Chapter 30: Sightless?!

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Chapter 30 is here~ Yus~ anyway I don't own cardfight vangaurd at all, Bushiroad does sadly~ anyway enough talking, let the chapter start!

The brunette kept glancing towards the bandages that covered the smaller boy's eyes as they headed towards the Sendou residence. They reminded him of when he first initially saw Aichi in the hospital.

"I can't wait for tomorrow"

The small boy chirped as he quickened his pace in excitement, Kai let a smile slip by as he watched the boy's enthusiasm.

"That makes two of us"

He replied, speeding up to match his pace with the younger boy so as to help if the sightless boy fell.

"Hopefully I'll be able to play vangaurd once more"

The brunette nodded in agreement, hoping to see the young boy once again play the game that filled his life with happiness.

"Though I really want to take the bandages off right now...."

Aichi whispered as he carefully touched the bandages covering his eyes with his hands, the brunette sighed.

"Aichi your eyes need to heal"

The blue haired boy frowned slightly at the brunette's words.

"But there's not much to heal anyway so it should be fine..."

The brunette was getting slightly amused by the smaller boy's lack of care for the doctor's words, he guessed it was partially because he was worried.

"Aichi you should just wait for a day, that way you won't be breaking the doctor's rules"

Kai reasoned, he wasn't sure if he wanted the boy to follow the rules placed by the doctor or not, however he didn't want to encourage Aichi if he wasn't positively sure himself.

"The sky sure is blue today"

The blue haired boy whispered as he kept his back to the brunette, Kai raised a brow and checked to see if Aichi had removed the bandages or not. He frowned when he just saw a slight smile on his face.


"I take it by your words that you didn't like my joke..."

The younger boy sighed sadly, the frown didn't leave the brunette's face.

"Aichi you're acting odd"

"Maybe it's because I feel so confused because I'm so excited but I'm also scared to find out..."

The blue haired boy whispered softly, the brunette understood where the smaller boy was coming from for he too felt the same way yet probably nowhere near as strongly as Aichi.

"Don't worry everything will be okay"

The brunette replied, trying to lighten the other boy's mood.

"But what if its actually not....."

Aichi whispered softly, half to himself.

"Aichi, you've suffered so much lately.... I'm positive that its now time for your luck to make a U-Turn for the better"

The brunette said as he placed his hand on the smaller boy's shoulders, Aichi looked back at the brunette and smiled slightly.

"Kai.... I really.... Hope you're right..."

Aichi sniffed, the brunette realized that the cheeriness of the smaller boy was just to cover up his anxiety.

"Aichi you can't cry, your bandages would get soaked"

The brunette sighed lightly as he gave the smaller boy a reassuring hug, Aichi nodded slowly, understanding that the older teen was correct.


The two continued to walk towards the Sendou residence, the brunette keeping a close eye on the smaller boy, he felt relieved a little that he at least could walk with some confidence in his steps.

After a while the two arrived at the Sendou residence, Shizuka had taken a cab from the hospital beforehand but the two had wanted to walk instead.

"Aichi how are you?"

Emi asked as she watched her brother walk through the front door, the blue haired boy smiled.

"Fine, just eager to take off the bandages"

The peach haired girl smiled at her brother's words.

"Silly Aichi.... Be patient I just know you'll be able to see if you wait"

She sighed as her brother blushed slightly at his younger sister's remark.

"I'm going to go sleep now..."

The blue haired boy said as he left to head towards the stairs, confusing the brunette and his sister.


The brunette asked, he didn't think that the younger boy had seemed tired at all as they walked home.

"Because the quicker I sleep, the sooner the next day will come"

Aichi replied as he went to go up the stairs.

"You're not sleeping Aichi, you haven't even had supper yet and you were too uneasy for breakfast and you were knocked out during lunchtime."

Shizuka called from within the kitchen, the brunette smirked when the smaller boy seemed to deflate on the stairs.


The younger boy sighed as he got off the stairs and sat on the floor.

The cyan haired mother sighed as she forced her son to get up and go lounge on the couch instead of sitting on the floor.

