Chapter VII

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Grace growled at the male but agreed as she shifted back to a human. She sat up against the crystal and watched the fight. Happy picked Gajeel up and flew him up to the exceed where they immediately began fighting, iron club to giant sword.

Happy suddenly said, "I don't think I'm gonna be able to hold you for very long. You're a lot heavier than Natsu."

Gajeel smirked, "Then put me down. It don't feel right havin Salamander's cat carryin me anyways. Until I find myself a flyin cat I'll stick to good old fashioned dirt."

They began fighting again. Gajeel caught the sword and stopped its attack with his bare hands. He used his magic power to shatter the ground beneath him and the sword into pieces. Grace had to hold back a laugh when she saw the mad man look on the iron dragon's face when he screamed, "I'm gonna make you my cat one way or another! Ain't nothin you can do about it!"

Gajeel gave a war cry and jumped into the air, landing a hard punch to Pantherlily's right cheek, "Before I do that though, I'm gonna have to teach ya that I'm way stronger than you! Salamander and that little girl are gonna be so jealous a' me!"

Grace couldn't hold her laughter back at Gajeel's sudden insane switch being turned on and burst out laughing, clutching her stomach. Happy gave her a weird look and asked, "What's so funny Grace?"

The girl wiped a tear from her eye and said, "It's just...he looks...TOTALLY INSANE!! AAHHHAHAHAHA!"

Happy gave a horrified look at the red head, "I can see why you two became friends! You're both super weird and crazy!"

Grace smirked at the blue exceed, "Bein normal's for losers! Crazy people have the most fun!"

Happy's eyes widened before he turned back to the fight as Gajeel chanted, "IRON DRAGON ROAR!"

A huge dust cloud formed, after hitting the black and white exceed, on the ground and the iron dragon slayer gave a maniacal laugh, he'd finally lost it. Grace snorted in laughter and was rolling around on the ground. She laughed to the point of nothing but whistles coming out as she laid on her back kicking her legs.

Now the fight was shifting to hand to hand combat. Each male delivered hard punches to the other. Grace had finally calmed down and she sat next to Happy with her legs in the criss cross apple sauce position. The cat stated, "Is it just me or is Gajeel getting a little distracted here?"

The red head perked up at that and looked up at the Lacrima crystal. She was about to tell Gajeel to hurry his fight up when she felt the air pressure around them become thicker again, but she couldn't figure out from where whatever it was, was coming from until it felt like the island had an earthquake. Pantherlily smirked, "The dragon chain just attached to the island."

Grace gasped as Gajeel said with wide eyes, "They didn't make it in time!"

The island started rumbling violently and Grace shifted into her white Tigress air mode again. She flew off the island and got a safe distance away along with Happy. The crystal started turning a fiery red color. It started moving towards Ecstalia.

Grace's ears began ringing as the wind blew. She looked down and saw a large blue creature flying quickly towards them. As she squinted and looked closer, she saw Lucy, Erza, Gray, and Natsu riding it. Grace flew down to the island as Happy screamed, "Quick Gajeel use your dragon slaying magic to free everyone from the crystal!"

Grace stated without moving her mouth, "There's no time!"

That blue creature suddenly rammed its head full speed into the front of the Lacrima. Happy went down to Natsu as they heard him scream, "Give this thing everything you've got! We ain't losing nobody!"

Grace and Gajeel looked at each other with huge smirks and ran to help push the island as the iron dragon said, "Alright! Temporary truce! We'll finish this later after we stop this thing!"

Pantherlily shouted after them, "You imbecile! Once it's begun there's no way to stop it!"

Grace looked at the exceed and smirked, "You obviously haven't seen the power of Fairy Tail yet!"

She chanted, "Shapeshift! Sabertooth Tigress!"

She jumped off the edge and onto the blue flying beast, digging her claws into the earth of the island she used all her strength to push on the island, Gajeel joining next to her. The iron dragon smirked, "Don't push yourself too hard, don't want you to blow out your back at 13."

Grace growled and said, "Shut up jackass! Focus on putting your strength into pushing this thing not coming up with lame insults!!"

The male just smirked even more, "You just can't come up with a comeback."

Grace growled even louder, her anger was reaching its boiling point. Gajeel smirked at this, his plan was working. He knew that when the red head gets worked up she goes into a rage and crushes everything in her path, it's why they never took a job fighting people. She sunk her claws deeper into the island, "ROOOOOOOOOOOOAAAARR!!!"

She let loose a mighty roar that shook everyone's bones to the core. The island suddenly slowed down tremendously, but it was still moving towards Ecstalia. Suddenly all the Ecstalia exceeds joined in helping push the island back. Everyone kept pushing with everything they had. A surge of magic power erupted from between the two islands and the crystal was pushed away from Ecstalia. Everyone was sent flying after a powerful surge of magic surrounded the crystal.

Grace quickly shifted into her white Tigress air mode and caught Gajeel on her back. He sat up and everyone watched in awe as the dust cleared. The Lacrima was gone. The island soon disintegrated. Lucy asked worriedly, "What happened?!"

Gray said, "Don't know. It just disappeared."

Wendy asked with tears pricking her eyes, "Do you think they're...?"

She couldn't even finish the sentence. Everyone turned around as they heard a voice, "Don't worry. They are all safe."

Erza stated, "Mystagon."

He apologized from atop a white flying beast, similar to the blue one, "Sorry to keep you waiting."

Happy asked hopefully, "Everyone's back to normal?"

The masked wizard confirmed, "Yes. It's finally over."

Everyone cheered, some had tears in their eyes and others just laughed. Grace held her paw up for Gajeel to high five, which he did with a smirk.

Mystagon unmasked himself as he thanked Pantherlily for saving him. The exceed said with tears pouring down his face, "You're welcome, my Prince."

Lucy exclaimed with wide eyes, "He's what!?"

Suddenly Pantherlily was struck with a pink laser beam in the abdomen. Gajeel screamed from Grace's back, "NO!"

Grace quickly flew over and caught him by the back of the shirt. She flew down towards the ground, Gajeel jumping off before she landed. She gently placed him on his back and looked at the injury. Gajeel asked worriedly, "Can you heal him?!"

She nodded, "White Tiger's Healing Breath!"

She breathed in, the inside of her mouth glowing a light blue light, and blew on the hole in Pantherlily's stomach. It began to close. She blew harder as she was running out of breath, making the wound heal faster. It was completely closed up when she collapsed out of breath, panting. She laid on her side and looked over at the muscular exceed as he sat up and looked at himself. He examined where the beam hit and saw nothing. The only sign that he had gotten hit was the hole in his armor. He turned to the tiger with a confused look, "Why did you save me? I tried to kill you and your friends."

She smiled and said without moving her mouth as she sat up, "Do you wanna know why I gave in so quickly when Gajeel told me to sit the fight out?"

He unconsciously nodded so she continued, "Because you're a type of feline. I love all species of felines unconditionally. They are all my family, whether I know them or not. Or if they are evil, or ugly, or just down right mean, I still love them. That included you."

He was about to say something when they heard Edolas Erza speak, "You're no noble exceed. Just a lousy traitor and fallen."

Gajeel raged, "How dare you!?"

Mystagon held his arm out and said, "I have had enough of your insolence Knightwalker. How dare you point your sword at me? The royal Prince of Edolas."

They heard echoey laughter and then a loud voice, "You the royal Prince of Edolas? Don't make me laugh. You don't deserve that title. I never even thought of you as a son."

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