Chapter 27: Hope

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Chapter 27 is here~ I don't own cardfight vangaurd, Bushiroad does.... , The last chapter helped this story pass !*~30K~*! words (Author notes not included in count) anyway let the chapter start to let the next events unfold!

"Mom, what time tomorrow is my appointment?"

The blue haired boy asked, curious as to how long he'd live without his sight until the doctor fixed it.

The cyan haired mother finished scooping pasta shells with tomato sauce onto everyone's plates before responding.

"Just before lunch tomorrow"

Aichi nodded, content with the answer, he would have felt too nervous if it was first thing in the morning and too uneasy is it was late into the day.

"That's good..."

The brunette smirked at the smaller boy's obvious nervousness, Emi on the other hand patted her brother on the back.

"It will be okay Aichi, I'm positive that everything will work out!"

The peach haired girl's words warded away some of the unease but not all of it. The blue haired boy gave his sister a thankful yet nervous smile.

"Thank you Emi"

He whispered gratefully, Shizuka sighed at how only the brunette and her daughter had started eating and her son hadn't.

"Aichi if your food goes cold, I'm not letting you heat it up in the microwave"

The cyan haired mother said, hoping that her words would spark her son into eating despite his nervousness, which of course was only natural for him to feel like that.


The small boy frowned then began to eat his food, carefully though accidentally getting some sauce on his face occasionally.

"Hehe Aichi, you got sauce on your face"

Emi laughed as she leaned over to wipe her older brother's face with a napkin.

"Thanks Emi..."

The blue haired boy whispered as a slight blush of embarrassment crawled across his face.

"No problem Aichi, soon you won't need my help"

The peach haired girl chirped with a smile, trying to further boost her brother's self esteem that she knew could be lowered very easily.

"Yeah hopefully"

The brunette sighed after Aichi had said 'hopefully'.

"It's not 'hopefully' its definitely"

Kai said, causing Shizuka to smile at how nice of a friend her son had.

"Oh right!"

The blue haired boy responded, knowing that he shouldn't think about the negative and should be positive about what could happen.

"That's better"

The older teen said as he handed the smaller boy a napkin, too shy to do what the peach haired girl had done in front of others.

"Eh Aichi, where did you get that injury on your arm?"

The peach haired girl asked, only now noticing that her brother had an added visible injury.

The boy in question frowned slightly before answering.

"I wasn't careful and ended up falling on something sharp, don't worry, Kai patched me up."

His sister nodded at the answer, seeing no reason for her brother to lie to her.

"Silly Aichi, be more careful next time!"

The peach haired girl sighed at how clumsy her brother sounded.

"'Kay I'll try"

The brunette raised a brow at the smaller boy's cheeriness, guessing that his appointment was keeping his spirits up as he was reminded as to what actually happened.

The four of them finished eating their supper without any problems.

"Thanks for the meal"

The brunette said as he helped the cyan haired mother put away the dishes.

"It's fine, anyway I was curious... Why have you and Aichi suddenly gotten so close?"

The brunette glanced towards the blue haired boy who was sitting at the table and sighed.

"Well since he got hurt because of me.... I wanted to apologize..."

"So pity?"

The brunette narrowed his eyes at the cyan haired mother, angry that she had even thought of such a thing.

"No, I realized that I actually like him a lot, I didn't realize before because I was dumbly shutting him out of my life"

The brunette was careful with his words, so as to not alert Shizuka that he and her son had became lovers, not because he was ashamed of course.

The cyan haired mover smiled happily at the brunette's words, content with his answer.

"I'm glad, Aichi always talked of you in the highest of praise"

The brunette felt slightly embarrassed as he finished up the dishes, he knew that the blue haired boy had respected him but he would have never guessed that he was often praised.

The brunette went over towards the tired Aichi and tapped him on the head so as to catch his attention.


The smaller boy yawned as he got up from the kitchen chair.

"Yeah, anyway you shouldn't sleep after eating or you'll turn into a cow"

The brunette replied, causing the younger boy to frown slightly.

"People can't turn into a cow"

The smaller boy sighed.

"I think Aichi needs to go to sleep"

The peach haired girl laughed, Shizuka and the brunette both nodded in agreement.

"Okay I'll go to sleep"

The blue haired boy yawned as he got up then walked towards the stairs, the recent events finally catching up to him in fatigue.

"I'm going to go now, Aichi needs to rest"

The brunette said as he walked towards the door, he guessed that staying by Aichi too much would cause other people to become suspicious.

"Okay bye Kai"

The blue haired boy called from the top of the stairs.

"Kai, if you want, stop by the hospital a little before noon if you want"

Shizuka said as the brunette exited out the door.

"I'll be there"

Kai replied with a nod, he didn't want the smaller boy to be nervous before the doctor worked on him.

Meanwhile the blue haired boy crawled into his bed, thankful for the soft blankets. However once he laid in bed, his sleepiness faded away as thoughts of the next day filled his mind.

Aichi wondered if his sight would truly return, or if it turned out that it could never be restored. The blue haired boy didn't know what he would do if that happened, he had already given up on his sight once and it wouldn't be fair if it never returned right after he had just regained his hope.

Me: that's the end of the chapter~

Aichi: I hope everything turns out well....

Kai: Aichi don't worry yourself

Aichi: sorry... I just couldn't help it

Kai: I know... But still, it will be fine

Me: hehe... Anyway, sadly the weekend is here I can't write until it ends so hope you guys enjoyed the chapter~

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