Caramel Apples

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One Halloween, we were making caramel apples with my family. I was one of the last to make mine because my siblings all wanted to go first and I didn't care when I made mine, as long as I made one.

I stepped up to the stove and dipped my apple in the boiling caramel and noticed the problem. There wasn't enough caramel left to just dip the apple in. My mom grabbed a rubber spatula and helped me cover the apple all the way and it was going alright until the spatula went too high and a glob of molten caramel fell on my finger.

It was the first time I'd been badly burned and didn't really know what to do. The caramel looked pretty cool though so I just stared at it until my mom yelled at me to put it under cold water. It didn't hurt immediately, but after running it under the water a few minutes, I could feel the burn, literally. I still got to decorate my apple and eat it, but I learned that day what you do when you get burned.

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