Chapter 2: The Son Of Destiny

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What in the world is going on? First, Layla somehow managed to get into my school and join my class, and now she's sitting next to me?

I mean, to be fair, she hasn't looked at me for the past twenty minutes.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the class. I slowly got up to pack up my things. Everyone else filed out, one by one, seemingly in a daze. No one talked. Soon the room was in full silence.

The lights flickered. The shadows stretched. They seemed to form shapes, smiling sinisterly. A cold gust flew past me, regardless of the fact that we were in a closed room. I shivered, not from the cold but from fear. The cold fear of the fact that I was going to die.

I ran to the door, and moved the door handle...

It was locked.

I was locked in here and I was going to die.

The shadows seemed to laugh, and the lights turned completely off. I tried moving the door knob again, but in vain. Soon I heard footsteps, echoing off the walls of the dark room. I heard a knife being drawn out of the sheathe. My heart thumped like a sledgehammer. I moved the knob even faster, wishing for it to move with all of my will power.

'Please! I can't die here!' I thought furiously. 'What will I tell my friends!'

I slammed the knob one last time moved. I burst out of the door, sweating, my pupils dilated. I looked around, the school was dark. I looked out the windows and gasped.

It had turned night.

The lockers began to open and shut on their own, as if it were some sort of horror movie. I ran down the dark hallway, laughter being heard behind me. I soon found the large, glass school doors and ran out, nearly tripping on the marble stairs that seemed to be stained with blood. I looked up, my eyes widening. I stopped.

There in front of me, was Layla, bleeding from her sides, a knife plunged into her side. Below her, on the blood stained floor, was a...creature.

It looked like it had came out of the depths of hell. It had horns, and its skin was dark as night and rippled with bumps that seemed to look more like spikes on its skin. Its' red, slitted eyes were wide open in a glazed look, indicating only one thing.

It was dead

Suddenly, Layla turned to look at me with narrowed eyes. Then she disappeared in a flash of light, blinding me temporarily.

"W-What the..." I stuttered. I looked at the large creature, and then put my hands up to my mouth to ensure I wouldn't puke.

Then I ran.


I looked around cautiously before hopping off of the bus and walking with extreme care to the front doors of the school. I slipped through the mass of kids and ran to my class, not bothering to listen to the shadows that whispered to me.

"This is crazy," I muttered, "This is crazy!"

I ran through the hallways, rushing to my classroom. Suddenly, I slammed into someone, knocking the person down along with me. I fell to the floor, my eyes widening. Was it more of the creatures? Was it a shadow thing?

I looked at the person I slammed into, blood rushing to my cheeks.

"L-Layla! I-I'm so sorry!"

She picked herself up and dusted herself off without a word before walking away to her class, or rather my class. Then my mouth moved on its own.

"What were those creatures in the school?"

She stopped, frozen. She slowly turned around before talking. "They were nothing. Pay them no attention and please move on with your life."

"Huh?" I felt slightly irked. She wanted me to move on with getting nearly killed by an unknown creature from the depths of hell?

"I said move on with your life."

"Hey!" I ran and stopped in front of her. "Look at me! I nearly got killed out there, and you're telling me to go on with my life? Don't joke around with me!"

She moved out of the way and walked away, ignoring me. I stood there, dumbfounded at this girl's attitude.

Then the bell rang. My ears perked up and I bolted as fast as I could to my class, before Mrs. Mackenzie gave me a tardy mark.


It was lunch period, and the day was already almost halfway done. Unfortunately, it was about to get a lot more longer.

"Common! Tell me!"

"Shut up."


"Shut up."

"You gotta tell me!"

"Shut up."


"Shut up."

I sighed. It seemed that Layla's patience was unlimited. I've been sitting here during lunch for the past ten minutes trying to get her to crack, but it's impossible!

"Why won't you tell me?" I finally asked.

"Because you're annoying and stupid."

I sighed. "Why are you so mean to me?"

