Chapter 1: The Orb

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The introduction of Blake Riley's Star-Lord and how he became the Legendary Outlaw the galaxy knows by and his enemies' most wanted...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

In the far reaches of space, a ship flies over the planet, Morag. It used to be the home of an advanced and flourishing civilization that was wiped out by a global warming catastrophe. The ship landed on the planet, near a temple.

Then, the back of the ship opened, as a figure walked down. He was wearing a long black trench coat, a jacket underneath, jet boots, and the noticeable colors on him were red, blue, and gold. He was even wearing a mask, the eyes glowing blue, to cover his face. He looked around the planet, as he took out a holographic map.

"Stay with the ship. Contact me if there's anyone else looking for it."

"Understood, Captain."

He then proceeded to move forward, looking over the device, as it showed projections of the civilization on this planet that had lived before this happened. The map led him to the entrance of a ruined temple. He entered the temple, walking through and kicked a couple of Orlonis that tried to attack him. He activated his jet boots to fly over a large gap, and brought out a tool to open two large doors and reveal an area.

He walks inside and finds the Orb, floating inside of a barrier. The man then took out a gravity mine and aimed it towards the Orb, to which it flew straight into the mine.

"Oh, I really love this thing. Now, my little friend, you must be the Orb that everyone's talking about. I wonder what is so special about you." He said as he was inspecting the Orb.

"Drop it! Drop it now!"

He then turned around to see Korath and two Kree soldiers aiming their weapons toward him, as they entered.

"Oh great, the Kree. Hate these guys." He said, softly.

Korath: "Who are you? Identify yourself!" He demanded.

"Oh, me? I'm just an ordinary junker, looking around. But, I suppose that you won't fall for that one. There is one name that you might be familiar with."

The man stepped forth as he deactivated his helmet. His revealed him to be a young, good looking man with a bit of facial hair. He looked serious as he stared at Korath.

Korath: "Well, well, Blake Riley. The Legendary Star-Lord. We meet again, at last."

Blake: "Hey, Korath. You're looking rather well."

Korath: "Should have expected you would be coming for the Orb, as well." He said.

Blake: "If Ronan sent a grunt like you after this thing, this tells me that it's not anything good."

Korath: "You have no say in this, thief! You will answer to Ronan for all the crimes you have committed against the Kree!" He yelled.

Blake: "Really, helping the poor people out is considered a crime? Jeez, you Kree guys are such fucked up in the head."

Korath: "SILENCE! No more talk, hand over the Orb and surrender yourself." He said as he aimed his weapon.

Blake: [Chuckles] "You should already know by now, Korath. That doesn't fly with me."

Outside of the temple, a couple of Sakaarans walked around Star-Lord's ship, and were going to check to see if he even traveled alone. As they went around the back, the ship opened up and a couple of blaster fires were shot, killing all the Sakaarans.

The individual that shot them was a female Luphomoid, with long blonde hair and a visual prosthesis on her left eye. This was Nebula, one of Blake's crew members. She was the adopted daughter of Thanos and adopted sister of Gamora, until she left that part of her life and joined with Blake and the Ravagers.

"Nice shot." A female voice called out.

Nebula smirked and turned around to find that voice belonging to Loki, the Goddess of Mischief. She had long dark hair, green and dark green Ravager clothing with golden highlights, and wore her signature helmet. After the events in Svartalfheim and faking her own death, leaving her by herself on that planet. Then, Blake arrived on the planet, as he detected an energy signature which came from the Aether. Loki approached him and was offered to join him. So, instead of going back to Asgard, she joins the Ravagers and hasn't regretted that decision.

Nebula: "Thanks, but we have a big problem."

Loki: "Ronan. The Kree. They're coming for the Orb."

"Did you girls get him?"

Footsteps were heard as the girls looked to see Kraglin approaching them. Kraglin was part of Yondu's group of Ravagers, but after a heroic sacrifice, Stakar offered him a spot with his Ravager and gladly accepted. Kraglin even has Yondu's Yaka arrow to remember him by.

Nebula: "Yeah, Kraglin, but we have to warn Blake about the Kree being here."

Kraglin: "On it."

He rushed to the cockpit and communicated with Blake.

Kraglin: "Captain, the Kree are here! Nebula took care of the ones that were near the ship."

Back in the temple...

Blake: "Yeah, I figured. Get the Metallica ready for take off."

Korath: "You are not going anywhere!"

