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Natasha yawned as she walked into the bullpen and smiled gratefully at Charles when he bound up to her with a coffee cup.

"I tried making cafe con leche like your Abuelita's," He smiled excitedly.

"Thanks, Charles," She sang tiredly before she trudged to her desk and fell down into her chair with a huff.

"Nat!" Jake called out, relief clear in his voice as he ran over to her.

Natasha frowned as he came running over, clearly not happy with all the noise he was making.

"Please stop making noise until I finish eating my coffee," She complained as she took a sip.

"You were late and you haven't been replying to my texts," He whined as he stared at her with worried eyes, "I was scared something happened. I called all the emergency rooms."

"Aw, you're cute," She laughed quietly before she paused, "And needy."

He pouted and crossed his arms, looking like an upset child.

She smiled sheepishly and grabbed his hand comfortingly. "I'm sorry. But you know I can only be nice for a few seconds. Anyway, I went home from your place to shower and I'm so tired that I fell asleep walking down the stairs while I was leaving."

"But we went to bed so early," Jake frowned with furrowed brows, "The scary murder mystery show you made us watch was over at 10:00," He paused awkwardly before loudly saying, "I mean... sex. We do it. She's tired from all the doing it!"

Natasha gave him an unimpressed look. "Don't make me pour hot coffee down your pants."

"Yes ma'am," He nodded and laughed nervously.

"I was up all night because your dumb, lumpy mattress is so uncomfortable," She explained, her tone dripping with annoyance.

"What?" Jake gasped in shock, "But I gave you the good lump."

"There is no such thing as a good lump," She snapped as she glared at him, "Mattresses shouldn't have lumps!"

"Ooh, a lover's quarrel," Gina sang in a weird British accent.

"No, She's just tired," Jake scoffed defensively.

Gina rolled her eyes. "I didn't ask for part two."

"Never fear Tasha, for I have the solution to all of your problems," Jake grinned and led her to his desk where he had a perp waiting, "Highly potent liquid speed."

"Oh, you gonna love that stuff," The perp, Deavon, smiled at her.

"Devon, we're cops. Read the room," Jake rolled his eyes before smiling, "But I know you'll be excited because I busted Devon here with four vials of this, which is a new drug called... Taxi!"

Natasha's eyes widened. "You actually found some?"

"Yup. Your CI was right. It's popping up on the corners," Jake nodded as he showed her the vial.

"My CI's are great," She smiled warmly, "The key is to always send them scary detailed threatening notes so they never think of double-crossing you."

"Oh," Jake nodded slowly as he smiled fearfully, "So, that note about never being able to have children if I ever cheat on you was..." He flattered as he gulped nervously.

"No, that one was from me," Adam corrected him with a threatening smile as he passed by them. He shrugged as he laughed, "And it wasn't a threat, man. Think of it more as a promise."

"O-okay," Jake breathed out as he stiffened.

"Adam, can you save the threats for when he doesn't have a cool case to tell me about," Natasha sighed.

Adam rolled his eyes and held his hands up as he nodded. "All right, all right, fine."

"O-oh, so we aren't done with the threatening?" Jake squeaked, clearly scared.

"Not even close," Adam gave him a sickly sweet smile before he walked away.

"Should I be worried?" Jake asked her with a worried frown.

"Yes. You should be. Like really, really scared."

"B-but you're supposed to tell me that I have nothing to worry about!" He complained.

"Well, then I'd be lying to you," She huffed, "Look, Adam's an FBI agent so he knows how to hide bodies and make sure they never get found. So, just, y'know don't make him hate you."

"Oh, my god. I'm going to die. Is it getting hot in here? Because y'know it's getting harder to breathe," Jake gasped out as he loosened his tie.

"Oh, don't be a baby," Natasha rolled her eyes, "So, what are you going to do about the speed?"

"Well, before I saw my life flash before my eyes I was thinking we take this partnership from the sheets to the streets?" He explained as he took a gulp of his orange soda.

"Y'know, you really should drink water sometimes," Natasha frowned as she looked at the soda in disdain.

"Why?" He scoffed, "You don't need to drink water to stay alive."

Natasha paused as she stared at him in disbelief. "...How have you not died yet?"

Jake shrugged with a goofy smile, clearly seeing nothing wrong with his previous statement.