"Shut up."

I slammed my head onto the wooden cafeteria table. 'One day...' I thought to myself. 'One day, I will make her reveal what happened on that day!'

The sharp, ringing sound of the bell signaling the end of lunch rang and I got up to throw out my half eaten food.

Without warning, Layla's soft voice called out. "Wait."

"Huh?" I stopped and looked back at the seemingly motionless girl with both confusion and a surprised look on my face. "Yeah, whats up?"

"Meet me after school near the forest next to the school."

"Why?" I asked. "Is it about the creatures?"

She left wordlessly, giving me no indication of what was about to happen except for the slight twinkle in her eyes.

If only I knew what were to happen...


I walked across the hallways, through the masses of students, and into the east gym. I slowly walked across the waxed, peachy tan floor carefully, hoping not to attract attention. I reached the door in the far left corner of the gym and walked out of the gym, revealing a lush forest behind the school.

"So you've come..."

I turned to see Layla's long black hair and pale skin. I smiled. "I mean, you did ask me to come," I said, "I'm not exactly gonna break that promise!"

Something shiny looking came out of her eyes, but she quickly turned. When she turned back, it was gone.

'It must've been my imagination?' I thought, slightly confused at the sight that I had just seen.

"Now," She began in a soft tone, "Let's begin...creature of darkness"


Without warning, a dark figure jumped from the school roof and landed between us, creating a crater where he stood and sending both me and Layla flying away from him. "AHAHAAAA!" He laughed maniacally, his fiery, red eyes, blazing with excitement. "It seems you have found me missus!"

He bolted with amazing speed at Layla's fallen figure. Two flaming blades retracted from his forearms as he stabbed into her.

My eyes widened, my mouth opening. Layla was dead? What was going to happen now? "N-No..." I whispered, my pupils dilating out of fear. Immediately, I regretted talking.

"Hmm?" The demon like creature turned and faced me. His eyes widened in what looked like fear, and then bloodlust. "Oho? It seems the boy of destiny is here...BAD LUCK FOR YOU!"

He jumped at me with the same insane speed he used against Layla, and took out his flaming blades. Then he slashed.

With movements too fast for my mind to comprehend, Layla moved from her fallen position to where I was in the blink of an eye. She blocked his attack, and then disarmed his weapons in a blur before flipping up and kicking with a flying axe kick.

The two blurred in and out, their movements too fast for my brain to comprehend the sheer speed at which the two moved. I sat there, my mouth attempting to produce syllables to ask what was going on. Then it all ended.

The two were brought to a stop, and the demon fell from the sky, coughing out in pain. Layla floated above him triumphantly, before floating back down, causing me to nearly crap my pants.

"I...I will kill you..." The demon rasped out, a knife sticking out of his chest. "T-The demon Destiny's child..." And then with one last rasp, he took his last breath and died.

Not that I really cared. All I really cared about was what just happened and how I was still alive.

Then, shrieks of what sounded like multiple demons from hell came from all around us. From the forest. From the school gym.

Layla cursed. "Come with me! Now!" She pulled me up, bringing me to my feet, before the forest around us began to change and swirl. My stomach rose to my throat as bile threatened to fly out of my mouth. Then I landed onto all fours in a strange room with what looked like kanji inscribed onto the dirt brown walls. I stayed in the position for a few seconds, stabilizing my stomach and brain, before slowly getting up, wobbling from the dizziness.

"I had not expected this to happen..." Layla paced back and forth in the room we were in. "This is bad...very bad."

"What is happening!" I said, slight anger slipping through. "Why is everyone attacking me?!"

"Jared," Layla said with complete seriousness. "It seems you are the son of Destiny, the one who created time and space, the one who created your very existence."  

Hey guys! Its me! I just released the new chapter (this one)! I hope you like it! I felt it was slightly unpolished and unfinished however, so if you guys could help me a bit with it, that would be awesome! Leave a few comments saying how you think I could've done better! Thanks!

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