Chapter 21: Relaxed

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Chapter 21 is here~~~ I don't own cardfight vangaurd but berry is ever so happy that people are enjoying this story~ anyway let le chapter start~

"Oh, I guess now that you can't see, your other senses are compensating for that"

The brunette said as he looked the smaller boy over, Aichi nodded before stifling a yawn with his hand then rubbed his sightless eyes tiredly.

"Yeah... Anyway can I sleep now? I'm starting to think I might fall asleep on my feet"

The brunette smirked at the smaller boy's words, he believed that as well from the way the smaller boy kept almost falling over even though he wasn't walking.

"Yes, here's a spare blanket and you know where the couch is"

The brunette said as he pulled out a white blanket that had previously been stuffed under the coffee table.

"Thanks... G'night"

The smaller boy whispered as he plopped onto the bed. The brunette felt a little bad that the smaller boy was so exhausted, he couldn't even imagine how he himself would react if it was him in the smaller boy's position.

"I hope you sleep well..."

Kai whispered softly after placing a soft kiss upon the sleeping boy's cheek before he left for his room.

Aichi blushed as he hid under the covers after the older teen had left, he couldn't believe that the brunette actually thought he could fall asleep that fast.

The two of them tried to sleep in their own spots, however neither of the two could fall asleep. The smaller kept rolling around on the couch, unable to find a spot where he was comfortable to sleep. The couch was soft, however for some reason the blue haired boy couldn't sleep.

The brunette was kept awake by thoughts, he was trying to properly process everything that had happened. It all seemed too unreal to be reality yet he sadly knew it wasn't a dream. He was glad it wasn't yet at the same time he wished it was a dream.

The brunette was glad he and the smaller boy had conveyed their feelings. However when he thought about everything that happened it hurt, making him feel like a terrible person for being thankful of being with Aichi.

After a few hours of trying to fall asleep the brunette heard faint movement, he looked over to see that the blue haired boy had made is way over to his room and was now curled up beside the bed.

Kai was about to question as to why the smaller boy had come until he realized that the smaller boy was sleeping soundly.

He smiled slightly before falling asleep, not wanting to wake the resting boy who really needed his sleep.

The brunette was the first to wake due to the strands of sunlight that filtered through the bedroom blinds. He looked down to see that the smaller boy was still fast asleep.

"Aichi, it's almost noon, I'm pretty sure you'd want to get up"

The older teen said as he gently shook the sleeping boy, who in return sighed and nuzzled his head into the mess of a blanket that he had brought.

Kai frowned, it was just as Aichi's sister had said, the smaller boy didn't like getting up from bed.

"Aichi, didn't you want to show everyone that you're okay?"

The brunette questioned as he gently took the blanket from the smaller boy.

Aichi yawned before rubbing his sightless eyes, then looked over towards where the brunette's voice had come from.


The blue haired boy whispered sleepily as he got up off of the floor, the brunette didn't bother to question him on why he slept there because it didn't matter.

"You hungry?"

The brunette asked as he helped lead the half asleep Aichi to a seat at the table. The smaller boy shook his head.

"No, I feel icky for some reason"

The smaller boy said as he slumped down at the table, the brunette shook his head at how lazy he was being.

"So in other words you're too tired to eat, your mother told me about that"

The smaller boy blushed slightly as he frowned at the brunette's words.

"Why would my mom tell you about that?"

He whined, Kai just shrugged his shoulders before grabbing ingredients to make some waffles.

"Who knows, though it's a good thing that she told me"

Kai sighed as he began mixing the ingredients in a bowl, the smaller boy pouted as if he were a child.

"I'm not a kid, I'll survive if I miss a few meals"

The brunette smirked slightly at the face the smaller boy was making.

"I've never seen you act like that before Aichi"

The blue haired boy cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"What do you mean Kai?"

The smaller boy asked, he didn't think he was acting any different than he usually did.

"Whining, you usually don't do that"

Aichi slightly shrunk in his seat in embarrassment at the brunette's words.


The brunette shook his head before patting the smaller boy on the head slightly.

"No it's fine, it's better you voicing your thoughts than being reserved like you usually are"

The smaller boy frowned, not agreeing at all with the brunette.

"It's rude though..."

"Than only be rude when you're around me, it's fine Aichi."

The brunette sighed as he placed the waffle batter into a waffle press.

"No, it's worse if I'm rude around you...."

The Aichi said softly, feeling slightly silly for being rude towards the brunette.

"It's not exactly rude Aichi, it makes me glad that you're opening up to me"

The smaller boy sighed at the brunette's words, giving up on arguing.

The brunette placed freshly cooked waffles upon plates in both of their spots, and smirked when he heard the soft growl of Aichi's stomach.


The blue haired boy said as he blushed in embarrassment.

"Told you that you were just being lazy"

The brunette chided as he sat down at the table with the smaller boy.

Me: the chapter is finished~~

Aichi: just in time

Me: yep >.< I wish lunch breaks were longer than an hour hehe~

Kai: well as long as you continue with me and Aichi's story

Aichi: *nods*

Me: hehe well anyway I really do hope you enjoyed the chapter~

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