"Hey, guys. I just discovered a new drug too," Charles grinned as he walked over to them, "It's called 'Your Relationship', and I'm high on it."

"Charles, I'm gonna need you to back off, man," Jake sighed with a grimace.

"Roger that," He nodded and walked back to his desk.

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"It's called 'taxi' because it's yellow, and it takes you where you need to be," Natasha explained the drug's slogan and handed Raymond the vial.

"Drug dealers have gotten so creative," Jake chuckled, "It used to just be 'crack', and then they'd be like, 'Hey, we got a new one. What are we gonna call this?' And they'd go, 'I don't know, crank?'"

"This is certainly worth following up on," Raymond nodded, "Zapata, take Diaz, and work the case."

Jake quickly interjected. "Oh, but I brought in the perp so..."

"Good point," He nodded, "You and Boyle can work the case then."

"Actually, sir, I think we were kind of hoping we could work the case together," Jake explained.

Raymond's eyebrows raised in shock and he nodded slowly. "Oh, are you two no longer-"

Jake cut him off. "Smooshing booties?"

"How am I dating you?" Natasha sighed as she stared at him in disbelief.

"I don't know but please don't think too much into it," Jake begged her with a goofy smile.

"Yes, that's exactly how I was gonna finish my sentence," Raymond sighed.

"Figured," Jake grinned, clearly not noticing the lack of seriousness in his words.

"We are still dating," Natasha jumped in, "Amy filled out all the HR forms we needed to submit. I stopped threatening the HR employees and calling them useless idiots whenever Rosa and I get sent in there for behavior issues. And Rich sends the HR team daily updates."

"That's why HR Jim keeps high-fiving me," Jake realized to himself.

Raymond's brows furrowed. "Why is Rich sending HR daily updates about your relationship?"

"He sends the entire precinct daily email blasts," Natasha sighed as she pursed her lips.

Raymond chose not to dwell on that. "As a rule, I don't put couples in the field together, but you are two of my best detectives, so I will allow it. Just don't let any personal issues distract you from your work."

"You have nothing to worry about. There's no personal issues here. We've never even had a fight," Jake reassured him earnestly.

"Good," Raymond nodded as he stared at Jake, "Keep it that way."

Jake gulped anxiously, sensing the threat behind Raymond's words. "Why is everyone threatening me today?!"

"You have a face that makes people want to threaten you," Natasha suggested with a shrug.

"Nat," Jake cried as he looked at her in betrayal.

"What?" She scoffed, "I can say that because I willingly wake up to your face most days."

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"Hey," Jake smiled when Natasha joined him in the briefing room, "So I marked all the corners where taxi has been spotted on this map. You'll probably notice right away that it makes the shape of a boob."

"This looks great. Confirms Devon's story. He says his dealer hangs out here," She paused before deciding to play along with Jake's joke, "In the underboob. He said he'll point him out to us. So you approach on foot from the south, and me and Devon will be in an unmarked car here."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Jake cut her off with an excited glint in his eyes, "'Me and Devon'? Didn't you mean 'Devon and I'? Oh, God. I corrected your grammar! Are you so proud of me? Are you horrified? Are you super horny?"

No, I'm not Amy!" She scoffed and glared at him, "I'm just really tired. Leave me alone... And don't tell Holt, he might disown me."

"Don't you mean leave 'I' alone," Jake laughed before he cut himself off, "No, that one felt wrong. I guess we're equally bad at grammar."

"I'm not bad at grammar," She growled, "I'm just exhausted because you think that the block of cotton lumps you sleep on is a real mattress! Do you know how many times Holt had been up my ass about my posture today? And it's all because you refuse to buy a new mattress!"

"All right, why don't you just get a new back?" Jake snapped before he took a step back and breathed out nervously, "I didn't mean that. We're not fighting. We can totally work together."

Natasha's glare didn't falter and she gave him a sickly sweet smile. "Sure we can. If you're dead."

"Okay, we can't work together if I'm dead because then I wouldn't be here to work the case with you."

"You don't need to sell me on the idea, I'm already on board," She huffed in annoyance.

"Okay, I feel like this is just getting worse but hey, this is normal for us," Jake shrugged as he chuckled, "You threatened me with imminent death all the time before we were dating."

"Yeah, that wasn't a fight," She nodded with a laugh, "This is just us being us."

"Mhm. That was just sexy workplace banter."