Blake smirked as he then launched the Orb in the air. Korath and the others looked up, as Blake quickly took out his blasters. He shoots Korath, sending him flying back, and shoots the two Sakaarans, killing them both. The Orb then falls down, as Star Lord catches it and runs away from the temple, activating his helmet. Korath slowly gets up and looks to see Star Lord escaping.

Korath: [Growls] "STAR-LORD!!!" He yelled out loud, as his scream echoed.

Star Lord rushes towards his ship, till he sees a couple of Sakaarans approaching and firing on sight. Blake's hands began to emanate with lightning and shot a blast towards them, shocking them on contact. Blake leaps into the air, landing on top of his ship. Kraglin had the ship ready and opened the cockpit as he saw him nearby. He entered his ship, as the Metallica then flew away from the ground, leaving Korath and the rest of the Sakaarans there.

Korath growled and screamed in frustration that the outlaw escaped with the Orb and that Ronan wasn't going to be pleased.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

On board the Metallica, the team were miles away from the planet Morag. Music was playing in the background as Kraglin was jamming out and Loki hummed the song. Blake remained in the cockpit as he was holding the Orb in his hand. Nebula enters the cockpit, as she sees him by himself.

Nebula: "Hey Blake." She called out to him.

Blake: "Hm? Oh, hey. I didn't hear you coming."

Nebula: "Something in your mind?" She asked.

Blake: "Just thinking about this. Honestly, this is really starting to give me a headache and I need something to distract me."

Nebula: "Maybe I can help fix that."

She then grabbed the Orb away and placed it on the control console. Nebula sat on Blake's lap, and leaned in for a kiss on the lips. Blake kissed right back, as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She then wrapped her arms around his neck, as she deepened the kiss.

Kraglin: "Captain, I-Oh!" He paused as he saw both Nebula and Blake making out.

Nebula: [Groans] "What?! What is so important that you have to interrupt?!" She demanded.

Kraglin: "It's Stakar. He wants to speak with you guys."

Blake and Nebula looked at each other, as they got up. He got the Orb and headed towards the monitor, while Nebula grumbled.

Blake: "Stakar."

Stakar: "Hey kid, you got the Orb?" He asked him.

Blake: "Yep, but unfortunately I ran into a situation while retrieving this thing. I ran into Korath and a few Sakaarans."

Stakar: "Ronan...where are you now?"

Blake: "I'm gonna head towards Xandar, meetup with the Broker. See if he's got answers I need."

Stakar: "You need backup?"

Blake: "I can handle this one. I'll let you know when I do." He said as he turned off the monitor.

Loki: "Why would we need to meet with this Broker? Nebula could tell you what you need to know about the Orb."

Blake: "That is true, but I'm also curious on who else out there wants the Orb and what they plan on doing."

Kraglin: "And we then get paid, right Captain?"

Blake: "Eh...we'll cross that bridge when we get there." He said as he went over to the cockpit and prepared his stop to Xandar.

With the Ravagers...

Stakar leaned back on his chair, pinched the bridge of his nose, and exasperated. Aleta, his wife, walks up to him.

Aleta: "Stakar, is everything alright?" She asked him.

Stakar: "It's that kid, Blake. It's just...I don't know if I did it right. Raising and protecting him like his parents would've wanted."

Aleta: "My love, I know that the way we did is different from how normal families do, but we are all that he has and from what I've seen, Blake loves being a Ravager. And everyone around has done their part in helping him, even train him for any worst case scenario."

Stakar: "Yeah, and I'm thankful for that. But, I still can't help but worry about that boy. Every dickhead in the galaxy is after him, bounties have been placed on his head..."

Aleta: "We'll be there for him." She said as she gave her husband a soft kiss on the cheek.

Stakar: "Mainframe, keep close tabs on Star-Lord and if there's anything off, even the tiniest bit, report to me and we'll go bail him out."

Mainframe: "Yes, Captain!"

Stakar then goes over to the side of his ship, and looks out beyond the stars. He closed his eyes as he remembered a few key moments.

"Be there for him."

"We trust that you will take care of him with our lives."

Those voices don't go away, but he lives by those words everyday of his life and he'll keep on going with it.

To be continued...

A little short for this first chapter, but don't worry, more will come soon! For a little teaser of the next chapter, you will see how this Blake Riley joined with the Ravagers. I will also incorporate a few more flashbacks with the other main characters! Anyways, see you guys in future chapters, peace!

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