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"Thank you for all finally showing up," Raymond gave the team, except for Natasha and Amy, a pointed look, "Let's recap. As you know, Jimmy 'The Butcher' Figgis put out a hit on Adrian Pimento, which the mob believes succeeded. For his safety, Pimento has gone off the grid."

"Remember, the only people we can trust with this information are in this room," Jake reminded them.

"That means you can't post any of this to your blog," Adam gave Rich a pointed glare.

Rich rolled his eyes and threw a hand up to brush him off. "Just because I posted a couple of detailed one-shots about my favorite 99 couples, Zaparalta and recently Rantiago thanks to my matchmaker pastelitos. That does not mean I can't be trusted with this."

"You wrote what about who?!" Natasha growled with wide eyes.

"You wrote that?!" Charles gasped in shock.

"You read it?!" Jake stared at him in disbelief.

Raymond cleared his throat. "Moving on from that disturbing revelation. Peralta is right, no one outside this room can know anything about what we are doing."

"And Genevieve," Charles added nervously, "We can trust Genevieve. We share a life. I tell her everything."

Jake rolled his eyes. "Fine, the people in this room, and Genevieve."

"Genevieve's mom also knows, but she's in a coma, dead any second, we're good."

Jake nodded slowly with a heavy sigh. "Okay."

"Jake, make Charles stop looking at me," Natasha demanded with a grimace.

"I can't," He cringed, "I don't want him to look at me either!"

"I'm sorry!" Charles cried, "But reading fanfiction about you two isn't as bad as writing it!"

"Oh ho ho," Rich narrowed his eyes, "So you're telling us you never wrote fanfiction."

Charles looked down at his hands sheepishly before he blurted out. "At least I didn't hack into CCTV footage from New York street cameras to make gifsets for my Tumblr!"

"You did what?!" Adam hissed as he stared at Rich in disbelief.

"You two have Tumblr accounts?" Rosa sneered with a laugh.

"About us?" Amy frowned as she crossed her arms sheepishly.

"That's it. I'm killing both of you," Natasha decided with a nod.

"Please don't," Jake begged her, "I don't want you to go to prison."

"Not that this isn't extremely disturbing," Terry grimaced, "But we have bigger things to talk about right now."

Raymond gave him a thankful nod. "Unfortunately, we can't just arrest Figgis, because he has a man inside the FBI. The good news is, we have a lead that's going to break this case wide open; Maura Figgis, Jimmy's sister. She's currently serving in a maximum-security prison in Texas."

"A white woman in prison, in Texas?" Terry's eyes widened, "She must be bad."

"She murdered three people," Raymond explained casually, "And she knows Figgis's operation, so we're sending two detectives in undercover as inmates to get close to her."

"Yeah, and guys, this isn't one of those women's prisons that we've all seen being all sexy on late-night cable. You know, with the ladies touching each other's bits, and there's kind of some lame jazz playing. When these chicks fight, it's for real," Jake chuckled, "So be mature."

"How am I attracted to you?" Natasha sighed with a shake of her head.

"I don't know, I ask myself that every day," He shrugged before he grabbed her hand frantically, "Please don't lose interest in me and break up with me."

"Peralta is gross but correct," Raymond sighed, "This facility is a violent place filled with hardened criminals. We need to send someone who can blend in."

Amy immediately raised her hand. "Sir, I would be honored to take on this challenging assignment."

She frowned when everyone let out a laugh. Even Adam had to turn away from her to hide the amused smile on his face.

"Why is everyone laughing?" She whined as she raised her hand, "I can be a badass."

Gina scoffed and raised a brow. "You're raising your hand right now."

"We're in a meeting," Amy huffed with a glare, worked up over not being considered a badass.

"It's okay, babe," Adam's chuckles subsided as he wrapped his arm around her comfortingly.

Natasha smiled at the two, clearly happy with herself for setting them up. She'd never seen Adam so happy or Amy so relaxed. They made a cute couple.

"I just assumed Diaz and Zapata would be the prisoners. Nothing personal, it's just, you know..." Raymond shrugged, "They're terrifying."

Rosa and Natasha fist-bumped before they smiled at Raymond.

"Thank you," They smiled brightly, clearly happy with his choice of words.

▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼

The plan to get Rosa and Natasha into the prison hadn't gone as smoothly as they'd hoped. They planned on sending Rosa in first and Natasha a few days later to avoid any suspicion but Rosa's cover was blown within minutes of entering the prison. She'd been recognized by one of the inmates as the cop who'd arrested her three years ago.

So, it seemed Amy would be going to prison after all. And with the delay the Rosa fiasco had caused, she was being sent in with Natasha to avoid any more time-wasting. Natasha was now being fitted with her pregnancy bump while Charles went over faking diabetic shock with Amy.

"You positively glow," Jake smiled as he took a step back to study Natasha, "How do you feel?"

"I don't know," Amy shrugged, "Is anyone gonna buy it? Does she really look pregnant?"

"I mean..." Jake titled his head to the side as he placed his hands on Natasha's fake bump, "I guess I can see it."

"I think it's amazing," Charles gasped in delight, "Oh, Jake and Tasha and baby makes three. I don't know if I believe in God, but I have prayed for this."

"That is psychotic," Jake sighed as he continued to situate the bump.

Natasha quickly turned to glare at Rich when a bright flash went off. "Rich put the camera away before I shove it up your-"

"Okay!" Jake cut her off loudly with wide eyes.

Rich simply gave her a suggestive smirk. "No, no. Let her finish, I liked where that was going."

"Of course you did," Adam sighed and wrapped an arm around Amy. He nuzzled into the side of her head and kissed her cheek quickly before he whispered, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Amy gave him a warm smile and pecked his lips when she noticed no one was watching them. "Mhm, I want everyone to see that I can be a badass."

"How about I just get Rich to photoshop you doing some cool karate moves or whatever and you stay here with me?" Adam raised a brow hopefully.

Before they could say anything else, Rich's camera went off in their direction.

"Rich," Natasha warned.

"What?" He scoffed and held his hands up, "You said not to take any more photos of you."

She paused before she shrugged and nodded. "Yeah, okay."

"So, how are you feeling about all of this?" Jake asked Natasha with worried eyes.

"Great. I could smother somebody in their sleep with this thing," She smiled with an excited glint in her eyes, "Pregnancy's dope."

"Hey, that big old womb is not a weapon, okay? It's just an excuse to talk to your doctors, aka Charles and me, in private. Amy, since you're 'diabetic' you'll be brought in every few days to monitor your blood sugar. But if there's an emergency just fake a diabetic shock like we showed you. Tasha, if you need to chat, just schedule an appointment with Brent Kennedy, OB-GYN."

"And I'm Glen Kennedy, OB-GYN," Charles grinned, "We're twins, like 'Property Brothers,' but for gynecology."

"No, I said no to that idea," Jake reminded him sharply, "You are Isaac Schwartz, my older Jewish mentor, and you, Amy, are Isabel Cortez. You're in for stabbing a man on the subway 46 times in the trachea. Nat, you are Alex Russo, you're in for a drug deal gone wrong where you killed four people."

Natasha nodded happily. "Tight."

"Hey," Adam walked over to her and pulled her into a tight hug, "Be careful in there."

"Don't worry about me," She smiled warmly, "We both know I would do great in prison."

"Yeah, yeah, you're right," He chuckled quietly before he rubbed the back of his neck, "And, listen, could you just make sure-"

"Don't worry," She laughed, "I'll keep Santiago safe. Bring her back in one piece."

"Thanks, Tasha," Adam gave her a thankful smile before giving her one last squeeze.

"Good luck in there," Rosa nudged her, "And don't forget the shiv I made you."

"It's like the best thing anyone's ever gotten me, thank you," Natasha grinned at her.

"I did get you several meaningful and well-thought-out gifts over the course of our relationship," Raymond scoffed before he shrugged bitterly, "But apparently a homemade shiv tops all of that."

"But I can't stab people with any of those," Natasha argued simply.

"...You're a police officer," Raymond reminded her slowly, "You should not be stabbing people."

She rolled her eyes and shrugged before she turned to Rosa. "Sorry, prison didn't work out."

"Eh, I'll find another use for that shiv," Rosa shrugged causally.

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"Do you see Tasha? How is she?" Jake asked, his brows pinched in worry.

"Great. She just got lunch, double helping of spinach. Baby's gonna love that folic acid," Charles grinned.

