers he hated that place but he supposed it was better then nothing as he lifted up the sewer lid and climbed out lifting his baseball bad as he did so in means of self defense.

Sydney Riichi and Hana where still down there they elected him to get supplies again a cause he had "attempted" to give them "false hope" on his claims that some other force is fighting against the infected.

He had shared a few words with Hana and Riichi well really just Riichi Hana stood there silent while Riichi cursed him out for trying to convince them yet again for saying that the infected had other forms of resistance out there in the city itself as he sighed and began to walk forward down the street.

It wasn't long before he heard a "whoosh whoosh" sound and he glanced up walking slightly slower now as a helicopter flew over head it wasn't infected either and it bore a strange symbol on it's sides that bored a red background on it's side that from his brief look at it looked like a square with a cross on it as it flew above him outright ignoring him and a few moments later a few more vehicles flew overhead as well with jet engines on the bottom of the chassis.

"what in the hell?" he said watching the helicopters fly over head the new ones also bearing the same markings as they flew towards a clearing in a nearby block.

Abelard was pissed seriously pissed he worked so hard and those damn guardians came along and in an act of desperation forced him to destroy a research facility that was actually quite important to him it was where be had conducted most of his experiments there and he had returned due to a disturbance there he figured it was nothing but s rare nowadays wold animal or some stragglers from some offshore ship wreck or plane crash after all they still had commercial flights and cruised around the world..for some strange reason.

After communicating to his second in command Sargent Illich and told him to reply to the baron of hell known only as scourge a very high ranking Baron of hell who was one of the field commanders of the demonic forces on the mortal world.

As his helicopter touched down in a clearing a group of imps followed by a pair of revanants turned towards him and made its way towards them.

As he stepped out of the helictoper they faulted somewhat as a roar was heard behind him and a deal reptilian voice said "do not attack them while they are human they are our allies!!" Roared a massive unusually well armored Baron of Hell with patches of white over his body stomped toward it as the human said

"Respect you're master demons you don't wanna go back down to hell the hard way right?"asked Illich in a cold tone devoid of any sort of emotion.

The demons snarled in reply and back off allowing him to approach the demon as the demon lowered his head and snarled "why have you come here human?"he asked hissing somewhat

"The northern base has been destroyed Scourge we-"he was cut off by an angry Baron of Hell yelling at him

"YOU WHAT!?"he asked

Illich's eyes narrowed "you heard me demon those guardians forced us to sink it deep into the arctic ocean"he was then faced with confusion as the Baron of Hell started to rasp laughter "that is good you must of forgotten human but leavithan himself has arisen from the ancient depths of the ring if fire..as you humans call it buts its real name is the Abyss of Hell it is the portal that sea demons use to reach you're world"he rasped

"Hmm..I guess that us good news then"he said silently

"Indeed..now..anything else...?"his voice trailed off as he picked up an aura from the nearby buildings

"Hmm.."he growled and sniffed the air

"What is it scourge?" Asked Illich

"An aura..it isn't human..or demon"he mused as he began to send out scouts

He had better then usual eyesight for a human and he seen the most brief flash of a scope of a sniper rifle as a shot rang out striking scourge in the shoulder as his armor merely deflected the shot as he visibly flinched somewhat growling as he said "get them!!" To his minions which consisted fully of four lmao two revanants and two Mancubus's and one summoner as another shot rang out striking one of the two  revavants in the chest causing it to stumble before it exploded in a burst of flame guts gore and blood.

Soon after also of the four imps fell in quick succession as Illich said"Heli six three and heli six four engage that shooter"he ordered the two out of the three gunships to pursue and engage the assailant as one of the mancubus tried to fire back but a shot pierced it's tank on its back causes gases to spray wildly in all directions before it's belly combusted and it exploded in also a gore filled bloody mess.

The two helicopters fired a barrage of rockets from their wing mounted missile pods as the figure dived back as the missiles slammed into the rooftops creating a massive cluster of small fireballs.

Kade was just coming back with some stolen food from an abandoned grocery store carrying it in a old cart trying to be as silent as possible when he heard the guns shots he stopped began to get excited and this time instead of a phone he took out a camera and prepared to take pictures and if possible a video.

But then he heard the explosions of warhead type weapons probably missiles and they appeared to be getting closer.

He glanced up and saw a figure dashing quickly across the rooftops being prysed by two of those strange looking helicopters from eairler as they fired another pair of missiles each and the figure jumped into the air as the missiles slammed just below the humaniod that apon a closer look he discovered that it was a female and..was that a tail and ears that she had?

"Is that a cosplayer or some shit I knew that this world was shit but holy fuck"he mused deadpanning but his mood quickly changed when she dashed right towards him he could tell that she hasn't spotted him yet as she slammed into him both of them letting out a verbal "AMPH!!" As the figured tackled into Kade sending him flying into a shadow filled area.

"HEY WHAT WAS TH-HMPH!!" The figured who sis indeed have ears and a tail slammed a hand over his mouth and said "wanna alive survivor stay.silent "she said in a  commanding tone as the helicopters stopped and hovered over their current position before they lost track of her thinking she was now dead and flew off.

After another set of seconds she removed her hand from his mouth.

"NOW WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?"he screamed at her

Her ears flattened due to the loud noise as she said "shut it human I just saved you're ass"she mused

"What the-human aren't you a furry or some shit!?"he asked

"A furry-?you know what never mind what are you doing out here not just demons and infected hunt you human nowadays"she asked still Hold in her aggressive tone

"Getting food for the others what where you doing here!?"he asked in a rather loud tone

She was now more calculating then just before as she said "at least you had a reason I nearly took off one of the heads of the demon army on here"she said

"Hu-huh righttt"he said heading over to the cart and began pushing it again as he suddenly stopped froze and whipped his head back

"WAIT I WAS RIGHT!"he said

"Right..about what?"asked the neko

"That me and my group aren't the only ones left in this city!!"he said honestly excited for once in his life

"Huh..I see..and what do you want me to do..come with you to you're..hideout?"she asked

"Yes.yes I do"he replied

The neko had a poker face

Meanwhile  back near Europe Shinano was talking to the former pilots if the cargo plan that was shot down she had learned that they where carrying more survivors medical supplies and that bomb for a possible future assault against a lightly defended but still vitally important to the infected ranks by one of the supecities military forces mainly European countries where involved in this though.

She also learned that they had yet to engage infected vehicles and were caught fully off guard when those infected fighter jets appeared.

And of course he had no idea who they where as Shinano said introduced herself her teams the others and what there purpose when he said that they had been summoned roughly twenty years ago to combat the infected and demonic ranks many of them burst into tears and thanked them with all there heart much to most of their embrassement

Kate asked Shinano"how much longer till we make landfall?"she asked

"We should be there tomorrow night and we will make landfall I the morning in two days"she reported back

Kate nodded "alright" and walked off

Shinano sighed this was fun she admitted helping these people was fun but she didn't realize the small cluster of objects moving towards her from straight in front of her on her radar screen until a few minutes later as she narrowed her eyes uninfected destroyers nothing to really worry about as she sat down and for the first time in days fell asleep.


Illich is based off of a Russian character from an Ace Combat game ace combat assault horizon and he shares the same name as that character

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