Chapter 12:

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Chapter 12 is here~ I don't own cardfight vangaurd..... Bushiroad does... Sadly.. Anyway let the chapter start~~

"Did you sleep well Kai?"

The cyan haired mother asked with a smile, the brunette nodded slowly in response.

"Yes, Aichi opened up his wounds though..."

Shizuka frowned at the news, she knew that by the way the brunette had spoken that her son was fine yet she still didn't like Aichi being hurt.

"Did you patch him up?"

"Yeah he's fine now, you should keep an eye on him when I'm not here."

The brunette sighed, he wished that the blue haired boy was more capable, not because it was bothersome to care for Aichi, the brunette was just worried about him.

The two jumped slightly when the blue haired boy's bedroom door opened, they hadn't expected the small boy to come out of his room yet. The brunette smirked when he saw that the smaller boy hadn't messed up and put his shirt on backwards.

"Morning Aichi"

The cyan haired mother said as the small boy exited his room, Aichi smiled at the sound of his mother.

"Morning mom, what's for breakfast?"

The blue haired boy asked curiously, Shizuka ruffled her son's soft hair.

"Whatever you want dear, I'm sure Kai will help you"

The cyan haired mother then went to the laundry room, the blue haired boy looked up in the direction of the brunette.

"Want to go eat?"

"I guess"

The brunette said, he was a little hungry himself but not too much, Aichi nodded then cautiously walked over towards he thought the start of the stairs were.

The brunette frowned, it didn't seem like the smaller boy was going to ask for help so he went down the stair first, just in case the smaller boy slipped.

Jade eyes carefully watched the blue haired boy as he slowly made his way down the stairs, by the way the railing was gripped the brunette could tell that the smaller boy still wasn't too confident in his steps.

The smaller boy tripped on the last step and fell into the brunette's arms, Kai smirked at the blue haired boy's blush, thinking how it was so adorable.

"Ah thanks Kai..."

The blue haired boy suddenly shy as he looked away from brunette. He didn't eat the older boy to see his embarrassment.

"Aichi it's fine"

The brunette said as he helped the blue haired boy stand back up on his own. He though the smaller boy's shyness was cute.

The brunette then lead the smaller boy towards the kitchen and directed the smaller boy towards his seat.

"Aichi I'm going to cook some omelettes, does anyone in your family have any allergies?"

The brunette asked as he looked in the fridge for eggs, Aichi shook his head and smiled.

"No, mom's fine with anything and Emi just doesn't like things too spicy"

The brunette nodded at the smaller boy's response. He didn't want to accidentally make something only to have someone become ill because of it.

"Okay then I'll make some neutral omelettes"

"I'm sure they'll taste delicious Kai, you're an amazing cook after all"

The blue haired beamed happily, he was glad that the brunette had stayed over for the night.

With that the brunette began to cook, preparing all the ingredients properly and cooking them until they were ready, with the smaller boy waiting patiently.

Aichi didn't think there was much he could do in his current condition, he guessed that once he was used to things that he would be able to do more without a problem.

The smaller boy perked up when he sensed a freshly cooked omelette being placed right in front of him.

"Foods ready, it's a little hot though"

The brunette said as he sat down at the table next to Aichi with his own omelette, Shizuka and Emi's omelettes were placed in the microwave to keep them warm until they came to eat their share of breakfast.

"Thanks Kai, it smells delicious"

The smaller boy located his knife and fork then poked at the omelette with the fork. The brunette raised a brow, wondering what the smaller boy was doing by just poking the food.

After a few pokes, the blue haired boy settled his utensils into the omelette and began to cut off a piece. The brunette guessed that the smaller boy was just locating the size of his food.

"Wow this is even better than last nights food!"

The smaller boy exclaimed after carefully taking a bite of his food, the brunette smiled at how energetic the smaller boy seemed to be, almost too energetic in fact.

"I'm glad you like it Aichi"

The two ate their meals peacefully, Aichi sometimes dropping food from his fork then looking a little embarrassed afterwards. The two didn't notice the peach haired girl and the cyan haired mother who were watching them.

The two girls were curious about how the blue haired boy acted around the brunette, the peach haired girl thought he seemed more at ease than usual.

When Aichi and Kai were finished the brunette put away their dishes and lead the blue haired boy into the living room.

Shizuka and Emi then went to go eat their share of omelettes after they were content with observing the two boys.

"Ah Kai.... Shouldn't you go to your home to get ready for school?"

The blue haired boy asked as he remembered that today was a school day, the brunette frowned at the thought of leaving the blue haired boy

He had been planning to skip school and spend time with the blue haired boy instead.

"I was thinking that maybe I wouldn't go to school today"

The blue haired boy frowned at the thought that the older boy was starting to feel unwell.

"You okay Kai?"

Jade eyed narrows in confusion as to why the smaller boy was asking if he was okay, he hadn't done anything to show that he was unwell and he felt fine.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Because you said that you weren't going to school..."

The brunette smiled at Aichi's innocent answer, the smaller boy was just concerned for him.

Me: the chappy is finished~~

Aichi: wonder where the story is headed...

Me: hehe •~• ...... *smirk* very soon you'll find out~~

Kai: >.> ..... I have a bad feeling...

Me: hehe ^_^ anyway hope ya enjoyed the chappy~~

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