"You are so strange," Jake frowned, "Okay, she's sitting alone. Bold choice, bold choice. All right, what about Amy?"

"She's blending in, trying to find somewhere to sit," Charles pointed over to her.

"This is her first time eating in the dining hall, where she chooses to sit is very important. Oh, good, she's headed towards that table of hot blonde girls. Wait a minute. No. They're Nazis. The hotties are Nazis. They're hot-zis," Jake's eyes widened, "Swerve, Amy, swerve! Good, good, good, good, good, good. Okay, and... All right, sitting with Tasha causally. Good move."

"Oh, here comes Maura," Charles sat up straighter as they focused on the interaction.

"Hey, Cortez," Marua strolled over to them, "I hear you can smuggle in crap from outside."

Jake grinned. "Noice, it's working."

Their plan so far was to get the word out that Amy had a hookup on the outside that gave her access to contraband in hopes of spiking Maura's interest.

"That's right, baby," Amy smiled coolly, "What do you want?"

"What I want..." Maura's smile dropped as she fixed her with a heated glare and growled, "Is for you to back the hell off because I'm the only store in this prison.

Jake and Charles shared a look of fear. "Uh-oh."

"Well, I didn't see your name on the outside of the prison," Amy snapped and got in her face, "Unless your name is Texas State Penitentiary Comma Spring Valley Unit."

Natasha pursed her lips but didn't say anything as she remained seated, glaring coolly at Maura.

"Oh, this is bad. I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but she should have sat with the hot-zis," Jake bit his lip nervously before he decided to get a guard to call Amy in for an emergency check-up.

Jake and Charles quickly became busy grilling Amy about her failed first interaction with Muara that they didn't notice Natasha advancing on her.

Natasha gave Maura a blank look as she stood up and pushed past her making her stumble.

"What's your problem, fish?" Maura hissed as she rubbed her shoulder.

"You're in my way," She said simply, not even turning to look at her.

"What'd you say?" Maura growled, clearly not liking the lack of respect.

"I said, you're in my way," Natasha repeated clearly as she turned to her with a brow raised.

Maura chuckled scornfully before she threw her arm out, hoping to land a punch but Natasha ducked down. Within seconds, a full-fledged brawl broke out between the inmates. The dining hall quickly filled with the sound of inmates cheering and others yelping in pain as a slew of punches and kicks were delivered in every corner. The guards were trying to yell over them as they rushed to break everyone apart.

While Natasha had managed to land several good punches, she had also been on the receiving end of several by the hands of Maura and her crew. She coughed dryly and winced when a guard finally pulled them apart but her gaze didn't leave Maura's. She fixed her with a scathing glare as they were dragged away from each other.

Once she was out of the dining hall, Natasha smiled to herself even though the cut on her lip made it sting. She'd made one hell of an impression on Maura Figgis.

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"Tasha, did you forget you're carrying a baby?!" Charles cried as he situated the fake bump.

"No, because I'm not carrying a baby," She reminded him with a roll of her eyes.

"You still need to be careful," He demanded, "So the inmates don't get suspicious."

She sighed, realizing he was right, and nodded stiffly before Jake motioned for him to leave.

"What the hell happened?" Jake demanded as he stared at Natasha's bloody and bruised face with worried eyes.

"I'm fine," She shrugged nonchalantly, "It's under control."

"Under control?!" Jake scoffed as his gaze turned heated, "Your face is bleeding everywhere!"

She rolled her eyes. "I started the fight. It's part of my plan to get in tight with Maura."

"By letting her beat you to death?" He cried in disbelief, "You can't take risks like that."

"I was in total control," She sighed, "I could have put them all on the floor if I wanted."

Jake's face pinched in irritation as he arched a brow. "Really?"

"Mm-hmm," She nodded coolly.

"So, what about the next time? What about when there's more of them? What about when you don't see them coming, which will happen? I'm pulling the plug on this," He decided quickly.

"Why?" Natasha huffed, "Because our smuggling plan backfired and she threatened to kill me?"

"Yes, every single detail of what you just said," Jake snapped as he stared at her with wide eyes, shocked at how nonchalant she was being "We need a new plan. Look, Figgis is seriously dangerous, all right? She's killed more people in prison than she did on the outside."

"I know," She sighed, finally easing his nerves in the slightest, "But if I back down now she'll never respect me and we'll get nowhere with her. Trust me, I've got this."

