Twenty-Three: Family Blood Magic

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Oslac stood within the tiny room at the top of the tower. The water within the Trabem pool reflected the light of the stars shining through the skylight above it, projecting dancing patterns on the shadowy walls surrounding him. Nervous, he glanced over his shoulder once, twice, three times.

"What? Now you're worried?" he said aloud, then rubbed his hands roughly down his face.

He glanced towards the closed wooden door one more time.

"Nobody is coming!" he scolded himself and turned back to the Trabem pool. "Get on with it!"

He then forced his hand into his pouch and drew out his light orb. Holding it in his shaking left hand, he watched the scarlet ribbon swim and swirl amongst the white and violet magic inside. He was going to find out who his best friend truly was. Soon, he will understand more about her than she knew herself! He let out a long wary breath and stepped forward, held out his light orb over the pool and pinched at its smooth side to grab the scarlet ribbon. It followed his movement with no fight as he drew it out, wiggling like a streamer in a gentle breeze. Oslac let it go and didn't dare to blink as he watched it hit the glassy water. As soon as it was fully submerged, the stillness was taken over by violent choppy waves. The suddenness of it made Oslac stumble back with an involuntary gasp. He caught himself on the stone side of the pool and pulled himself forward again, so that he could view the secrets that the Head of Biabus-Lus' blood would reveal.

The water rippled for only a moment or two then went completely calm again as a scene filled the now graceful, undulating surface. The prince saw a lonely street within a lowly village. The scene was murky under the evening sky, with just a hint of orange, flickering light to help light up the dark silhouettes of the surrounding houses.

"Lucas?" a woman's voice called out, making the vision within the water quickly focus on the woman, who was standing in an open doorway. The warm light from within framed her, highlighting how dark it truly was outside. "Where are you going?"

"For a walk!" Oslac heard a strange echoey voice snap an answer.

"You can't just run every time we have a fight!"

"I'm not running, Lucina..." the echoey voice responded in a calm, but icy tone. Then spelled out in a slow and patronising way, "I - am - going - for - a - walk."

"Lucas, please..."

"Don't wait up."

The vision then snapped away from the woman in the shining doorway and Oslac watched, through Lucas' eyes, him walk away into the darkness without turning back. Lucina called after him, her voice getting fainter and fainter as the Head of Biabus-Lus moved further and further away.

Oslac blinked and suddenly saw a faded reflection of Lucas' face looking back at him. He looked noticeably younger than he did within the cells under Astrid palace, despite the heavy scowl that weighed down his brow.

When the vision moved away from the faint angry face, Oslac quickly recognised where the blood magic's scene had moved to; Lucas was in Central City's nature park, standing beside the fountain, where Oslac would meet Beanni and her brother.

Seeing that familiar place gripped at Oslac's heart, making his bottom lip quiver. He missed her, every second of every day he ached for her. Not knowing where she was, whether he'd ever see her again, relentlessly played on his mind and he couldn't help himself. He hurried to wipe a rogue tear that appeared at his eye and slapped his hand across his cheek.

"Stop being soft!" he hissed. "Focus!"

With a steadying breath he quietened himself so that he would not miss another second of the vision that danced upon the water's surface.

"Lucas," a velvety voice graced Lucas' ear, making him turn away from the fountain. A smile stretched his lips as he took in the beauty of Genelle Fiosolim. Her sparkling, youthful olive-green eyes invited him in as she bit her scarlet bottom lip with a cheeky smirk.

"Hello, my beautiful girl," he said, lifting his hand to caress her tan face. She welcomed it with a gentle nudge and kissed his palm. With a subtle purr she glanced back into his face and he fell back into her sparkling eyes - a place he yearned to be in every moment of every day of the warm season. It was reaching the end of Samhtas, and he knew that it would soon be much harder for the two of them to meet. Lucina will be constantly on his case, more so than she was even now, and the great food crop harvest would be in full swing in only a couple of weeks.

"How long do I have you?" Genelle asked as Lucas began to play with her long mousy-brown hair.

"As long as you want me," he answered, with a wink then leant in for a kiss, but was suddenly stopped by a graceful hand.

"What about your wife?" Genelle asked with a pout. Lucas found such a look on the young beauty so endearing. He let out a chuckle, planted a kiss on her rosy cheek and whispered in her ear.

"Wife? What wife? I have eyes only for you."

Genelle then threw her arms around his neck and kissed him hungrily on the lips. Lucas drew her in, and held her closely under his golden cloak. They stayed in that place of lustful abandon until Genelle stopped to get some air.

"So," she said, with a look that never failed to make Lucas' heart skip a beat. "Want to go to the usual place?"

"Try and stop me," Lucas answered with a knowing smile, then let Genelle lead him by the hand out of the nature park, towards the West.

The vision began to blur and then faded into darkness, which made Oslac sigh in relief. He dreaded what would come next if the blood magic carried on along the memory it chose to reveal. A pang of nausea struck his stomach as such a thought came to his mind. It was not what he was hoping to see at all, and he knew that he would not be able to look at the Head of Biabus-Lus again without that soppy scene running through his mind.

Oslac shook his head, his face scrunched up in disgust. He then took in a deep breath and looked into the water again to see what else it may show. But there was nothing. Only darkness graced the still liquid within.

