Choir Tour Devotional: A Whole New World

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In 2014, my choir went on a 16 day LDS church history tour. They wanted to do a bus devotional on all of the days we spent a morning on the bus and they thought it would be a good idea to invite students to perform something or say something if they wanted.

One day, two senior boys decided to sing a duet together. Not any duet though, the duet popularized in Disney's Aladdin, A Whole New World.

They took their position at the front of the bus, holding the microphone and an Ipad with the words pulled up. Skipping the first verse, they jumped right into the chorus and immediately one dropped out on account of laughing so hard. The other attempted to sing both parts, his voice cracking at one point and towards the end, he forgot the words, coming back in when he found his place in the song.

He was surprisingly able to hit a few of the high notes but this wasn't something they were doing to show their talent, they wanted to boost spirits and provide something for us to laugh at. Maybe though, in the end, that's what really matters. Maybe we aren't meant to show off our talents but to use them to help others feel something.

So I was going to put up the video I took while this happened but apparently I can't use videos that aren't on YouTube. Sorry friends!

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