Jake sighed and rubbed his temple tiredly as he grabbed her hand gently. "Nat,

She exhaled irritatedly and pulled her hand away. "Maura is the best shot we have at finding Figgis and his FBI inf. You pull me out now, we'll never get close to her again, and you know it."

Charles licked his lips nervously as he joined the two. "Jake, you know I hate to disagree with you but I got to say, Jake, this time, I think you're only 99% right."

He pursed his lips, not liking how all both knew she was right. "Okay, I can see that logic, but in the interest of keeping you as un-shanked as possible, I think maybe we need a signal in case things go south. Ooh, I know. Scratch your butt."

"No, that's no good," Charles quickly shook his head, "What if her butt itches for real?"

Natasha stared at them in disdain before she sighed. "I can handle it. I've made it through 20 years of adulthood without scratching my butt in public."

Jake and Charles stared at her in disbelief.

Charles chuckled. "Tasha. Tasha. Come on. Come on."

"Come on. All right. Never? Nat, come on. Come on."

"Can I go now?" She rolled her eyes, "I promised Adam I wouldn't leave Amy alone. And I'll never admit it to her face and if you tell her I said this I will deny it and kill you in your sleep, I... care about her because she's my friend."

"Okay, don't forget, you're seven months pregnant. Your cervix is ripening as we speak."

"Mention my cervix again and I will rip your throat out and make you eat it," Natasha growled.

Jake had to pull her back and motioned his head to the door. "Charles, give us a minute."

"Ooh!" He grinned excitedly and rushed to the door, "Take all the time you need."

Jake frowned when he saw Natasha wince as he gently cupped her face.

She smiled despite the sting. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

"No more fights, okay?" He begged anxiously, "Please."

She sighed as he pulled her into his chest tightly and nodded as she nuzzled into him.

▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼

Amy and Natasha had decided on a plan to get closer to Maura. Amy would try to work her way into the crew through one of Maura's trusted members while Natasha worked on Maura herself.

"Hey," Natasha called as she strolled over to Maura, "Give me those 20-pounders."

"Wait your turn, Baby-Sitters Club," Maura snapped with a glare.

Before either of them could say anything else, Jake rushed into the prison gym and grabbed Natasha's arm frantically.

"No weight lifting," He blurted out loudly, "You can shoot that baby across the room."

Natasha glared at him as he dragged her back to the infirmary.

"Come on," She groaned irritatedly, "What's going on? I was talking to her."

"I know, but it wasn't a good time. She was holding a 20-pound weight," He explained desperately and shrugged, "That's basically Thor's hammer, babe."

"I can handle myself," She growled lowly with a glare.

"Cool, yeah," Jake nodded, "Just, you know, don't confront her when she's armed."

Natasha exhaled deeply before she reluctantly nodded. "Fine."

Not even an hour later and she was back in the infirmary.

"Seriously?" She scoffed, "She was at lunch. She didn't have a weapon."

"She had a fork," Jake argued, "That's like four tiny shivs on a stick."

It hadn't even been half an hour since the fork incident before Natasha was dragged back to the infirmary with yet another 'emergency checkup'.

"What the hell?" She glowered at Jake as she crossed her arms.

"Socks are just a noose waiting to be braided," He shrugged as if it were obvious.

The next day, Jake had called her into the infirmary three times.

"We were playing hearts," Natasha pursed her lips as she tried to keep from attacking Jake.

"In the wrong hands, every playing card is like a throwing star," He argued earnestly.

By the fifth emergency meeting of that day, Natasha was ready to smother Jake with her bump.

"She was alone, her hands were empty, and I think she was napping," Natasha snapped heatedly, "So what was the big threat this time?"

"You did the signal," Jake blubbered nervously, "You scratched your butt. Right, Boyle?"

Charles' eyes widened, clearly not wanting to disagree with his best friend but also deathly afraid of Natasha. "Uh, I don't know. I was focused on her waddle. Which you are nailing, by the way."

"Jake, what the hell?" Natasha narrowed her eyes at him, "You can't keep doing this! This is my job, I know what I'm doing. I don't need you babysitting me because you think I can't do this!"

"You know what? Fine, you're right, I don't," He sighed, "But it's only because Maura is so much more terrifying than we anticipated. I mean, she has a full back tattoo of herself stabbing a guy."

