Chapter II

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Grace woke up to see Gajeel wasn't on the mattress next to her. She sat up, finally noticing that his cloth shirt was draped over her shoulders as it slid off them. She rubbed her eyes and yawned before stretching, hearing a few satisfying pops from her back. She stood up and carefully slid down the mountain of scrap metal.

She looked around for the iron dragon slayer but couldn't see or hear him anywhere. She figured he went into the forest for something. She decided to climb the roof and wait for him.

Time Skip

Grace was about to go back into the warehouse when she saw a silhouette in the distance. She squinted her eyes and shielded them from the sun to see better. As the figure got closer she could see it was Gajeel, and he was holding something over his shoulder. She waited for him to get close to the building before jumping down from the roof, surprising him. She gave him a small smile and said, "Whatcha got there?"

He gave her a blank stare, "A boar. For breakfast."

She drooled slightly, "Bacon."

They ate after Gajeel cooked the boar and then just sat and watched the clouds go by. Gajeel suddenly sighed sadly. The red head turned to him and rose an eyebrow, "What's up?"

He answered stubbornly, "Nothin."

Grace gave him a menacing glare, "Spill."

He was surprised at the glare, he didn't think a 13 year old girl could give such a scary look. Not to mention her voice dropped extremely low. He decided he didn't want to make her angry and began telling her about the incident with Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail.

Time Skip

Grace looked down at the ground after hearing everything. He thought she would hate him for being so cruel. To his surprise though she asked with an emotionless face in a serious tone, "Do you regret anything? Torturing anyone? Destroying their guild hall?"

The dragon slayer thought for a minute. He hadn't really tried to think about whether he regretted it. He supposed a little bit.

Seeing his inner turmoil she rephrased, "Let me put it this way. If you saw any of the people you did wrong would you feel guilty? Would you not know what to say to them because you felt like nothing you said would change anything?"

He thought and then said, "I would feel a little awkward. I doubt anything I say would ever make it better. They probably would run away scared or be super pissed."

The girl smiled a little and said, "Then you do regret it at least a little bit. That means you're not a bad person, you were just mixed in with the wrong crowd."

Gajeel looked down with his eyebrows furrowed. He hadn't thought about Phantom Lord ever being known as the bad guys. Though he supposed Master Jose wasn't the most kind Master out there. He didn't seem to care about anything but being the strongest guild in Fiore and money. He just did everything he was told because it was fun to beat the shit out of people. He looked up at the red head, "I guess it was partially being mixed in with the wrong crowd, but it was me too. I did what I was told because I like to fight people."

Grace looked at him for a second before she said, "It's okay to like fighting. It's not a crime. Ain't that what guild wizards do all the time is fight monsters and shit?"

He just nodded, though surprised that a 13 year old girl would use bad language.

Grace suddenly suggested, "Why don't we go find one to fight then?!"

Gajeel looked up at the little girl surprised, "You're 13 years old! There ain't no way I'm letting you fight a monster!"

She just waved him off, "I never said I would be fighting. You would be, and I would just be watching."

Time Skip

Grace was sitting up in a tree, watching Gajeel fight a giant lizard with anticipation. He dodged its attacks and then attacked it with an iron club. The fight carried on for another few minutes before Gajeel finished it with an iron dragon roar. Grace clapped and hopped down from the tree branch, "That was gre-"

Suddenly another giant lizard came up from behind Gajeel and bit his right arm. He screamed in agony as he fell to the ground, clearly poisoned. Grace shouted, "GAJEEL!"

Rage shot through her body and she felt her heart turn black and chest get heavy, signaling she had a demonic aura around her. Suddenly she was covered in a bright light. When it died down there stood a tan colored 9 foot long Sabertooth tiger. She gave a mighty roar, which made the trees lean from its force, before charging at the lizard. She opened her arms and extended her claws, swiping at the lizard's face. She clawed its eyes out, making it blind. She charged at its side and head butted it into a tree. It laid there, trying to regain its bearings. Before it could she slammed her claws on either side of its neck and held it there. She opened her jaws as wide as she could and pierced its thick skin, using her sabers, with ease. She yanked her head to the side, ripping the lizards throat out. Blood sprayed everywhere as the lizard slowly died. She panted and shined gold again, soon revealing that she was human again. The red head collapsed as she was flooded with information about what had just happened. She found out she could Shapeshift into any wild feline that she wanted. Two different kinds, Tigers and Leopards, having control over certain elements.

As the information overload ended she shakily stood to her feet and looked over to Gajeel. She gasped and ran to his side. Looking at his arm, she gasped as it was a bright green color. The poison was spreading fast, luckily she could heal using one of her new shifts. She chanted, "Shapeshift! White Tigress! Water mode!"

She glowed gold and turned into a white tiger. She placed her paw over his poisoned arm and chanted, "White Tiger's Poison Heal!"

Her paw emitted a light that glowed a blue color, and the dragon slayers facial expression went from pained to peaceful in a matter of seconds.

Grace shifted back to a human and waited as Gajeel slowly sat up. He looked at his arm and saw it totally healed. He looked at the red head with a surprised look on his face, "Did you heal me?"

She just nodded. He asked, "But I thought you didn't use magic."

She smirked, "That wasn't magic. I don't know what it was but it's called shapeshifting."

He didn't feel like dwelling on it anymore and said, "Let's just catch dinner and get back to the warehouse so we can call it a night."

They continued that routine for the next week, Gajeel letting Grace fight and catch food for them sometimes.

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