"Exactly," Natasha shrugged as if it were obvious.

"I mean, mattresses are also sexy 'cause that's where you do it," Jake added.

"And that's where we draw the line," She sighed.

"Yeah, okay," Jake agreed quickly, "Point is, we're good."

"Good," She reaffirmed.

"Good," Jake nodded.



"You two are just the cutest!" Rich squealed.

"What the hell!" Jake yelped as he looked around the room but found no sign of Rich.

"He's in the vents," Natasha explained dully as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"It's like having a front-row seat to the best rom-com movie ever! The Jatasha movie! Ah!"

Rich started screaming in fear as bullets started hitting the ceiling vents where he was spying on the couple. They were haphazardly hitting the vent but never anywhere near his person.

Natasha smiled serenely as she shot two more rounds just to make sure her point got across.

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Jake and Natasha had gone to the drop site and were waiting for their target to show up. Jake was dressed as an environmentalist trying to get people to sign a petition, people were avoiding him like the plague. Meanwhile, Natasha was in a car with Devon waiting for him to point out their dealer.

When Devon pointed him out and Jake approached him their perp immediately took off running. Natasha jumped out of the car to help Jake before he could get away.

Their perp had rushed into an apartment building.

"Let's split up and meet around back," Jake decided before he went out the backdoor and Natasha started up the stairs.

"NYPD! Freeze!" She called when she caught the perp trying to get into his apartment, "Jake, he's coming your way!"She called into her mic when the perp took off down the fire escape.

Jake had managed to cut him off and tackle him into a nearby pile of junk.

"Nice takedown," Natasha smiled as she joined him.


Natasha's eyes widened when she noticed the mattress they'd crashed into. "Oh, my God."

"What?" His brows furrowed as he looked at her in worry.

"You sleep on a trash mattress," She immediately pointed out bluntly.

"What are you talking about?" He titled his head to the side in confusion as he cuffed their perp.

"That mattress looks just like your mattress at home," She pointed out and paused, "Oh my God, did you get your mattress from a dump?"

"What? No!" Jake scoffed, "This doesn't look like my mattress. I mean, sure, there are a couple of similarities, but..." He faltered, "Oh, man. It's the exact same one. Ugh! I have a dumpster mattress! All right. That settles it. We're going mattress shopping."

"Yay. We don't have to break up now," Natasha smiled nonchalantly.

"What?" Jake's eyes widened.

"What?" She raised a brow and shrugged before smirking, "Y'know, once you get the new mattress, we're going to have to break it in."

"Oh, I hear what you're saying: Mattress trampoline," Jake sang excitedly before he faltered and smiled sheepishly, "Wait, no. You were talking about sex."

Natasha nodded with a sigh. "Mhm."

"Then mattress trampoline," He grinned.

"How are you older than me?" She wondered seriously.

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"I love this mattress," Jake sighed blissfully as he and Natasha laid down on it.

The two had gone mattress shopping right after finishing up the paperwork for their arrest.

"And it loves having you in it."

"God?" Jake's eyes widened in shock.

"It's Brian," The store assistant called, "And I'm obsessed with giving you a good night's sleep."

"Hello, Brian," Jake smiled as he and Natasha sat up to look at him, "Coming on a little strong there, buddy... and I'm digging it. How much to take this bad boy home?"

"Actually, that's one of our more reasonable models," Brian smiled, pointing to the price tag.

"Oh. Holy Moses!" Jake gasped, "That is much too much money."

"You spent twice that for Mr. Met to come to your birthday party," Natasha reminded him dryly.

"Yeah, and it was worth it. Mr. Met used my bathroom. Number two. That's a memory I will cherish forever."

"Sometimes, you make me want to shoot you so much that I end up wanting to shoot myself instead," She explained slowly before she shook her head, "Look, mattresses are expensive, but they're an investment. It's gonna be in your life for a long time."

"True, but it's also still just a mattress, you know?" Jake shrugged, "It's a lot of money to spend on a rectangle that's filled with springs and goose hair."

"Feathers," She corrected, "And it would be money spent on something that'll make me want to stay over at your place. Because I am not sleeping on a dumpster bed anymore."

"But I already have a mattress," Jake sighed and shrugged, "It just doesn't seem worth it."

