Chapter XVI

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Everyone sat in the guild waiting. Macau saw Romeo reading a book and said, "I'm surprised you didn't go on the boat with them, Romeo."

The young boy just sighed and said with a frown, "Even if they found the island they probably aren't even alive. It's been seven years."

Macau gave a tight smile to try and cheer him up, "Come on Romeo don't be like that, have some faith."

Grace nodded as she sat across from the boy, "Yeah. I haven't given up hope. And obviously the fact that they even went to search meant that everyone else has some hope left. Ya gotta at least think a little positive Romeo."

The door to the guild hall opened and in walked none other than Twilight Ogre. Grace growled as Macau said, "T-Boe! I thought we agreed that we'd pay you next month!"

The mage informed, "Yeah we mentioned it to our Boss and he said no way in hell. He said we're gonna have a problem if you don't pay up. And our master always gets what he wants."

Grace growled lowly until Romeo suddenly stood up, "Screw your Master. You're not getting any money from us today."

Macau commanded, "Romeo!"

T-Boe smirked, "I suggest you drop the hero act kid."

Romeo lit up his hand with purple flames, "You may be able to boss around my dad and the others just because they're afraid to stand up to you. But I will, because I'm not gonna let you guys disgrace Fairy Tail's good name!"

Grace said, "Romeo stand down!"

Macau charged for the mage and got in front of Romeo, taking the hit for him. Macau was sent into the wall. Romeo shouted, "Dad!"

Grace growled lowly, "Shapeshift. Bengal Tigress. Fire mode."

She glowed gold and transformed bengal tiger. She roared a blast of hot flames towards the Twilight Ogre mages, burning them and hearing their screams of agony. They laid on the ground burnt to a crisp, except T-Boe, Who shakily got up with lots of burns on him, "You ain't gonna defeat me."

As soon as he finished that sentence he was suddenly sent flying forward into the back wall of the guild. Everyone looked at who did it and saw all the missing Fairy Tail members standing in the door way with smiles on their faces. Natsu said with a toothy grin, "We're back!"

Happy said with a smile, "Sorry to keep you waiting for so long!"

Grace saw Gajeel and quickly shifted back to normal as she jumped on him, tackling him to the ground. Everyone else soon followed the red head and created and huge dog pile. Grace was close to tears but she didn't let any fall, "GAJEEL! I missed you so much!!"

The iron dragon slayer winced as she hurt his injuries even more but patted her head with a smirk, "Sorry Little Red. We kind of had a little mishap on Tenrou island."

Everyone asked how they remained so young and how they survived. After explaining everything, the whole guild partied like there was no tomorrow. Grace stuck to Gajeel almost like glue. She talked about what she had been doing for the past seven years, looking for Tenrou, going off and training, and then coming back. She was out of the loop almost as much as the missing guild members were, considering she was gone for five of those seven years.

Gajeel was surprised that she had decided to stay on a deserted island to train, but understood not wanting to be around anything that could distract her from it. He wondered how much stronger she had actually gotten since she had already been strong before.

Grace was just as surprised as Erza when she heard Bisca and Alzack had a little girl. To which Mira asked, "Wait. Weren't you here for the past seven years too?"

The red head scratched the back of her neck with a guilty smile, "I kind of went off the grid for five years after a year of helping search for you guys. Then came back a year ago, but I never visited the guild much because I was repairing me and Gajeel's house. I actually showed myself for the first time in months today."

The iron dragon stared at the girl wide eyed, "You fixed the house? How bad a shape was it in that it took you a year?"

Grace looked down sadly, "It was basically none existent, I had to start from scratch."

Gajeel smirked, "Well some hard labor ain't never done anyone any wrong did it?"

Grace pouted at the male, "You know I hate hard labor though. It was excruciating, and you know as a human I have no upper body strength whatsoever."

The dragon slayer laughed, "That's why it's funny!"

The red head glared, then smirked, "I'm planning on painting your room pink."

The male immediately stopped laughing and glared, "Like Hell you're gonna paint my room pink!!"

This caused the red head to throw her head back and laugh. Erza came up behind the girl and said, "It's glad your sense of humor and sadistic nature hasn't changed, Grace. We should spar one of these days."

The shapeshifter said unsure, "I'm not sure an animal would be a good match for a weapon Erza. I like to use my physical strength as much as I can and try not to rely on my elemental powers, even though they have gotten a whole lot stronger."

The armor clad female nodded in understanding, though disappointed. Mira told the green eyed girl, "Grace you've gotten so beautiful! You're freckles are so cute on your nose and cheeks! And your body has gotten so curvaceous, you must have boys coming after you all the time!"

The red head gave a bored expression, "I don't usually go out in public so no, they haven't."

Cana came behind her and grabbed her breasts, "These puppies have to have got you some kind of action over the years."

The girl shook her head, unfazed by the fact that her breasts were being messed with, "Nope, never even been asked out."

Cana and Mira gasped. Cana smirked right after though, "So you still have your V-card. We'll have to get rid of that. Men don't like a girl that's inexperienced."

Grace said blankly, "I'm not innocent. At least not mentally. Physically I'm as virgin as you can get, but I know everything if not more about how to have sex and to pleasure a man. Learned it before I even met Gajeel. Also I have a dirtier mind than even you Cana."

Gajeel, Mira, Cana, and Erza looked at the red head with wide eyes. Erza was blushing as red as her hair. Cana and Mira were trying to figure out a man that would be able to handle this woman. And Gajeel, well he was having an inner conflict with himself. Something felt different about the red head. He felt, oddly attached to her more now than before they went to Tenrou. Maybe it was because she was older and more mature. Maybe she was a full grown 20 year old female now, and not the wacky 13 year old he had met all those years ago. He didn't know, but it was confusing.

Suddenly the guild doors burst open to reveal five members of Lamia Scale. Sherry greeted, "Hello lovelies! Glad your deaths were exaggerated."

Lyon spoke with a smirk, "You've only been back two days and you've already trashed the place."

Gray stated with wide eyes, "No way! Lyon?!"

Grace smiled widely and said, "Lyon!! How's it hanging!?"

The ice make mage looked at the girl before recognizing her. He gasped, "Grace is that you?"

The red head smirked, "In the flesh."

Lyon got tears in his eyes and ran to the girl, enveloping her in a hug, raising her off the ground, "I thought I'd never see you again!! Six months ago I went back to the island to search for you but found you no where!! I was worried that you were gone!"

The red head chuckled awkwardly as he crushed her middle body. She tried to move her arms and pat him on the side to let her down since he had them held there, "Uh Lyon. You can put me down now."

The male quickly placed her down and apologized before looking her up and down with a smile, "You've grown so much! I bet your ice powers are so much stronger now!"

She smiled proudly, "Yep. I'm way stronger now than I used to be."

Gajeel was growling in his throat through the whole interaction while Mira and Cana were trying to figure out how to get the pair together. That is, until Lyon turned his head and laid eyes on Juvia. His face went red and his eyes had hearts in them. He ran up to her and grabbed her hand, "I never believed in true love until now."

Juvia gave an expression of confusion and fear and said, "No! The love triangle has become a love maze!!"

Grace laughed, "Welp, guess Lyon's not gonna want to see my ice powers anytime soon! He's got love on the brain now! Haha!"

Gray walked up to the green eyed girl and stated with a smirk, "I'd like to see it if that's cool with you."

The red head smiled and said, "Sure but let's get outside the guild so I don't freeze anyone on accident."

He nodded and they exited the guild doors and went up to the top of the hill behind it.

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