Chapter 1 : Aichi's condition

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Chapter 1 is here~ hehe I don't own cardfight vangaurd Bushiroad does, however I do own the plot and the pictures I make for you guys in the story ^_^ anyway let the chapter start.

Hours had passed after the blue haired boy had been rushed to the hospital, the brunette pacing in the white hallways was anything but calm. He was worried, worried about the fragile blue haired boy's condition. The long wait had made the teen fear for the worst, if that did come true, the brunette wouldn't have been able to live with himself anymore.

When the doctor had come out of the operating room, the brunette's jade eyes went were filled with anxiety as he rushed over to the blond haired man, eager for the news on his blue haired friend. The doctor looked at him sadly with his grey eyes as he shook his head.

The brunette felt as if his heart had been ripped in two then shredded to bits, his Aichi had died, all because of his stubbornness. Faint tears threatened to pour out of the brunette's jade eyes as he looked to the ground.

The kind doctor lifted up the brunette's face from viewing the ground and smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean he died, however it's not certain your friend will survive, only time will tell.."

The doctor's words lifted the brunette's spirits high, he had hope, even if it was slim, his Aichi had hope of survival. The brunette suddenly shook his head a little embarrassed, he realized he was acting weird. He wondered since when did he think as the blue haired boy as his own.

"Can I see him?.."

The brunette asked, he wanted to see his blue haired friend for himself, to confirm his safety. However he was also worried about what the blue haired boy looked like now. Was his cute face gone?.. Was Aichi still recognizable? The brunette did not know, he hasn't seen the extent of the younger's injuries.

The doctor hesitated slightly then nodded towards the brunette as he lead him into the room that Aichi now occupied. The sight of the boy made guilt stab the brunette like a sharp dagger.

Hooked up to many machines and hooked up to an IV, laying motionless of a soft white hospital bed was his little Aichi, the boy had bandages covering his eyes and a sling on his arm.

The brunette rushed to the blue haired boy's side, and cupped his left hand within his own. The warmth that seeped into the brunette's hands comforted him greatly, it was proof that Aichi was alive. The brunette's eyes scanned over the boy once again, this time with confusion.

"Why does he have so little injuries?..."

The brunette's voice was laced with concern, he didn't feel like he had the need to mask it in front of a stranger. It seemed strange to the brunette that the blue haired boy had been in such a critical condition, only with the few injuries he had received.

"The damage on Sendou was mostly internal... However he is no longer bleeding internally..."

The blond haired doctor seemed as if he wasn't telling all that he knew, the jade eyed boy could sense this. It made unease prickle it's way inside of him. It made the brunette wonder what could be wrong with his blue haired friend that would cause worry for the doctor.

"Anything else...?"

The brunette was afraid of the answer, doctors usually stayed calm but he could tell that the grey eyed doctor was far from calm yet not frantic. Jade eyes narrowed towards the doctor, insisting that he was to be told everything on Aichi's condition.

"He obtained mild damage towards his head, I won't know how it will affect Sendou until he wakes up, thankfully he is not in a coma"

The doctor's words were like icy shards that seeped into the brunette's veins causing his blood to run cold. Head damage, he had read that it could be dangerous, it made the brunette fear that Aichi may not be the Aichi he knew anymore when the boy awakened. Jade eyes then focused on the bandages wrapped around the blue haired boy's eyes. The doctor followed the jade gaze and smiled sympathetically.

"Don't worry his face isn't marked up, and his eyes are perfectly fine, they just had a lot of dust get into them, they, will be fine after a while"

The brunette sighed with relief as he gently the blue haired boys hands, jade eyes gazing affectionately towards the younger boy. The fear of losing him had scared the brunette half to death, however even though the boy was said to still be in danger, the brunette had a feeling that the blue haired boy would be strong enough to make in through.

Suddenly the brunette realized something, almost losing Aichi made him realize how he felt about the younger boy. Kai Toshiki realized that he had loved Aichi for a while now, he had just not realized his feeling towards the boy.

The brunette smirked as he held the smaller hand to his own cheek, it was strange, he was totally fine with liking the blue haired boy at his side. To him, it just felt right, he also wondered if the blue haired boy thought of him the same way.

The brunette knew that even if he didn't, the blue haired boy wouldn't hold it against him, his heart was to big to do something like that. All the brunette had to do was wait until the younger boy woke up, and hope that he was okay. His feelings towards the boy could wait until his safety was confirmed.

There was a sudden knock on the door of the hospital room, the brunette got up slightly confused and opened the door. A smiling black haired boy and a calm lavender haired girl holding flowers walked into the room.

"So Aichi onii-san is okay?"

Kamui asked as he went over the the white bed where Aichi rested upon, Misaki went to go place the flowers in a vase on a grey end table by the blue haired boy.

The brunette felt slightly annoyed at the arrival of the two friends, it would have been nice to be by his side alone for a little while longer. However he guessed that it would be nice for the blue haired boy to wake up surrounded by his friends.

"Yeah... He just needs rest now, however the doctor said there was some mild damage towards his head, we don't know what'll happen when Aichi wakes up"

The brunette said quietly as he slowly slinked to the side of the room, the lavender haired girl smiled kindly towards the sleeping boy's face.

"I hope you get well soon Aichi, you shouldn't be spending your birthday in the hospital"

She whispered softly as she moved some strands of the boy's blue hair out of his face, she liked Aichi, however she knew that the blue haired boy would never feel the same way about her.

Instead of going after the boy, the lavender haired girl had decided that being his friend was good enough. She did not want the blue haired boy to feel guilty towards letting her down.
Kamui went to observe all of the strange machines that the sleeping boy had been hooked up to, a frown crossed his face at the amount of them. The black haired boy did not like seeing the person he respected enough to be his brother being hurt, however he was thankful that he hadn't gotten off worse than he had.

"Kai... I'm surprised you stayed with Aichi Onii-San the whole time, I thought you wouldn't have cared."

The black haired boy murmured quietly, he had thought Kai to be an heartless jerk. Yet the brunette had stayed by his blue haired friend's side the whole time.

"I care for Aichi..."

The brunette looked away, not wanting to risk eye contact in case he had a strange look on his face. Kamui smiled at the brunette's words, he knew that the sleeping boy would have been greatly happy if he had been awake.

Me: that's the end of the chapter!

Kai: Aichi.... Please wake up soon

Kamui: yeah I agree! Wait... Kai you're acting strange!

Misaki: very strange...

Kai: ..... It doesnt matter

Me: hehe~ hope you liked the first chapter

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