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As Shinano neared Denmark one of the passengers was revealed to be a veteran of one of the initial conflicts of the Human/X-demon war he managed to survive and was the only survivor of the 101st marine regiment that went up against scourge and his army as well as the X-Virus.

By that time most of the infected forms were simple minded and most involved walkers crawlers and some tanks and they where holding their ground fairly well.

Until the demons started to show initially they where successful in defense but then those with some actually intelligence began to show and the infected unleashed new forms that they had never encountered before and took advantage of the marines shock and over whelmed them forcing them to move to scorched earth Tactics.

The sound of dozens of explosion rang out as a man shouted into his radio.

"This is company commander we've encounter a massive amount of freakbags by the river requesting air support be advised we are in the kill zone!!"Said a middle aged man as he and his company of twenty marines loaded and beares rifles and began to take up positions and aim down the bridge along them was two Stryker armored vehicles and one Abrams main battle tank.

"Roger company commander be advised air support will take a while we've encountered strange interferences with our radar signals we're having trouble location position commander air support ETA is fifteen minutes"said the command base in reply.

"Roger we'll hold out and dig in till then"he replied as his troops got into position

A black hawk flew over head and radioed "company command you got a lot of them total number appears to be about sixty in total"he said as the helicopter gunner began to fire short bursts to lighten up the mob killing about a dozen of them reducing it to 48 infected in total before the helicopter flew off and as it flew off a few began to get back up despite having both arms and legs blown to bits and hanging by a mere fleshy thread as they limped and crawled their way towards the group of heavily armed marines.

"Steady...steady..NOW" said the company commander as he switched off the safety of his rifle and fired a long burst down the road into the horde of monsters his company following suit.

The monsters were met with a lethal blow as the metal bullets rained into them mowing them down easily as they tried to force through the marines sheer volume of fire it didn't work out so well.

"Keep hammering them!" Said a marine

"Heads up tank incoming!" Said one soldier

Sure enough a tank burst through the crowed it grabbed a nearby garbage bag and tossed it but it hardly had an effect on the soldiers as the tank began to take hits from the marine before bring shot by the Abrams main gun bursting into a masisve ball of blood and gore.

Eventually the mob was killed as the  A 10 flew over head mowing down another group of zombies that had joined the fray with its Vulcan autocannon

"Command company commander here we've mopped up in-holy shit!"he cursed as he ducked as a glowing spike flew over his head impaling a marine in the shoulder as he cried out in pain as strange spiked creatures walked forward vaguely Human faces remained on the front of its leg section as it fired off more spikes.

The marine suddenly began to turn as a fellow marine in an act of mercy shot him in the head preventing him from turning as the two stykers began to fire back with their machine guns the spikes merely glancing off its armor.

In return the machine gun fire killed the spiked creatures.

Meanwhile over the city American aircraft had performed multiple amounts of air strikes killing hundreds of infected but many where still coming as the military began in some places to get over run.

"Mr president those things are starting to get out of control we need permission to commence a wide carpet bombing of the city"said one of the presidents chairmen

"Hmm..fine tell our units to stand their ground for a few more minutes and allow our bombers to enter the airspace"he said reluctantly

"Yes sir be advised that the civilian population evacuation if ninety nine percent complete some extraction forces got caught up in the crossfire of bravo battalion"reported another chairmen

In the streets of New York a Chinook helicopter flew over a crowd of zombies the gunners taking pot shots at the crowd below.

"Hold up hold I'm seeing something odd..what the fuck!" The Chinook was suddenly hit was a glowing pink energy causing the cockpit to burst into flames as it lost control and crashed into the side of the building as a cacodemon appeared in the air

"What the fuck are those things..fucking demons!?"Said one marine on the ground

"Appears so focus fire on those bastards!"Said a tank commander as it fired it's main cannon killing the cacodemon

"All units be advised unknown aircraft have entered the airspace they host biological signs as well as mechanical"said the command base

As soon as they had finished speaking a pair of fighter jets flew over head but they where covered in a brown substance and trained long tails like gaint flying squid as they suddenly turned and flew off down the street heading straight for the marine battalion.

"What the hell...incoming!"dived marine as missiles fired from the infected planes and impacted multiple armored vehicles destroying two tanks and a Stryker.

And to make matters worse a colossal demon covered in white armor smashed through a wall grabbing a Humvee and throwing it into a group of people where it promptly exploded in a ball of fire.

"So that's how in a mere few days those demons and infected took control of our cities and towns by force they came at us in massive numbers and forms some of which where immune to regular conventional firearms"FINSIHED the veteran he also added that he was in the group assaulted by that white baron of hell

"That's scourge one of the field commanders of the demonic forces of earth known for his ruthlessness and savage might he's been one of our primary targets for years...and he knows it his armor is probably the only thing keeping him alive but we haven't seen him in a while perhaps he's scared"said kate

"I doubt it Kate he's strong even among other baron of hells"said Greyback

"Nice to meet you too captain sunshine" she mused in reply.

"So..You're charged with hunting these demons down?"asked one of the citizens

"Somewhat yes where just charged with protecting humanity"said Kate

"What are you anyway?"asked another

"Spartans"said Pathfinder as if that explained everything

"-genetically modified and enhanced humans essentally superhumans"said pirate quickly

They nodded a but confused but also a but interested and slightly concerned for an odd reason

"Huh..I'm picking up some activity...where nearing the harbour of demark"mused Shinano

Sure enough the ports where nearing them on the horizen unlike the rest of the world Denmark had been relatively unscathed in the great war demons and other infected don't seem to enjoy going near the forests of the country.

Meanwhile Scoruge was growling and he muttered "just you wait guardians..just.you.wait. you will all perish and burn and for in hell!!" He let out a massive screech from the building he was in his armor already fully healed from his encounter with Artemis from before.

Artemis meanwhile was having the time of her life.

That was sarcasm by the way

This human "Kade" she called him "Kaden" once but he nearly blew a gasket on her for calling him that

"Come on hurry up!" Said Kade running as fast as he could holding the food he managed to steal from the now empty stores

"Hey I evaded missiles you didn't!"she replied

He didn't reply as he barged into the main room and screeched "HAH I WAS RIGHT I KNOW I'M USUALLY AN IDIOT BUT FOR ONCE I WAS RIGHT!!"

Artemis merely put down here ears as she heard footsteps and extra extra long sighs and scowls and a little but of cursing

But they froze when they spotted her and she said sheepishly"uhh..hi?"

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