Chapter 4 : Damaged senses

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Chapter 4 is here yay~ I don't own cardfight vangaurd at all Bushiroad does~ but there's no problem in that.... Anyway lets the chapter start.

"I can't see..."

The blue haired boy whispered softly as he stopped looking for more bandages, the brunette felt anger swell within him as he glared at Shinko. The blond haired doctor had very well said that the younger boy's eyes would be fine.

"Hmm this is strange.. Sendou, can I run a few tests on you?"

The doctor asked,ignoring the jade glared that the brunette was sending his way. The smaller boy nodded sadly, obviously confused about everything.

The brunette was worried about Aichi's sight, the boy and most others deeply relied on that sense, for him to lose it would most likely set the blue haired boy's world into faint turmoil. He wouldn't be able to cardfight anymore, the thing that had brought the younger boy happiness and friends, he wouldn't be able to travel as easily without worry, also the vividness of the sapphire eyes that the brunette loved so much would be lost as well.

The brunette silently swore to himself that if the younger boy's sight was lost for good, he would do everything in his power to help him.

The blue haired boy was instructed to lay down as Shinko rolled over a machine on wheels to Aichi's bed, it loomed strange and the brunette had no idea what the machine was used for. The doctor caught the brunette's curious glances and smiled reassuringly towards him.

"It will scan his brain waves, Sendou doesn't seem to have anymore physical damage towards his eyes, I'm guessing that something happened when his head was hit during the crash."

The blond haired man explained as he began to set up the machine so that it could scan the blue haired boy. The brunette recoiled slightly at the memory of the crash, it reminded him that Aichis being here was all his fault. Even if the smaller boy didn't blame him, Kai knew that the reason he got hit was because of his own stubbornness.

"Okay Sendou I need you to lay still"

Shinko instructed as he turned the machine on, it scanned a strange light over Aichis for a few seconds before it stopped. The blond haired man pulled out some printed papers that the machine had sent out and frowned.

The brunette didn't like the doctor's expression at all, it meant that something wasn't right with his lover. Shinko looked over towards Aichi then into Kai's worry filled jade eyes.

"It seems the part of the brain that harbours Sendou's senses is severely damaged.... There may also be other senses that are damaged besides sight, is there anything that feels strange Sendou?"

Shinko asked as he moved the huge machine away from the blue haired boy, the younger boy looked down in thought. It seemed that even though he couldn't see, the actions that people do when able to see still affected the boy.

"I'm not in any pain, yet I can feel everything else just fine.... Also I'm freezing.."

The blue haired boy murmured after thinking for a bit, the answer made the brunette feel relieved slightly, there were no other problems than what he had already known about before.

Shinko nodded slowly and pulled out a scalpel from one of the desks in the medical room, the brunette glared at the blond haired doctor dangerously. Shinko smiled uneasily towards Kai, this time the brunette's glare seemed to have taken effect on the doctor.

"Sendou do you mind if I cut your finger slightly to test your pain? Not being able to feel pain can be quite serious and dangerous, pain is what signals people of danger"

The brunette was not pleased when the younger boy nodded and slowly held out his finger, it wasn't in his place to stop the boy. The blue haired boy did not even flinch or react towards the scalpel blade that slightly cut into his finger, the brunette felt uneasy as a trail of crimson dropped down the boys hand.

"The only think I feel it wetness dripping down my finger, it's blood right?"

The smaller boy asked calmly, it was an eerie calm, as if the boy was in slight shock. Like everything that happened to him was slowly creeping up to catch up with him.

"Your right, now I'll patch up your finger, there's no need for it to get infected, even if it's a small wound"

The blond haired doctor signed as he brought out a bandage, Aichi moved his hand away from the doctor and placed his finger in his mouth. The action surprised the brunette as he watched the younger boy grimace in disgust before removing the injured finger from his mouth.

"I can taste properly..."

The brunette smiled slightly at the blue haired boy's words, glad that at least the boy could enjoy foods he liked normally. Shinko nodded as he patched up the small cut he had made on the boy, the action of him cutting the boy seemed very unprofessional to Kai.

"That's a good thing Aichi, and I'm pretty sure your hearing is fine, it will actually probably get better to make up for your loss of sight... Anyway the matter with you feeling cold... Your mind must be sending signals to your body to say that it's cold, it may not turn out to be serious but I'd advise being very careful with your body temperature. You could easily freeze to death in winter because of your mind, also in the summer you may not be able to tell how hot you are and might exert yourself."

The blond haired doctor instructed as he put away the scalpel and the rest of the bandages. Aichi nodded, the brunette had paid close attention to the doctor, he wanted to know how to keep the blue haired boy as safe as possible.

"Kai, I also expect you to keep an eye on Sendou so that he doesn't accidentally exert himself too much, his situation may seem simple but could become quite dangerous if he's not careful"

The brunette nodded towards the doctor's words before he turned towards the smaller boy who had quickly become more fragile than before, the brunette would do his best to protect the younger boy that he had come to love.

"Kai... Will you help me get home?.."

The smaller boy asked, the brunette smiled warmly towards the boy, glad that he was eager to head home. It meant that Aichi wasn't afraid of the fact that he had become blind.

"Okay, however that's only if Shinko agrees that you are fit to head home Aichi"

The blue haired boy looked towards the doctor pleadingly, Shinko sighed.

"Yes Sendou may head home, however be very careful he is not used to how he is and he'll need supervision so that he doesn't accidentally harm himself.

With that Shinko, left the two teens to do whatever they may wish to do. Aichi got up so that he was sitting on the edge of his hospital bed, his face showed plenty of unease.

The brunette saw this and took one of the younger boy's hands in his own and pulled him up so that they were standing side by side, the blue haired boy smiled thankfully towards Kai.

"Don't worry Aichi, I'll protect you so that you won't run into anything"

The younger boy blushed slightly at the brunettes words before he was lead out of his hospital room.

"Thank you Kai.."

The brunette didn't seem any need for being thanked, he was doing what he wanted to, protecting the smaller boy from harm. He also didn't mind holding the smaller boy's hand as he lead the boy. The only good thing that came out of Aichi becoming blind, was that they had a perfectly good excuse to hold hands in public.

The blue haired boy didn't feel fear as he was blindly lead through the noisy hospital's hallways, he felt completely safe. He felt safe because the one that was leading him was Kai, he knew that Kai wouldn't allow anything to harm him as long as they were together.

Me: that's the end of the chapter

Aichi: I wonder how my mom will react...

Kai: I don't know but I'm sure it'll be fine

Me: yeah nobody hates you Aichi

Aichi: still I can't help but feel a little uneasy

Me: hehe anyway I hope ya liked the chapter~

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