"He looks like Tom Hanks!" Charles cried in agreement with a frown.

"Yeah, and that's America's male sweetheart," Jake argued desperately.

"Oh, yeah?" She arched a brow, "Then how come you haven't been dragging Amy in here every half an hour too?"

"Because Amy hasn't been starting fights with vicious murders!" Jake reminded her sharply. 

"I can't believe this," Natasha scoffed heatedly, "You wouldn't tell Rosa to stand down."

"Well, yeah, because she's Rosa," He shrugged as if that was explanation enough, "I mean, one time, I saw her eat a whole apple using a knife, just like in the movies."

"Get over the apple thing," She snapped, "That was three years ago and I'm the one who taught her how to do it."

"I know, it was just so cool- Wait, you taught her that?! Oh, my God, my girlfriend is so cool!" Jake breathed out excitedly before he cleared his throat, "Look, I'm your handler, all right? You have to just trust me on this. My job is to keep you safe. It's the right call."

"Fine, I'll slow-play it," She huffed before holding up a finger, "But people are getting suspicious, so you can't come running in every time I'm in the same room with her, okay?"

Jake reluctantly nodded. "Okay."

"Fine," Natasha breathed out as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Fine," Jake had to fight to keep the smile off his face as he hoped to lighten the mood.

Natasha bit back a smile of her own and nodded curtly. "Good."

"Good," Jake shrugged before he grabbed her hand, "Are we good?"

Natasha sighed before she reluctantly smiled up at him. "Yeah, we're good."

"This is so sweet," Charles squealed as he took a video for Rich, "Now kiss her belly."

"You need to find a new best friend," Natasha sighed, "I'm going to kill Charles soon."

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"How's Tasha doing? Is she paying enough attention to her pelvic floor?" Charles asked as he gave Jake his coffee mug.

"Ignoring that. She is keeping a low profile, just like we discussed."

"I'm really impressed with you two," Charles smiled warmly, "You disagreed with the best strategy, but talked it through like adults."

"Well, the key is trust. I trust her to stay out of danger, and she trusts me not to interfere."

Charles' eyes widened. "Oh, my God. Amy just pushed Figgis into the garbage. And now Tasha's backing her up."

Jake jumped up without a second thought. "She's in danger. I must interfere."

"What the hell do you think you're doing, huh?" Maura yelled as she circled Amy and Natasha.

"Showing my unborn baby how an ass gets kicked," Natasha growled as she went to throw the first hit.

"All right, Russo, time for your checkup," Jake called as he grabbed her arm before she could take a swing.

Guards had shown up and pulled Maura and Amy away as well.

"No, I feel fine," Natasha snapped as she pushed at him to get back into the fight.

"No, you don't," He argued frantically, "It's your uterus, it's... gonna explode."

Natasha paused and turned to him in disbelief. "What?"

"Come with me. Stand back, everyone. You're all in the splash zone. This ute's gonna boot!"

With that, Jake rushed her out of gen pop and into the infirmary once again.

"What the hell?" He breathed out, his brows pinched angrily, "We agreed you weren't gonna do that. You disobeyed a direct order from your handler."

"I wasn't going to let Amy go up against Maura alone," She snapped, clearly annoyed with him, "Besides, my handler's orders are complete bullshit! I told you I know what I'm doing and it's insulting that you think I don't."

"Hey, hey, hey," Charles jumped in quickly as he and Amy watched them with wide eyes, "The baby can hear you yelling and it's upsetting him."

"It's a fake baby, Charles," Natasha growled as she turned her heated glare to him.

He threw his hands up quickly. "I meant me. The baby's a cover."

"Okay, stop," Jake sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "You're right. I'm 100% in the wrong. I know you can do this, you've been doing it and you've been a total badass. I just- I don't want you to. The truth is, I'm the one that's not tough enough to be in here. I mean, watching the woman I love, unarmed, locked up with all these murderers. It's just too much for me."

Natasha froze when she heard the word 'love' and quickly decided to brush it off for now. She took in a shaky breath as she squared her shoulders and pretended nothing was wrong. But her mind was a jumbled up mess at the thought of Jake loving her. She didn't know how to react, whether to be happy or running for the hills scared.

Well, she thought to herself, I guess I have something to think about in my cell tonight.

