Chapter 11: Huge Crisis Zone

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A/n: Ok, people, after this Zone, things are gonna ramp up even more. Both for the plot and Blitz's relationship with Blaze.


As Aero and I flew over the fleet, we were searching for any sign of Blaze or Cream. Aero was the first to spot something.

Aero: Over there.

I look over to see Blaze on.......god DAMMIT why that ship!?!?

Blitz: Of course. THIS ship if all things.

Aero: What did we talk about earlier?

Blitz: Tch. Fine. Let's just get this over with.

We landed on the ship, near Blaze and Cream as Blaze was fighting bots.

Blaze: How many of you ARE THERE!?!?

A large Badnik was about to hit Blaze from behind as I came up and punched it in the face (like a disgrace).

Blitz: So, did I miss the party?

Blaze: Hmph. What're YOU doing back here?

Blitz: Well, I said I'd help you get ALL of the Sol Emeralds, right? And I'm a wolf of my word. Also, if it's fine with you, I'd like to discuss something after we're done here.

Blaze: Whatever. Let's just go.

???: NOT so fast, you-........ah great. MORE of you!

We turned to see Robotnik in yet another Egg Hammer Mega....but different. (I don't need an image for this. It's just the Egg Hammer Mega but recolored)

Aero: Eggman.

Aero wasn't too happy to meet Robotnik again. After all, his Badniks apparently took his family from Aero at a young age, according to what he told me. I wouldn't blame him.

Eggman: Do I know you?

Aero got even angrier.

Aero: Oh YES you do! I'm the one who's gonna put you in the ground. Here and NOW!!!

Aero summoned two blades made of ice and charges at Robotnik's giant mech.

Blitz: Aero! Wait!!

The Egg Hammer swatted Aero aside as it attempted to squash Blaze.

Blitz: Look out!

I pulled her out of the way as Robotnik attempted to squish her.

Blaze: I don't need your help!

Blitz: Deal with it. Besides, after this, I'll...... I'll explain everything. About me......and my past. Alright? Just work with me here.

Blaze thought about it and spoke.

Blaze: Fine. But you're going to explain EVERYTHING.

Blitz: Alright, fine. Let's just defeat this guy.

Aero got back up after being swatted like a fly.

Blitz: As for you, Aero. Try to keep calm. Otherwise, you'll get killed. Cream, stay back.

Cream: Ok.

She stood in the background with Cheese as we fought with Robotnik. He attempted to crush us several times, but either Blaze, Aero, or myself dealt damage to the cockpit as we fought.

Eggman: Hmph. Fine. Let's see if you can top THIS!!

He brought the head of the mech to one of the ships cannons and fired several rounds at us. Thankfully, Aero froze most of them, but the ones he couldn't hit, Blaze and I dodged them. Aero then shot a few ice spikes at the Egg Hammer, damaging it even more.

Eggman: I'll finish this NOW!!

Robotnik raised the mech's head to attack, but missed. Blaze and I then hit the Egg Hammer together as it exploded into pieces. Robotnik was floating above the wreckage now, trying to flee.

Eggman: You'll never catch me!!

Aero: Oh really.

Aero was already flying next to Robotnik, ready to freeze him as a Badnik shot him down.

Aero: Ah, crud.

Aero yelped as his descent to the ground became a crash landing. As he landed, he said,

Aero: I'm ok......I think..... ow.

Blaze had already kicked Robotnik away by the time I looked back at her.

Blaze: One more emerald. Then I can go.....home.

I walked over to her.

Blitz: Listen, Blaze........I-

Blaze: Save it, Blitz.

I thought she was about to refuse to let me explain until....

Blaze: I know you didn't mean to do that back at the Water Palace. You were in the heat of the moment. It's fine, so you don't need to apologize. But you DO need to explain some things.

Blitz: Fine, but........not here. Please.

I wanted out if here as soon as possible before anymore flashes of memories could return.

Blaze: Fine. How do we get out of here?

Blitz: How'd you even GET here?

Blaze: Hang Glider from the Altitude Limit zone.

Thank Mobius I left when I did.

Blitz: I know some gliders that are nearby. We can use those to fly out of here.

Aero: I got my wingpack.

We went to the gliders and flew away from the ships, me hoping never to go there again.

Blitz: 'I have a lotta explaining to do when we land'


We had landed some time ago and I still haven't told Blaze anything. I was a small distance away mentally preparing myself for whatever was gonna happen after I did. Aero was trying to rush me.

Aero: C'mon. Just talk to her. If she hates you, then ok. She's not a very good friend. If she accepts you, then ok. She's a good friend. Maybe you could even get her to be somethin' a little more if y'know what I mea-

Blitz: For the hundredth time, Aero, I don't like her that way! She's just a companion whom I'm traveling with who's a purple cat who's very skilled, and graceful......and.......pretty- DAMMIT AERO!!!

Aero: I knew it! You like her, don't ya!?

Blitz: You little.......I don-..........SHUT UP!!!! And don't you tell a soul!!!

Aero: HaHa!!!! I knew it!!! Ok, ok. But let's get real here, you need to tell her now. If you don't, either I'll freeze you or she'll burn you. Take your pick.

Blitz: Grrrr!! I said WAIT!! I just need to prepare myse-

Aero: Hey! This isn't one of those things you "prepare for", Blitz. In cases like these.....

He places a hand on my shoulder as he opens up his wingpack.

Aero: Ya just gotta WING it. HaHAHAHAHAHHA!!

I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly.

Blitz: Ha-Ha. Real funny, Aero........fine. I'm going.

Aero: Thatta boy.

Blitz:.........don't ever say that again unless you wanna keep your beak.

Aero: Oooooo. So scared.

He said, acting scared. I walked over to Blaze.

Blaze: Finally ready?

Blitz: Y-Yeah.

Blaze: Listen. You......You don't have to tell me EVERYTHING if you don't want to. You can just at least tell me how you and Eggman know each other and let that be tha-

Blitz: No. I want to........I wanna tell you everything. Or at the very least, almost everything. If that's ok.

Blaze: Alright then. It's fine.

I took a deep breath and sighed.

Blitz: Alright.........Here we go.

Blitz: Several years ago.......

A/n: Ha! Cliffhanger! Ok, sorry. I figured I'd leave the chapter at this part since next one will be a, you guessed it, FLASHBACK!! But what will this Flashback hold? What secrets will it reveal? Find out next chapter!!! See ya!

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