"Wait... Is that it?" he questioned the water bitterly, he felt frustration build inside of him, it climbed from deep in his gut all the way up to squeeze at his throat. He let it out with a groan and kicked the side of the Trabem pool. "Why won't you help me?" he growled up towards the stars through the skylight. "Don't you want me to find her? Doesn't she deserve to be safely returned to her family and friends?"

Pants of irritated breath crashed out of him in bursts of angry energy.

"This was my last option!" he managed to say between each rasping breath. Holding himself up on the side of the pool, he fought against the burn behind his eyes. He didn't want to cry. He didn't want to give Him the satisfaction!

Suddenly, the water grabbed Oslac's attention again. The darkness was pushed aside and a new scene was revealed. A scene full of towering trees, and glowing violet flowers. The sound of a heavy door creak interrupted the quiet and made the vision move and look upon the young woman that Lucas met at the fountain, the woman named Genelle.

Oslac let out a groan as he anticipated what may come next, but then noticed where she was standing. She was standing outside Petra Marbh, the Fiosolim's old burial place. The cave that held the ancient markings and the Trabem pool that Natanstrelleans used to open the portal to another world. The place that has long been forbidden to step foot in by Royal Decree - a law established during Queen Amber's reign. That was their usual place? Oslac watched on in horror.

He saw Genelle tie her mauve cloak, securely at her neck before skipping to Lucas' side. A hand then rose slowly up to cup her face. She looked up at him, and the look in her eyes suddenly changed. Her whole face seemed to droop and a look of dread took over.

"Lucas? What's wrong?"

Lucas didn't answer, and the vision within the water followed his gaze down to the forest floor.

"Lucas, what is it?" Oslac could hear the tremble within her voice as she pleaded. "You're scaring me!"

"I'm sorry..." was all that came from Lucas' echoey voice.

"Sorry? For what?" Genelle asked, encouraging him to look at her again. "You were great," she added with a wide smile. But that smile disappeared as quickly as it arrived. "Lucas?"

"I can't see you again."

"What are you talking about?" A glower slammed onto Genelle's confused brow.

"We have to stop this. Lucina has found out."

Fear then grabbed at Genelle's olive-green eyes.


"She hired someone to follow me... She knows everything - about us meeting together, about Petra Marbh. She'll go to the king if we don't stop this now," the echo of Lucas' words was laced with panic.

"She said that?" Genelle spat with contempt. "She'd have you arrested? She'd happily see you rot in a cell?" she tore her gaze away from him and began to pace angrily, not worrying at all about the safety of the magical plants that lay at her feet.

"Genelle, I'm sorry. This is my fault. I should've been more careful. I should've..."

The vision within the Trabem pool was taken over by the forest floor again.

"No!" Genelle snapped, making the focus return to her angry face. "No! Don't you dare blame yourself. It's her. It's all her! That miserable, jealous Troll!"

"Genelle..." Lucas began in a warning tone. A tone that Oslac had not heard him speak in within the waters of the Trabem pool until now. "That is my wife you're talking about. The mother of my child!"

"Oh, that's where you draw the line is it? You can call her cold and heartless, but I can't call her jealous?" Genelle seethed, balling her hands into white-knuckled fists.

"That's not what I am objecting to and you know it!" Lucas growled.

"You're right I do know! And I don't care! She is a spiteful and jealous Troll!"

Oslac then witnessed Lucas' arms reach out and roughly grab Genelle's upper arms, scaring her into silence. Her wide green eyes staring up from the undulating waters.

"Getting involved with you was a mistake. The biggest mistake I have ever made!" Lucas growled down at her with an eerie calmness to his deep voice. "You are a child! A stupid kid! It was fun, but I cannot destroy my life for a reckless, Fiosolim girl!"

Genelle's eyes glazed over with thick, salty tears. Her lips trembled as they fell down her cheeks.

Such a sight tugged uncomfortably at Oslac's stomach. He couldn't help but feel sorry for her as he watched her crumble in front of him.

Lucas let out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry, that was harsh," he began to back track as he saw his mistress silently cry in his grasp. "Please, don't cry. I'm sorry. I just, I need you to understand how serious this is. We must end it. I must never see you again. For both of our safety! Not only am I under the risk of imprisonment, but you are too!"

Genelle gave a timid nod, she looked everywhere except into Lucas' face as her tears relentlessly sprang from her eyes. After a few desperate sobs, she managed to calm herself enough to open her mouth to speak again.

"C-can't I h-have something to remember you b-by?" she asked in a shaky whisper.

"Yes, Yes, of course. I brought you something." Lucas said and fished inside his cloak's inner pocket for something that Oslac, as well as Genelle, was curious to see. He brought out a pendant on a golden chain, a circular pendant engraved with a symbol consisting of three attached loops within a circle- the Biabus-Lus family symbol. "Please take it! It is yours."

He handed it to her, she put it around her neck and pressed it into her chest with her palm.

"There it is next to my heart..." she said through more bitter tears. She then reached up onto her tip-toes and planted a wet kiss on the man's cheek. "Goodbye, Lucas."

The Trabem pool suddenly went dark, and silence took over the small room again. Oslac could only hear his own breath.

Only seconds went by this time. The water lit up with a vision of the pendant, not hanging from Genelle's neck, but dangling from a tan hand, a hand protruding from an oversized green, knitted jumper. Oslac then saw the golden circle fly in front of a face, a face he knew very well.

"Beanni!" he declared excitedly. The waters then revealed to him exactly where she would be found.

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