Chapter 2 : Kai and Aichi

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Chapter 2 is here yay~ I don't own cardfight vangaurd Bushiroad does~ hehe anyway let the chapter start~

The black haired boy had fallen asleep by Aichi's bed, he had laid his head over crossed arms with a smile on his face, dreaming of when his dear friend and Onii-chan would awaken.

The lavender haired girl had to leave a while ago, needing to go look after card capital while her uncle shin Nitta went out to collect more stock for the beloved store.

The jade eyed brunette was still in the hospital room with the blue haired boy and Kamui, the black haired boy's presence slightly annoyed him. With the boy sleeping close to Aichi, the brunette wouldn't be able to freely express his emotions.

Hours passed with them like this, until night had fallen upon Tokyo, thankful for this, the brunette nudged the black haired boy awake.

"Kai.... What are you doing in my broom..."

The black haired boy yawned as he looked into the clear jade orbs. Kai rolled his eyes and sighed slightly, Kamui still mixed up his words often, he had meant to say 'room'.

"I'm not in your room, this is Aichi's hospital room, it's late you should leave soon"

The brunette responded, making sure that his annoyance was masked. The black haired boy was slightly hot headed, personality wise that he thought that he had no need to provoke the boy.

The black haired boy frowned slightly, he didn't want to leave his blue haired friend alone, however he also knew that Kai was right. He needed to get home so that his parents wouldn't worry.

"Okay... But if Aichi wakes up please call me... I'm worried about him.."

Kamui whispered as he grabbed his coat, the brunette nodded slightly happy. He had successfully gotten rid of the black haired boy. He had nothing against him, however he wanted to be with Aichi alone, even if the younger boy was still unconscious.

Once the black haired boy had officially left, the brunette sat by the younger boy's side, gazing as the half hidden face. Wanting to see those sparkling sapphire eyes of his filled with passion as he played vangaurd. Kai just wanted Aichi to be awake and well.

The cool air of the hospital room was comforting to the brunette, as he took the younger's left hand within his own, letting his warmth seep into the slightly cool skin of the boy. The coolness didn't worry the brunette, it was natural that the blue haired boy would be slightly cold.

"Aichi please wake up soon..."

The brunette whispered to the boy, unaware that he had spoken his thoughts aloud. He gazed at the blue haired boy's face and noticed there was a slight smile that played across the younger's lips.

Even if the brunette couldn't fully see the blue haired boy's face, he was still attracted towards the boy. He gently ran his hand along the blue haired boy's cheek and smiled softly.

"Aichi, I've never realized how important you were to me, not until I almost lost you..."

The brunette whispered softly as he brought his face close to the younger boy's face. The brunette didn't notice the boy's finger on his right hand twitch slightly, he leant down and gently met the younger boy's lips with his own, it only lasted a second but it felt so nice to the brunette.


The blue haired boy whispered softly and weakly, after the brunette had separated their lips from each other. The brunette froze in shock, jade eyes filled with shock and surprise as he looked down at the blue haired boy laying in the hospital bed. The brunette was wondering how long the younger boy had been awake.


The brunette asked quietly, hoping that he had only imagined the younger boy saying his name. However his hopes were proved wrong when the blue haired boy struggled to sit up.

"Aichi, relax you're safe. Don't move too much or you'll hurt yourself!"

The brunette scolded as he gently helped the younger boy sit up. He was shocked that Aichi had chosen the worst possible moment to regain consciousness.

"Sorry.... I just didn't want to be laying down weakly in bed..."

The blue haired boy apologized, the brunette couldn't surprise a smile at how Aichi always managed to apologize even though he was the one hurt.

"It's okay Aichi... You should be resting..."

The brunette sighed, Aichi shook his head slowly and looked down sadly.

"Kai are you hurt?"

Aichi asked, his voice was laced with genuine concern. The younger boy's question had caught the brunette by surprise, Aichi had been the one hurt yet said boy was asking him if he was alright.

"Yes I'm perfectly fine... Thanks to you"

It was hard for the brunette to keep his voice calm, his guilt from before rushed into him causing his spirits to lower even though he should have been happy that Aichi had woken up.

"I see.... I'm so glad..."

The relief in the younger's voice caused the brunette's heart to ache slightly. He had caused this boy who was unimaginably kind, to go through something so painful, especially on his birthday.

"You should be worrying about yourself Aichi"

The brunette sighed, he was thankful that the younger boy couldn't see his face, and the slight blush that was present on it.

"Then... Why can't I feel any pain? Shouldn't I be in serious pain right now? And why are my eyes covered with... A bandage?"

The blue haired boy asked as he looked in the brunette's direction, the smile had faded from the younger boy's face and was replaced with a slight frown. The question shocked the brunette, he had thought that the younger boy was just acting brave and holding in his pain. To feel no pain what so ever? That was something that worried the brunette.

"The bandages were to help your eyes heal from too much dust getting into them... But you can't feel any pain at all? Not even a numb feeling?"

The younger boy shook his head to answer the brunette's question, it made the brunette feel uneasy and concerned for the blue haired boy.

"Kai also... When you kissed me while I was laying down... Was that real?.."

The brunette flinched slightly at the question, he had been hoping that it wouldn't have been mentioned by the younger boy. The brunette knew that lying would only make things worse, he also knew that Aichi wouldn't hold it against him.

"Yes... I'm sorry, it won't happen again"

The brunette could feel his face once again become tinted slightly pink in embarrassment, he had technically confessed to the younger boy who he had though was asleep at the time.

The blue haired boy reached timidly over towards the brunette, Kai moved slightly closer, knowing that the blue haired boy couldn't see at the moment. The brunette was patient as the younger boy ran his delicate fingers gently down his arm until he reached his hand. The blue haired boy's next action further shocked the brunette, their fingers had been intertwined, the blue haired boy looked up towards Kai, a smile was played across the boy's lips.

"Kai... I love you... I've loved you for a while..."

Me: that's the end of the chappy~ I'm not sure if this is considered a cliffy or not ^_^

Kai: .....

Aichi: Kai...?

Kai: Aichi... I...

Me: shush you two! ^_^

Aichi: ... Sorry

Kai: tch...

Kamui: wonder if Aichi's okay...

Me: hehe anyway hope ya enjoyed the chapter~

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