Chapter 22: How would I explain?

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Chapter 22 is here~~ I don't own cardfight vangaurd at all~ so let the chapter start!

The smaller boy went to start eating but then frowned, the brunette noticed this and sighed at the nervousness of Aichi.

"It's okay to eat the best you can, it's only natural that you would be a little messy because you're not used to this"

The blue haired boy blushed at the brunette's comment and smiled slightly.

"I still don't like being messy in front of people..."

"Aichi I was considerate before because your family was present, however now that we're alone I won't leave so that you can eat"

The brunette said before placing a forkful of waffles in his mouth. Aichi carefully picked up the knife and fork and prodded the waffle with them. The brunette understood what the smaller boy was doing and carried on eating his meal.

After a bit the blue haired boy positioned the knife and fork and awkwardly began to cut his food. The brunette suppressed a slight grin at how Aichi had his brows knit in concentration.

"Aichi it's just waffles, they won't run away from you"

The smaller boy jumped at the brunette's voice, causing the older teen to become slightly amused.

"It's hard not being able to see"

Aichi whispered with a slight blush of embarrassment on his face, the brunette poured maple syrup on the smaller boy's waffles.

"I know but it's still okay to relax a bit"

The smaller boy sighed at the brunette's words before sticking a forkful of waffles into his mouth. The brunette smirked when Aichi got some maple syrup on his face.

"Kai..... Why did you put maple syrup on my waffles?"

The smaller boy whined slightly as he tried to locate a napkin.

"Because you didn't put any on because it was messy"

The smaller boy pursed his lips into a slight pout at the older teen's response.

"If you knew then why did you put some on?"

The brunette wiped the syrup off of the smaller boy's face, thinking about how innocently childish the other boy actually was.

"I don't care if you're messy, you have an perfectly good excuse Aichi"

The smaller boy blushed as the two teens continued eating their breakfast, the smaller boy trying his best to eat neatly of course.

After the two had finished the brunette went and did the dishes while the smaller boy sat at the table and patiently waited.

"Okay, since we've both eating I'm pretty sure you're eager to see your family Aichi"

The brunette said as he dried his hands with a towel, the smaller boy smiled slightly at the thought of his mother and sister no longer worrying over him.


The smaller boy chirped as he got out of the chair and carefully walked over towards where the brunette was.

The brunette was thankful of the smaller boy's enthusiasm of returning to his home. Even though he enjoyed Aichi's company, he was glad that he wasn't too guilt filled to return home.

"Okay then I'll lead you to your house"

The brunette said as he lead the smaller boy out the door, he was glad that it was a beautiful day, the weather very unlike that of the other night.

The blue haired boy felt relieved as he felt the fresh air upon his skin, he couldn't help but smile slightly.

"You seem to be in a good mood"

The brunette mused as he noticed the brightness of Aichi's mood, the smaller boy nodded happily.

"Yeah, it feels so nice to breath fresh air"

There was no unsettling tone hidden within the words but they still made the brunette feel slight sadness as he guessed that the blue haired boy meant that he was glad to be no longer held captive.

"I agree, the weather is extremely nice out"

Kai replied, not wanting to darken the mood of the other teen.

"Yeah, anyway....... What should I say when I get home?...."

Aichi whispered softly as he continued to walk, the brunette faltered his pace for a second then regained it to normal.

"..... I don't know, what do you want them to know?"

The brunette chose his words carefully so as to not cause any extra unease within the boy.

"I..... Don't want them to ever know anything...."


"Kai, it's not because I'm afraid..... Well maybe a little... But I know it would hurt them to know the truth.."

The brunette sighed, understanding where the blue haired boy was coming from. He himself had seen just how much his mother and sister cared about the blue haired boy.

"I see..... Maybe you could have gotten lost after wandering outside for some fresh air?"

The smaller boy frowned at the suggestion but nodded nether less.

"Okay that would do.... Hopefully they will buy it..."

Aichi sighed before recovering a reassuring pat on the shoulder from the brunette.

"Don't worry Aichi, I'll help you"

The smaller boy blushed slightly as he smiled.

"Thanks Kai, you've done so much for me lately I might start feeling a little guilty"

The brunette smirked at the blue haired boy's words, not convinced at all by them.

"Aichi my life is safe because of you, also there's nothing wrong with helping the one I love"

The brunette whispered the last part so as to not have anyone accidentally over hear them and cause trouble for the smaller boy.

"Thank you Kai, being unable to see is worth it since you're by my side, though I do wish to be able to see still"

"I also wish you could see"

The brunette sighed as he thought once again about all the simple things the smaller boy would have trouble doing.

"Yeah but I can't, so I'm just going to live with it"

The blue haired boy said with a shrug, the brunette smiled faintly at the optimism within the younger teen.

"Oi Aichi, Kai!"

The brunette cringed slightly at the familiar voice of his friend Miwa.

"Hi Miwa"

The smaller boy replied to the blond who was running over to them.

"Why're you here?"

The brunette said as he shot an jade glare at his annoying friend who had interrupted him and Aichi talking.

"I just wanted to see if Aichi was okay"

The blue haired boy smiled slightly at the blond, not minding his presence as much as the brunette did.

"I'm fine, I've just got to be careful to not get lost again"

The blond narrowed his eyes then gave the brunette an 'I guess that's your guy's story then' look before turning towards the smaller boy.

"Geez be more careful bud, well I guess you're heading home so I could accompany you two"


The brunette quickly said.

"Ouch, Kai you're so mean to me lately, also Aichi, you've got to train him to be more friendly"

The blond whispered the last part with a smile causing the smaller boy to blush.


Aichi replied.

"Well I'm going to take my leave because mr grumpy still seems grumpy"

The blond said as he waved then walked away, smirking when he turned his back to the two.

Me: that's the end of the chapter!

Aichi: Miwa always seems to pop up

Kai: sadly

Me: I'm not really a Miwa fan anyway XD

Kai: then why?

Me: cause it's fun~ well anyway hope you guys enjoyed the chapter~

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