"Sorry Kai, Aichi's getting into one of his lazy moods"

The peach haired girl sighed as she looked over at her older brother.

"I've never seen Aichi like that before"

The brunette replied.

"He used to always be like that before he learned that cardfight thing"

The cyan haired mother sighed as her son just laid there.


The brunette said softly as he thought about what would have happened if he hadn't returned Aichi's blaster blade card back to him when it was stolen.

"Mom.... I'm hungry..."

Shizuka smiled at her son's words then shook her head before heading towards the kitchen.

"Okay I'll cook some food so that the lazy Aichi can go to bed"

"I'm not lazy... I just want tomorrow to come quicker!"

Aichi called as he sat up on the couch, the brunette went and sat beside him.

With that, the Sendou household and the brunette had grilled fish for supper before the brunette went to go leave for the night once again for he couldn't think up a good enough excuse to stay over.

"See you later Kai!"

Aichi called as the brunette opened the front door, the brunette nodded.

"Bye, see you tomorrow?"

The brunette asked, he wanted to be there when the smaller boy took off his bandages for better or for worse.

"Yeah, though don't come too early"

The blue haired boy replied with a smile, confusing the brunette.

"Hey Kai!"

The brunette sighed at the familiar voice of his blond haired friend as he was over halfway to his apartment.

"Don't sigh at me!"

Miwa whined as he caught up to the brunette.

"What do you want Miwa?"

"Oh I was just wondering if everything went well with Aichi y'know"

The blond smiled mischievously as he watched the brunette roll his jade eyes.

"Yes everything's fine"

The blond nodded, content with the answer he was given from the brunette.

"That's great, everyone at Card Capital was worried about him, they wanted to go visit him but I stopped them for you so you can thank me later"

The blond chirped happily, Kai sighed at how overly energetic his friend was.

"Kai I really do care about the both of you, so could you please stop sighing"

The blond complained, the brunette raised a brow at the blond's sudden seriousness.

"I'm just tired and your bountiful energy is making me even more tired"

The blond smiled sympathetically at the brunette, understanding where he was coming from.

"It's okay, but just remember I'll always be by your side to help when needed"

Miwa replied before leaving the brunette to his own thoughts.

"Aichi, you're going to be okay if you have Kai by your side.....though it would be cruel to say that you're lucky after all you've been through..."

The blond whispered softly so that only he could hear his own words as he left.

The brunette continued walking until he reached his own apartment, he changed his clothes before hopping into his own bed to sleep. Hoping that the next day would be in favour of the blue haired boy.

Kai awoke to a soft knock on his door, he looked at the clock to see that it was 10:am in the morning. He sighed, guessing that it was most likely Miwa because he was the only one who knew where he lived.

He wiped the sleep out of his jade eyes then stretched his arms before getting out of his bed.

The brunette walked towards his front door and opened it, only to have a blur of blue fly at him and embrace him.


The brunette gasped as he realized that it was the blue haired boy.

"Morning Kai"

The smaller boy whispered as he looked up towards the shocked brunette. Kai's jade eyes widened when he noticed that the smaller boy's eyes were no longer the pale blue lifeless shade, instead they were the usual sparkling sapphire orbs that he had known before.

"Aichi your eyes....."

The blue haired boy smiled before nodding happily.

"Yes, I can see again"

The brunette couldn't help but allow a warm smile to cross over his own face, he had grown accustomed to allowing his emotions to show while he was around the smaller boy.

"So the reason why you didn't want me to come over early was because you wanted to surprise me?"

Aichi nodded at the brunette's words, he was glad to be able to see the brunette whom he loves.

"I wanted to surprise the person I love"

The smaller boy whispered as a blush crawled across his face, the brunette smirked before leaning down to kiss the boy.

"The surprise was perfect love"


Me: that's the end of the story....

Aichi: thank you all for reading!

Kai: the chapter title is misleading on purpose

Me: hehe anyway I'm so so happy for my amazing readers~ I'm sad this story is over but I'll do my best to think up another Kaichi story~

Aichi: yay~

Kai: good

Me: well anyway thanks for reading and bye! ^_^

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