Chapter 1: The New Student

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I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel

Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?


"Shut up man!" I laughed.

"Hey! It's true! I swear, this kid literally tried to do some kinda magic stuff when he was eight years old!" My best friend, Andrew, pointed at me, laughing.

Andrew is my best friend from preschool and was my first friend that I met. He is tall and slim, and didn't take shit from no one. He has dark skin, dark hair, and dark eyes, basically the epitome of darkness itself. He was an endurance athlete, meaning the sports that he enrolled in was based mainly off of endurance, like track or soccer whereas I was more of a martial artist who did physical contact sports like Boxing and MMA.

My other friend, Kris, who was much like Andrew in looks and athleticism began to chuckle. "I'm sorry, but you gotta admit. It is kinda funny, just thinking about you screaming strange things about bunny rabbits and spells."

We were in the park near our houses, talking about our memories together and whatever came up to our minds. The park was a precious place to us and held a place in our hearts. It was the place where we used to hang out ALL the time when we were younger. We even once created a stick house out of huge sticks and logs, big enough to house multiple people. It lasted throughout winter, and it never broke down until the park managers tore it down. We were heart broken, but we moved on. Now, the park is rundown and uncared for, but it's still our park and that won't change.

"By the way, did you hear about the new kid?"

I turned towards Andrew, and looked at him with a questioning gaze. "A new kid? In our grade? Where did you hear that? "

"A teacher was talking about it and I overheard. And you know what else? She came from where you moved from!"

My heart raced, and blood rushed to my face quickly. Memories of a girl came flooding in as the dam broke in my mind. If she was the person I was thinking about then...

Years ago, I moved away from Andrew and everyone else to go to California for a few years. This, of course, was never my choice, but my parents forced me to go anyways.

It was the first day of school, and I was unnaturally quiet. If it were any other place, I would be talking to people, getting to know them, but this was different. Many of the boys looked at me as if they were eying prey, and were about to pounce on me.

I also didn't care for many things like my looks, smell, and health at the time, but let's forget about that. Those were dark days.

I scanned the room after being introduced by the teacher, looking around to see everyone in the room, hoping there was at least one boy who didn't look athletic and wanted to kill me. Then, my eyes landed on her. She was sitting in the front left of the class staring at me with no interest before talking to her friends for a little. She had dark hair and dark eyes with pale skin and a gray dress. To be blunt, she was...beautiful.

You know when you see someone and you immediately get this weird feeling in your stomach that makes you feel happy just by looking at them? Yeah, that feeling appeared when I saw her.

I later learned her name was Layla and she was the last person I liked ever since that I last saw her.

She never really had a crush on me, or at least I don't think she did. We did become friends though. Around the middle of the year, we began to actually talk after I cracked a couple of jokes and she began to laugh. She was funny, and always smiling when I was around. I remember this one time we began throwing paper balls at each other at point blank range. I remember every bit of it.

But then one day she stopped talking to me.

I felt heart broken, but I didn't do anything about it. If she felt that I was unneeded in her life, then so be it. I'll let her do anything, as long as it keeps her happy.

Andrew took notice of the unnatural redness in my cheeks and quickly took advantage of that. "Oh! Ohhh!" He began to tease, "Is someone...blushing? Is my little Jared in love with someone?"

I grew even more red. I always hated when someone always took notice of that. It's always so embarrassing for me and it was even worse because it was usually so obvious!

I saw Kris out of the corner of my eyes, trying to hold in his laughter, but in vain. He began to cough uncontrollably and wheezed on the floor, finally letting loose his laughter.

"You guys are assholes..." I muttered.

"Hey! We aren't just a hole made for crapping!" Kris defended, still attempting not to laugh at my predicament.

"Yes you are...."


Suddenly, my phone buzzed and I whipped it out to check who or what had sent me a message.

'Mom: Plz com in now. Its way too dark.'

The two crowded around my phone before chuckling.

"Aww, does Jared have to go to his mommy?" Andrew teased once more.

"Shut up or I swear I will kill you!"

We all laughed together before beginning to walk away, Andrew and Kris walking together as they lived right next to each other and me walking another way.

"Alright, I'll see you guys tomorrow at school!" I said, waving at the two.

"Yeah! Seeya!" Andrew yelled.

Kris nodded and waved at me before he began walking the other direction with Andrew following him.

I turned around and began walking towards the path that led to my house. Suddenly, a large, cold gust of wind hit me in the face. I held my hands out in front of my face and it disappeared as soon as it came. Then I noticed everything.

It was dark outside. Way too dark. Shadows seemed to cover up almost everything except for the street lights that shone brightly. Something is wrong here.

I began to shiver uncontrollably as another cold gust of wind hit me. Why did I have to come out in a simple T-shirt?

Suddenly the lights began to flicker wildly. Without warning, a streetlight at the far end of the street burst. Then another one, and then another. Finally there was only one.

The last one burst, shattering glass all around me. I looked around in the dark night, confused and scared out of my mind. "Who's there!" I yelled. My heart raced, thudding against my chest like a jackhammer.

No one responded. Leaves began to rustle The shadows around me began to dance....or was it my imagination?

I quickly turned and ran. It must have been my imagination, but I swore I saw a figure in the distance looking at me.

-----> Next Day - 8:10 - Octobre 12 <-----

"Oh man! I'm so late!"

I raced through the maze like halls of my school and skidded to a stop before turning another corner and running again.

My alarm clock was set to a completely different time, probably the work of my younger brother. Thanks to him, I am now ten minutes late to class.

I ran through the hall, looking for my class number. "820...821...822!"

I slowed to a stop and caught my breath before slowly walking in, my heart thudding. Everyone stared at me, some giggling at my expense.

"Jared!" The teacher exclaimed, "What a nice time to join us! Only 10 minutes late, you couldn't even beat your best record at skipping the entire class period!"

More giggles spread around the room, making my ears look like fire hydrants were glued onto my head.

My teacher, Mrs. Mackenzie teaches Science to the ninth-graders, even though she "hates freshmen". She is strict, but is a good teacher and can always crack a good joke at the right time.

"Sorry, Mrs. Mackenzie! My brother set my alarm clock to a later time!" I said, " And to be fair, I skipped class on that day because my brother hid all my things."

Mrs. Mackenzie smiled like the weird cheshire cat in the movie Alice In Wonderland. "Aha! So you admit to skipping class!"

"No I didn't!" I protested. "I missed it an-"

"Yeah, I don't care."

Full blown laughter ran throughout the room as Mrs. Mackenzie smiled triumphantly. "Just sit down. I'll let you off the hook this time, but only because we're in the middle of introducing a new student to the class!"

"Huh? The new student?" I asked.

Mrs. Mackenzie moved to the side and the face of the new student was revealed. She had dark hair and dark eyes with pale skin.


Hey guys! Whats up? So this is my first Romance Fantasy novel with its own characters (I usually do Fanfics). Tell me what you guys think about this, cuz' I wanna know what I can do to improve this story even more and make it better! If you like it, don't forget to leave a vote and a comment that says what you think about it and what I can do better!



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