"So it's not worth having your girlfriend stay the night with you?" Natasha arched a brow as she scowled, "So, basically, I'm not worth it. Well, you can go sleep on the lump of cotton you think qualifies as a mattress and I'm going to go sleep on an actual, clean mattress."

With that, she turned on her heel and marched out of the mattress store as Jake stared after her helplessly.

"Nat, wait!" He called after her as he rushed to grab his jacket so he could follow after her.

"You know, she's right about mattresses being an investment," Brian commented.

Jake glared at him heatedly. "Back off, Brian."

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"Morning," Jake greeted cordially as he stopped by Natasha's desk the next morning, "You look well-rested."

She didn't say a word and kept her gaze on her computer as she pretended not to notice him.

Jake pursed his lips and his voice dropped to a whisper. "Okay, will you please at least acknowledge my existence so I don't burst into tears in front of everyone?"

Natasha paused as she thought of continuing to ignore her before she frowned. She cursed the introduction of feelings into her relationship with Jake because she couldn't enjoy seeing him sad like she used to. Begrudgingly she turned to face him with a scowl.

"Thank you," He breathed out a sigh of relief.

"I was tossing and turning all night," Charles frowned as he rushed towards them, "Jake told me about your fight, and I'm so worried about you two."

"Thank you, Charles," Jake nodded stiffly when he noticed Natasha's heated glare.

"What do I have to do, buy the mattress myself?" He suggested, "Done."

"Problem solved," Jake smiled.

"No," Natasha scoffed immediately.

"It would make him so happy," Jake defended as he pointed to Charles.

"Okay, so I know a guy who could get you an authentic Hastens mattress by tomorrow," Rich said as he looked up from his phone.

"Aren't those the Swedish mattresses that cost like $50,000 and are basically impossible to find?" Charles asked with wide eyes.

"Yes. I'm only offering the best of the best for my little pastelitos," Rich grinned as he booped Natasha's nose.

"Huh," She clicked her tongue, "The international dark web criminal wants to get me a fancy Swedish mattress but my boyfriend can't even think about getting a new mattress for me."

"So, I'm still your boyfriend?" Jake asked as his eyes lit up.

Before the four could discuss the matter of the mattress any further, Raymond joined them.

"Good job on the bust yesterday. How was it, working together as a couple?"

"So good. So great. Yeah. Super mellow and chill. Yeah. She slapped my butt once. Mm-hm. We're definitely falling in love," Jake quickly overcompensated with a nervous smile.

"Eh," Natasha shrugged when Raymond turned to her, "He's still alive, isn't he."

"Yes, that is true," He nodded, "All right. Good, good, good. We found something strange on the dealer you brought in: Two matchbooks from the same hotel. He's refusing to give up his supplier, but this could be something."

"That's weird," Jake handed them to Natasha, "Look at this. The same two matches are missing from both books: Third one on the bottom row, and fifth one from the top."

"Coincidence?" Raymond asked.

"No way," Jake shook his head confidently, "No one would take matches out like that. Trust me; I smoked four cigarettes in college. One to completion. That's a code."

"A code?" Raymond repeated a spark of excitement lighting his eyes, "Exciting. I'll go get my pencil case."

"I bet it's a room number," Natasha suggested before he could take a step towards his office, "Third floor, fifth room. Room 305."

"That's definitely it," Jake nodded in agreement.

"Well, great. Great, great. Zapata has solved it," Raymond huffed passive-aggressively before he cleared his throat to calm down, "I want you two to go undercover as a couple to stake out the room. You should be very convincing, given that you're currently... what was it? Smooshing booties."

"Great, and thank you for saying it that way," Jake smiled tightly, "It made us both feel very comfortable."

"If either of you ever say those two words again, I will rip your tongues out."

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"Jake, why don't you just sit down?" Natasha huffed in annoyance as she watched him pace.

"No, thank you," He scoffed childishly, "I can see the feed better from here."

"It's really comfortable," She tried instead of her usual bouts of threats.

"All right. I'll sit," He finally gave in and sat down before immediately standing up again, "Nope, my butt hates expensive things."

She rolled her eyes. "No. You know what your butt hates? Taking this relationship seriously!"

"Okay, first of all, my butt is so serious it should be wearing spectacles," He scoffed and glared at her, "And second, your butt is the butt that is not serious about this relationship."

