Chapter XVII

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Grace chanted, "Shapeshift! White Leopardess! Ice mode!"

She shifted into a white leopard, causing Gray to stare with wide eyes. She thought about what to do. She perked up and chanted, "White Leopard's Freeze Ray!"

A beam of ice shot from her chest when she puffed it out. It hit a cloud that was floating by at about eye level to the two on the hill. The cloud froze solid and fell from the sky into the valley below, shattering when it hit the ground. Gray looked into the valley in awe, "Woah. That was awesome. I didn't know you were that powerful."

The leopard smirked, bearing her teeth, "Well that's because you haven't really ever seen me fight."

The dark haired male nodded and asked,"Ya got anything else?"

She rolled her eyes, "Duh! White Leopard's Ice Blizzard!"

The air all around the two suddenly became freezing cold, Gray was even shivering. Shards of ice began raining down from a strange looking cloud above them. They could barely see in front of them. Grace wasn't affected of course since she was completely immune to the cold and all ice attacks. She sent the storm away, the sun reappearing after the cloud disappeared. Gray stated, "I think that's enough for today. Jeez it's been a long time since I've felt cold. Better not tell Natsu about how strong you are, he'll try to fight you for sure."

The red head giggled after shifting back to normal, "I know right."

Time Skip

It's been about a week since the guild members from Tenrou came home, and Grace felt like it was time to get back on the solo jobs after taking a few team ones with Gajeel so they could catch up.

Grace walked up to the mission board and looked for one that would take her a while, she wanted to get away for a little bit. She settled for one that would be supervising a scout troop on their three week camping trip around the forests of Fiore. Since she lived in a forest for five years she figured this would be a piece of cake. She got it stamped and headed on her way.

Huge Time Skip because laziness is key

Grace had finally finished the three week camping trip. It was a scout troop of all young boys. They were a riot. She helped them pull pranks on the other adults, saved them a few times from venomous animals and poisonous plants, helped them understand wildlife as well and how every living thing has its own purpose in the world. She had fun, little boys always brought out her inner goofball since they were all goofballs themselves.

When she arrived at the guild their were four people and an exceed she had never seen before standing at the front gate. She walked up and said, "Hey guys! I'm back from my mission! Who are these people?"

The five turned around and saw the red head. They didn't know who she was either, but Gajeel stated, "Sup Little Red. Glad you made it back safe. And these are some people we fought and made friends with while you were gone."

She shook her head with a smile, "It seems every time I disappear something big goes down with this guild."

Suddenly she felt a strong and armored arm wrap around her shoulders. She looked up and saw a man with redish brown hair, in armor. He said with a sly smile, "Hey beautiful. What's your name and when can I see you again?"

She stared blankly at the male and said, "Grace. And never."

Right when she said that an iron club came out of nowhere and knocked the guy to the ground. She sighed, knowing who it was, "Gaj did you have to do that to the guy?"

The iron dragon said with a scowl, "Yes."

Grace pinched her nose and looked to the other four who she assumed were friends with the male, "Sorry about your friend. Gajeel doesn't really know how to control his protective instincts."

The dragon slayer says angrily, "Ay! If I didn't do it who would?!"

The green eyed girl stated, "Me. I know how to protect myself Gajeel. I spent the first year of you guys' disappearance with the Blue Pegasus playboy crew, you think I can't handle one guy in armor?"

The iron dragon grunted in frustration, causing the girl to roll her eyes. She walked over to the male and stood by him as everyone waved goodbye to the five mages. She had no idea what was going on but figured she should wave as well, just to be nice.

They went back into the guild and suddenly Romeo started talking about the guild rankings. Grace sat by Gajeel at the bar, listening to the boy blabber on, until he said, "Sabertooth is this majorly strong guild. They passed up Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale a while back so now they're the strongest guild around."

Grace clenched her teeth and her fists until her knuckles turned white. She growled lowly, trying to keep her anger in as the memories of a year ago came flooding back. She lost her temper when she heard that Fairy Tail was dead last, "UGH! THOSE ASSHOLES!!!"

Everyone stared at the girl in fear as she shook in anger. Gajeel tried to calm her down, but that just made it worse. She whipped her head to the male glared with an intensity that made him almost shit himself. Erza asked calmly, trying to sooth the raging female, "Why do you sound like you hate them more than anyone else in the guild?"

Grace growled but answered, "A year ago I went out on a mission. Two of their members were on the mission with me. They said they were called the Twin Dragon Slayers, Sting and Rogue. They were cocky bastards, or at least Sting was, Rogue just kept quiet most of the time so he was alright. The blonde fuckface had the balls to say that Fairy Tail was weak and worthless. After seeing how strong I was he even asked if I wanted to join that shitshow of a guild. I obviously said no. When he persisted, that's when he called you all weak and worthless. I grabbed him by the ear and told him if he ever spoke like that about you guys again I'd tear him apart."

Most of the guild was dumbfounded while the more aggressive people were seething with rage. Natsu suddenly laughed, surprising everyone, "This is great! It's gonna be fun climbin our way back up to the top!"

Grace calmed down a bit after that statement but then asked, "How are we gonna do that?"

Romeo stated, "Wow, you really were on a deserted island for most of the seven years they were gone. There's a tournament that's held every year now."

All the members that weren't on Tenrou groaned, "There's no way we're doin that again."

Macau yelled, "We are never participating in that thing ever again so don't even bring it up!"

Gray asked curiously, "What's he talking about?"

Romeo said excitedly, "It's called the Grand Magic Games. It's how they determine who the strongest guild in Fiore is."

Grace blinked, how had she not even heard any rumors about this when she went into town during the past year? She shook it off as Romeo began explaining the games to everyone.

After he was done Master Makarov confirmed that they were going to compete this year and get their title back as Fiore's number one guild, causing everyone to cheer.

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