Chapter XIX

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Team B waited to be called to the arena. Grace was restless, she couldn't wait to see the look on everyone's faces. Gajeel smirked at the red head's excitement. Mira giggled, "My, Grace. You're excited aren't you?"

The shapeshifter nodded, "I can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces! Muahahaha!!"

They all sweat dropped at the red head and her madman laughter. Suddenly they heard Chipati announce them, "And now for the runner up! Oh! This is a's Fairy Tail Team B!!"

Grace strutted in front of the group with a smirk on her face. They entered the arena and saw the surprised faces of the audience and the other guilds, including their own. They stopped and Grace had a proud smirk on her face with her hand on her hip as she shifted her weight to one leg. Lucy exclaimed, "How is that fair?!"

Gray and Natsu sweat dropped, "You kiddin me!?"

Grace and Gajeel chuckled. Everyone questioned whether it was against the rules to have two teams in the games. After Chapati and Yajima cleared up that it was allowed Lucy asked, "Why didn't you tell us this was your plan Master?"

Master Makarov just laughed like maniac, "Ya like that?! This is how the Fairy Tail guild takes care of business!!"

Natsu raged and ran at them, "This is a big load a' crap! We may be in the same guild but that don't mean jack! If I gotta fight against any of ya, I'm not pullin any punches!"

Gajeel smirked and got in the fire dragon slayer's face, "Wouldn't have it any other way. I've been itchin pound your face in."

Grace sighed and shook her head at the male dragon slayer ego. It's a dangerous trait that's always fun to watch. Erza walked up to her and asked, "I didn't think you would be into this sort of thing. I thought you didn't want to fight people."

The red head smirked, "I've got a new trick up my sleeve that I learned from my training that makes it so I can fight people more easily, meaning that I have actual hands, instead of just having to rely on my elemental attacks."

The other female nodded, "I can't wait to see what it is then."

Chapati finally announced, "Now last but certainly not least, is the guild that came in first place during the preliminary. That's right! You know them! You love them! Give it up for the strongest guild in Fiore! SABERTOOOOOOOOOTH!!"

Grace turned quickly when she heard that name, and watched the one person she never wanted to meet again walking out onto the arena floor with his arms in the air and his cocky smirk on his lips. She growled, her anger spiking. She saw the other one, Rogue was his name, and slightly calmed down. She was cool with him, as long as she didn't look at anyone else from their team she would stay sane. She heard Gajeel speak in a harsh voice, "What are you starin at pretty boy? Got a problem?"

She looked at where he was looking and saw Rogue turn away from him and say, "Nothing important."

Grace got past her anger and suddenly had the urge to taunt the blonde dragon slayer. She smirked and strutted over to them, on her way saying, "Well. Fuck. Me. Dead. If it ain't Sting-fucking-Eucliffe."

The male looked at the girl as she approached, as did the rest of team Sabertooth. She continued as she stopped a few feet in front of him with her fists on her hips and looking up at him, "How long's it been? A year? Year and a half?"

He narrowed his eyes at the girl, he remembered her. His ear still throbbed every once in a while from how hard she grasped it. She smirked at his upset expression, "What? Too scared to speak Blondie Boy?"

He grew a tick mark, "I ain't afraid a' you!"

This just caused the red head's smirk to widen, she was having fun, "Touchy touchy. How's your guild? Pussytooth? Isn't it?"

Sting glared at the girl, angry when she only chuckled.

Grace's ears suddenly started ringing and she felt the air behind her become thicker. She quickly whipped around and smashed her open hand into the person's face, grabbing it, and then using all her strength to slam them into the ground. She was on one knee with her hand still over the person's face as she finally looked at who it was, "GAJEEL?!" She removed her hand from his face and went into a squatting position as she said angrily, waving her arms around dramatically, "Fuck's wrong with you!? You should know better than anyone not to sneak up on me!!"

Team Sabertooth and the other guilds just stared with wide eyes, amazed the girl had just taken him down without seeing him coming. Gajeel said, still a little dazed from what had just happened, "I thought you were distracted so I was gonna try to scare you."

The red head shook her head and pointed to Sting with her thumb, "The fact that I was talking to that fucktard meant that I actually had my guard up dumbass!"

She stood up and held out her hand for him to take. He grasped it and she leaned all her body weight back to pull him up. When he got to his feet he looked at the blonde male and asked the shapeshifter, "So who is he anyway?"

Grace stated with her fingers locked behind her head, "That's the guy I mentioned about three months ago. The blonde of the twin dragons of Sabertooth."

Gajeel thought for a minute before he asked with a raised studded eyebrow, "The one that you said you wanted to rip limb from limb?"

The red head winked as she said, "Bingo!"

Everyone looked at the pair as if they were insane, how could they be talking like that so casually?

Mira, not knowing about the hostility and having only seen her walk up and start talking to the blonde, suddenly appeared next to the red head, "So Grace is he your boyfriend?"

Gajeel said quickly, "And that's my cue to leave."

Grace gave him a look of horror and betrayal, "Traitorous mother fucker!"

She turned to Mira and said, "Hey Mira what's up?"

She recoiled a bit as she processed what the she-demon had actually asked before, "Hold up. What'd you say before?"

The white haired woman said with a smile, "I asked if the boy you were talking to was your boyfriend."

Grace blinked before she snorted in her nose and then finally burst out laughing. She clutched her stomach, hunched over and then threw her head back as nothing but wheezes came out. She gained her composure and said as she wiped tears from her eyes, "Oh jeez. Mira I didn't know you had such a great sense of humor. Huuuuuh. That was hilarious."

The woman tilted her head confused, "I was serious."

This time Grace froze and went wide eyed. She looked up at the take over mage for a second, then her face twisted into one of intense disgust as she said, "What! Of course he's not my boyfriend! I have standards ya know! And fuckboy is not one of them!"

Mira clasped her hands with a small blush, "Awe. But you two would make such a cute couple."

Grace gave a mortified expression and said, "When hell freezes over and the heavens come crashing down to the earth, is when I'll ever think about dating that thing!!!"

Mira suddenly squealed, apparently having not heard a word the red head just said. Grace would know that squeal anywhere. She panicked, "Mira don't you dare!!"

The woman just kept squealing as she placed her hands over her cheeks, "Mira! No! Stop!"

The take over mage finally exploded, "Your babies would be so adorable!!! Blue eyes with red hair!! Green eyes with blonde hair!! And freckled faces, awwwwe!!"

Grace threw her arms up in the air, "There she goes!! I'm now going to go die in a hole somewhere!!"

The red head turned around to the light dragon to see a devious smirk. She wondered why he was making it until a sword went past her face. She narrowed her eyes in boredom, "Here we go."

Erza stated menacingly, "I will slay any male who may threaten my precious GG's innocence."

Grace stood facing the re-quip mage slightly, and lifted up her pointer finger and placed it close to the top of the blade that was almost pushed into the frozen blonde male's throat. She gently pushed the blade down as she said, "Erza. One, I already accepted dying alone when I turned fifteen, and two, there's no way I would ever sleep with someone like Sting. Like I said before I have standards still." She looked at the armor clad female and nodded slowly with wide eyes as she said, "Now put the sword, awaaay."

Erza did as told but kept a glare aimed at Sting as the sword disappeared into thin air.

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