"My butt is totally serious," She argued as she crossed her arms angrily, "I've made all kinds of changes. I stopped insulting you as much as usual even though it is so hard not to sometimes. I met your parents instead of breaking up with you when you asked. And I didn't climb out the window when you started crying over that dumb wizard movie-"

"Okay! For the last time, Harry Potter is a cinematic masterpiece!" He yelled heatedly.

Natasha rolled her eyes. "Ugh, you're not even taking this argument seriously."

"All right. You want to get serious? How come you haven't told your abuelita that we're dating?" He arched a brow and his voice lowered when her face fell, "Yeah, that's right. I saw the text she sent you about setting you up with some dude named Schneider."

Natasha immediately glared at him. "You went through my phone?!"

"You forgot it that time you were trying to climb out my window because I was being too emotional for you to handle," He scoffed as he crossed his arms in annoyance.

She pursued her lips and breathed out deeply as she tried to figure out how to explain this to him. "I haven't told her because I haven't had the chance."

Jake laughed dryly. "You talk to her almost every day to check in on her and so does Rich! And he loves talking about your dating life so if he hasn't told her yet it's because you asked him not to. Why don't you just admit that you don't want to tell her about me?"

She sighed at the hurt expression on his face. "Jake, it's not about you. Look, my abuelita is crazy when it comes to me dating. If I tell her about us then she's never going to leave me alone and she's going to text you pictures of engagement rings all the time and-

"Wow, it sounds like such a huge drag," He sighed, "I guess I'm just not 'worth it'. Boom... Used the thing you said to me in a different argument in this argument. I win the argument."

Natasha's eyes widened as she looked at their video feed. "Oh, no, no, no. This is bad."

"Well, you started it... or I did. I can't remember at this point," He shrugged with a frown.

"No, Jake. Look at the screen," She pointed to their feed that had obviously lost connection.

"Oh, no," He breathed out worriedly as he quickly played it back to see how they'd lost the feed.

"For the last time, Harry Potter is a cinematic masterpiece!"

"Ugh, you're not even taking this argument seriously!"

During their fight, they hadn't realized that the mic was on. So the perp had heard their whole fight, figured out he was being spied on, and ripped the camera out.

"You do have to admit, it was a pretty good point about Harry Potter, though."

"Jake, I am this close to throwing you out of that window," Natasha growled.

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"Your turn, Peralta," Natasha called dryly as she marched out of Raymond's office.

"Thank you, Zapata," He nodded cordially before entering and closing the door behind him.

The two had gotten into big trouble for blowing the undercover op with their fighting.

"Okay. I know you're mad, but before you say anything, yes, we screwed up. And yes, you warned us. And yes, I don't know where I'm going with this. But I do know this: I have reached the end of my sentence," Jake's eyes widened when Raymond didn't say anything, "Oh, my God. Did that work?"

"Not at all," He snapped, "I can't believe you let a personal argument derail your investigation."

"I would characterize it more as a professional police disagreement," Jake chuckled lightly.

Raymond looked at him in disbelief. "I listened to the tape."

"Oh, no," Jake grimaced, "Yeah, well, then you know that it was a straight-up crazy bitch fight. Look; I know we screwed up the case, and I'm sorry. But if it's any consolation, I think we also screwed up our relationship," He sighed sadly.

"Peralta, have a seat. I believe this might help. When Kevin and I first started dating, he taught at a small college upstate. It was two hours away by train or bus, but only 30 minutes by car."

"Is this another one of your riddles?" Jake's brows furrowed, "You rode to work on his shoulders. One set of footprints. No?"

"No," Raymond shook his head slowly, "Neither of us owned a car, and I didn't want to buy one because that would mean admitting that I cared for Kevin. He had the same fear, and so visits were rare, and I was miserable. Then one spring day, Kevin showed up at my door having purchased Gertie. He took the leap, and I'm so grateful that he did. I only regret that I didn't do it first. Do you understand?"

Jake smiled softly and nodded. "Absolutely. 100%."

"The train is your old mattress," Raymond explained.


"The car is your new mattress."

"I got it."

"Kevin is you."

"Mhm," Jake hummed impatiently as he waited for this to be over so he could go kiss Natasha.

"I'm Zapata."

"Loud and clear. 100%," He smiled tightly and went to stand up.

"Oh, and one more thing," Raymond called before he could leave, "If you ever upset Natasha again I will sever your head from your body. Now, have a good day."