"Oh, my God. Tasha, go to him," Charles demanded.

"I screwed up," Jake frowned down at his hands sheepishly, seemingly not at all fazed about having used the word 'love' like she was.

Natasha sighed and shook her head. "No, you didn't. You were a major dick but you didn't screw anything up. I get it. Being a cop and dating a cop, t's hard. I worry about you too. Especially because you're an idiot."

The last bit, in true Natasha fashion, made Jake smile fondly at her.

"Oh, my God. Jake, go to her," Rich demanded over the phone.

Charles had video-called him so he could see the Zapalta moment first hand.

"Look, I was just trying to keep you safe, but I wasn't letting you do your job. I'm sorry."

"Why aren't you going to each other?" Rich and Charles complained in unison.

"I think I have to take myself off of this assignment," Jake decided with a heavy sigh.

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. You got this," He smiled warmly at his girlfriend, "Hopefully, I haven't already blown your cover by dragging you into my office so many times. Also, I'm pretty sure a lot of people heard me say that your baby's blood type is 'OG'," He grimaced.

"Yeah, you're a pretty terrible doctor," Amy chuckled, "But I think I know how to get things back on track. And it'll help Natasha blow off some steam."

"Santiago, you are my favorite person here," Natasha smiled excitedly.

"Hey!" Jake whined, "I'm your boyfriend."

▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼

"Hey, Russo, you're late for your appointment," Jake called as he grabbed Natasha's arm.

"Quit touching me," She growled and turned swiftly to land a punch on his nose.

"Oh! Ugh!" Jake groaned in pain as he clutched his nose.

"I don't need checkups every two seconds, you dimple-chinned freak!" She yelled.

The inmates quickly circled them and watched in awe as she sent Jake tumbling to the floor.

"Ow! You're so tough and I'm just a beautiful intellectual," He cried as he curled into himself.

"Hey, I love beating up doctors," One of the inmates grinned, "Can I get in there?"

"No!" She huffed protectively, "He's mine. All of you, back off! I'm kicking for two."

▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼

"So, Russo, what are you in for?" Maura asked casually as she sat down with Amy and Natasha.

"Stupid drug charge," Natasha rolled her eyes, "They told me to rat on my people."

Maura raised a brow. "Your people?"

Natasha glanced over her shoulder before she whispered. "Norteños Locos. It's my boyfriend's crew. The cops know I have enough to wipe 'em out, but I ain't no snitch. All you got in this world are your people. Betray that, and you're nothing."

Maura stared at her, clearly having liked what she just heard.

"What are you looking at?" Amy snapped to fill the silence, "You got a problem?"

"Whoa. Cool it, killer," Maura chuckled coolly before she turned to Natasha, "I just wanted to say good job on beating the crap out of that doctor."

Natasha nodded and smirked proudly. "Thanks."

"I like you, you got balls. You should come work for me. I could use a bruiser on my crew."

Natasha nodded to Amy. "Only if you take my cellmate too, we're a package deal now."

"And I'm not a bruiser. I'm a psycho," Amy smirked.

At this, Maura grinned and nodded. "Even better."

Amy and Natasha shared a look and they quickly fist-bumped under the table.

▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼

"Hey, girlfriend," Jake sang as he answered the phone.

Her voice was heavy when she spoke, almost like she was upset. "Jake, Maura told us who Figgis has working for him in the FBI."

"Yeah, I already know who it is, because I just caught him: Special Agent Ryan Whealon. Also, I did one full pull-up. I'm gonna be so buff when you get back," He grinned excitedly.

"Well, what about the other guy?" She asked immediately.

Jake's face fell. "What other guy?"

"My Uncle Bob," She sighed, "He's a friend of Holt's, Bob Anderson."

"Bob?" Jake repeated in shock, "Oh, my God. Tasha, I have to go."

▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼


I hope you guys liked this chapter! I'm sorry it's a little late but I hope the extra-long chapter made up for it. Please let me know what you thought. 

I love Adam and Amy together and I can't wait to write more about their relationship! what do you guys think of Rantiago(?) so far?

What do you guys think/want to happen in the next chapter? It's the last one before we start season 4, and I am so excited! Should Jay make a comeback?

Please don't forget to vote and comment!

Have a great day and stay safe ♥♥

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