Prolouge : When you regret its already too late

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Chapter 1 is here of my new cardfight fanfic yay! I don't own cardfight vangaurd~ Bushiroad does but that doesn't matter! Anyway let's have the story begin with a very short little teaser hehe that I tried a new writing style for~

Just because I'm mean ^_^

A jade eyed brunette was pacing the all too white hallways of the hospital, deep regret gnawing at his stomach. He hadn't intended for this mess to happen, if only he hadn't been so persistent, none of this would have happened.

The brunette wouldn't be anxiously waiting for news on his sapphire eyed friend, his friend wouldn't have needed to go into intense medical care.

If it wasn't for him, Aichi wouldn't be close to death's side.

This whole mess started only a few hours ago, everyone was celebrating Aichi's birthday, the blue haired boy hadn't brought it up himself. His friends had only found out due to his little sister with peach hair and blue eyes.

His black haired friend Kamui had gotten angry at the birthday boy, not real anger, just unhappy that he had kept his mouth shut. Resulting in Aichi blushing embarrassed at all of the attention from his friends. No gifts were given due to the extremely short notice, however the blue haired boy had smiled happily and warmly towards his friends.

In the corner of the room was a certain brunette, too embarrassed to go have fun with the others. The blue haired boy does not mind this however, it was simply how Kai was, if anything it would have weirded him out if the brunette had participated in any games besides cardfight.

"Kai, you should have fun with the rest of us!"

A blond haired teen called with a big grin, the brunette glared at the boy fiercely with his jade eyes.

"I'd rather not Miwa..."

The reaction from the blond haired boy was a sigh in defeat, the teen knew that annoying Kai to do something never ended well. The blue haired boy just smiled, he was just happy enough spending time with all of his friends, it was his first birthday with more than just family celebrating it.

"Aww come on Kai, don't be such a party pooper like usual, it's Aichi's birthday"

Kamui complained as he got up in the brunette's face like a little child,the result was an annoyed brunette who casually stalked out of the stood with his eyes closed. The blue haired boy stood in the doorway afterward and sighed, Kai was acting like Kai.

Suddenly the blue haired boy gasped in surprise, Kai hasn't been paying attention, a huge truck was heading right towards him.

Without thinking the blue haired boy called out for the brunette's attention, however the brunette noticed too late. Jade eyes were closed, braced for the pain of the impact, however the only pain he felt was being scraped across the cold hard cement of the road.

Screams were heard, the brunette looked back, jade eyes widened in shock. The road was covered in a crimson liquid, a blue haired boy was lying limply on the road, crimson continued to pool from the boys body.

The brunette had been saved, in exchange for the blue haired boy's safety. Ambulances were called, all his friends panicked and cried, glared were shot towards the brunette.

That was when, the guilt and regret began to form within the brunette's body as he followed everyone to the hospital, hoping for the blue haired boy's health.

Me: so what do you think about this teaser and strange writing style?

Kai: .......

Me: hmm sadly I don't think it's too appropriate to have a happy go lucky skit here... Hmm well anyway I hope you enjoyed the prologue~ this idea suddenly hit me in the head while I was playing with my kitty hehe

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