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"Please don't break up with me! Ow!"

"Jake?" Natasha's brows furrowed and she quickly released him from the chokehold.

"Who else would ask you not to break up with them?" He cried as he rubbed his neck.

"You know not to sneak up on me!" She huffed as she rolled her eyes.

Jake had followed her into the evidence room to get a minute alone to talk everything out. He'd been practicing what he was going to say for half an hour but that all went out the window the minute he was alone with her.

"Why are you talking about breaking up?" Her brows furrowed as she tilted her head to the side.

"B-because we had that really bad fight?" He explained slowly as if it were obvious.

"Jake we're not breaking up," She laughed, "I mean that's crazy! If you give up every time you have a fight with someone you'd never be with anyone longer than—Oh!" She nodded in realization.

"So we're not over?" He asked quietly, his eyes glimmering with hope.

"Of course not," She chuckled, "And I'm not even mad at you anymore."

"Really?!" His jaw dropped in shock, "But you hold grudges for scary long."

"Yeah and that hasn't changed but you're so cute," She admitted reluctantly, "If you ever tell anyone about this I will deny it and you will die in your sleep."

Jake grinned and threw himself at her, wrapping his arms tightly around her.

▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼

"Hey," Jake smiled as Natasha opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat.

"Hey. What's up?"

"Two things. I ran the footage from the hotel through facial recognition software and got a match: Grady Lamont. This is his current address," He pointed to the building they were parked across from.

"Good, that's something to work off," She nodded.

"Yeah, it's six years old," He sighed.

"...Well, druggies are lazy?" She shrugged.

"He deals in uppers."

Natasha grimaced. "We're screwed."

"Yup," Jake nodded with a heavy sigh.

"What's the second thing?"

"Well, the Captain and I were jamming on some personal issues, just going back and forth. I honestly think I helped him more than he helped me."

She shook her head. "I don't believe a word of that."

"No," He agreed and cleared his throat, "Natasha Zapata... I want to change mattresses for you."

Natasha smiled widely. "Are you serious?"

"I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner. I think I was just scared that you were gonna realize you're way better than me," He admitted as he looked down at his hands sheepishly.

"Jake," She breathed out and grabbed his hands comfortingly, "That is not going to happen."

He shrugged and his gaze remained trained on his lap, obviously not convinced.

She cupped his cheeks gently and made him face her. "I'm serious. I mean I met your parents, I don't just do that for anyone. And I think that scared me but I'm telling my abuelita about us."

Jake smiled brightly at her and the two shared a tender kiss.

"Okay. Let's buy this baby," He pulled out his phone excitedly, "Calling up the website, finding the mattress, adding to cart, signing in as 'guest'... That is not an option. Creating an account."

"You don't have to buy it right this second," She pointed out as she kept her gaze focused outside, in case their perp showed up.

"Nope, this is a big romantic gesture, and I'm nailing it," He cheered, "Shipping address... not the same as billing address. Got to enter both of those."

"Jake, Jake, look! There's our guy," Natasha called as she quickly threw the car door open.

"Oh, perfect timing. Submit order. Province?" His brows furrowed, "Oh, no. We're on the Canadian website. Click on the American flag."

"Jake!" Natasha growled as she took off running after their perp.

"Yep," He nodded and followed after her, "We'll do this later. Let's go!"

▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼

"Squad, I just received word that an elderly woman brandishing a machete has entered the building," Raymond called as he stepped out of his office, "Do not worry and do not engage."

"What?" Terry yelped with furrowed brows, "You just want us to let some crazy woman wave a machete around?"

"Yes, that is exactly what I said," Raymond nodded, "Were you not listening?"

"Uh, why are we letting this happen?" Amy asked worriedly.

Before they could say anything else the elevator opened and revealed said woman.

"Where is he?!" She roared as she stormed into the bullpen.

"Abuelita, you can't just walk around with a machete!" Natasha pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Yes, I can. I'm doing it right now, see," Lydia started waving the machete around.

"What is happening?" Jake asked as he stared at Lydia in shock.

"You wanted me to tell her about us," Natasha reminded him with a smirk, "Well, here you go."

"Please don't leave me alone with her," He begged as he hid behind her fearfully.

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I hope you guys liked this chapter! Please let me know what you thought. 

Please don't forget to vote and comment!

Have a great day and stay safe ♥♥

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