Chapter 6 : Card Capital

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Chapter 6 is here~ I don't own cardfight vangaurd at all~ Bushiroad does but I don't care! Anyway let the chapter start!

The blue haired boy shuffled his feet nervously as he looked down, even though the boy couldn't see, he could sense that many pairs of eyes were resting upon him. The younger boy moved closer to Kai in an attempt to hide from view slightly.


A peach haired girl with blue eyes cried out as she leaped into the boy's arms, tears were falling down her face in joy as she looked up with her blue eyes shining.

"I'm so glad you're okay... I was so worried about you... When you got hit by that truck I thought I'd...."

The smaller girl's cries were cut off by Aichi patting her head softly, a kind smile was spread across his face"

"Emi it's okay, you don't need to cry anymore."

The blue haired boy's voice was soft and filled with warmth. The lavender haired girl and blond boy were silent with smiles as they allowed Emi to find over her brother.

When the peach haired girl moved away from Aichi, Misaki and Miwa walked up to their blue haired friend. Miwa openly radiating happiness while Misaki was more calm and collected.

The blue haired boy turned towards his two friends as he heard them approach and smiled towards them. He was glad to be with his friends after being in the hospital, though in reality being alone with Kai wasn't all that bad as many would have thought.

"Yo bud you feeling alright?"

The older blond haired boy asked as he patted Aichi on the back with his goofy grin that was usually plastered over the boy's face.

"Yeah Miwa... I feel just fine"

The jade eyed brunette who was standing next to Aichi removed the blond boy away from his sightless lover.

"I'm glad you're fine, but should you be resting Aichi?"

The lavender haired girl asked, he voice was showing no trace of affection that she felt towards him, just her worry which was normal considering what had happened.

"Ah about that....."

The blue haired boy trailed off in his speaking, the brunette noticed that Aichi didn't know what to say. Sighing, the brunette decided to tell their friends about Aichi's condition himself and spare the younger boy some unease.

"Aichi is blind and is unable to make his way back home, he was hoping that Emi would be here to help him."

Everyone froze then they heard a loud bang, all the youths turned around and saw that Nitta Shin, the stores manager had dropped a few boxes and was staring at them in shock.

The normally loud black haired boy with red eyes was silent as he allowed Kai to explain the sad news that he had already been informed of.

"Is it true?..."

Emi whispered as she gently grabbed her brother's wrist, her blue eyes were wide and she was trembling slightly. Aichi looked down towards the dound of his sister and slowly moved his hand so that he could stroke her cheek with a smile. The younger boy hated that he had caused sadness towards his friends and little sister.

"Yeah.... But I'm alive so that's okay"

The younger girl couldn't help but smile at her older brother's optimism, Aichi used to rarely look towards the good of things so she was glad that he was.

"Onii-chan... I've been wondering, what are you going to do about card fighting?..."

Kamui asked, everyone in the room went silent once again at the question. They all knew just how much their blue haired friend loved to cardfight and how much good it's done for the boy.

The boy in question lowered his head, the brunette noticed that he had clenched his fists slightly. Nobody except for the brunette noticed this. Almost as quickly as the smaller boy's mood turned dark, it quickly melted into a false air of happiness.

The brunette felt worried for the boy, he could tell that that simple question from Kamui greatly distressed the boy.

"Ah I don't know, but I'm sure it'll be fine"

The brunette was not fooled by Aichi's cheery tone at all, he guessed that Aichi just didn't want to think about it right now.

"Emi could you take Aichi home so he can rest?"

The brunette asked, he was hoping that it would distract his blue haired boy from more trivial matters even for a little while. The peach haired girl frowned flighty before she laced her hand into her older brother's.

"Okay, I'll make sure my clumsy brother stays out of trouble"

She laughed, the room's mood brightened at the light joke. Emi usually had to make sure to keep an eye in her older brother anyway.

"Be careful you two! Come back another day once you're rested up Aichi"

The blue haired boy nodded happily towards Shin Nitta who had spoken and his friends before he was lead by his younger sister out the door. The brunette wanted to go with his lover but he couldn't think up an good excuse to.

Miwa narrowed his smokey eyes at his brown haired friend, he could almost always read his pal like a book. The blond haired boy smirked slightly as he read the wanting to go on the brunettes face, guessing what had transpired while they were in the blue haired boy's hospital room alone.

"Ah Emi you're still a little kid, Aichi doesn't count as a older person right now! Kai why don't you go with them?"

The sky teen called towards the two siblings who stopped and turned towards his voice.

"Hmm I wouldn't mind do you Aichi?"

Emi asked as she looked up towards her older brother, the blue haired boy smiled happily.

"That would be great, if you'll come along Kai"

The brunette glared jade towards his blond haired friend before giving his 'tch' and walking towards the two siblings.

The brunette couldn't give away their relationship just yet, if at all. It would put too much pressure on Aichi who had already been through enough already.

Me: wonder what'll happen on their walk home

Miwa: hehe I'm so smart!

Misaki: hmm about what? You usually seem so empty headed

Miwa: hey....

Shin Nitta: Misaki you shouldn't have such a sour mood

Misaki: *glares at them*

Shin & Miwa: *freeze in fear*

Shin: ah hehe of course I was joking

Miwa: yeah and you're right

Misaki: .....

Me: hehe anyway hope you enjoyed le chappy~ not much excitement this time but maybe next chappy?~~ hmm

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