Chapter 1

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I am posting the chapter as many of u were asking me to post...but if u want the me to update next chap then complete the target of CONTRADICTED LIVES and let me complete it in this week....if that book is completed before Friday the next chapter will be posted on Saturday morning....

It was almost an adventure to be flying through empty space...whether it's for an aeroplane or for his life. Indeed his life was an adventure get some food for survival and a roof to his head...he played the game of adventure sponsered by fate with no opponent in particular but himself and the fate.

If u don't have anyone it will be ok to be an orphan..but when u have a huge family but still u are being an orphan is the most painfull life ever...but he was glad that his life was empty. He was glad he was not answerable to anyone...he was waiting for the earth take him inside with love not to let him suffer more...

But the fate is still playing with him so cruelly and here he is sitting on the window seat of the plane looking outside with no emotions. His face and mind was devoid of any emotions...he didn't wanted this but he can't do anything...

He was passing through clouds which were like thick mists with occasional bumpy air pockets. Same as his life. He didn't wanted go back...go back to them who didn't cared for them...the flight was flying above sky scrappers of New York effortlessly...all the buildings were standing erect showing a cold shoulder telling him what he could expect....

He was clouded with his own pool thoughts when a voice interrupted him. He came out of his thoughts and turned to see a airhostess may be at a age around mid 20s....

AH: are you ok sir...she asked politely.

Sid: huh...yeah i am ok thank u...

AH: we are about to land...can u put on your seatbelt properly...she said pointing towards his seatbelt which he undid sometime ago.

Sid: yeah sure...thank much time is exactly there to land...

AH: approximately 15 u want something to don't look ok...

Sid: no thank's just..just i am flying after so long...

AH: ohh kk...make yourself comfortable..we will be landing soon...thank u...she said politely smiling.

Sid smiled slightly at her and corrected his seatbelt. He didn't even realised it's been nearly 5 hours before he went to use washroom and came back with lots of thoughts in his minds and didn't bothered to put the seatbelt back.

He again looked out of the window. The buildings were vanishing when the flight went forward. Soon the runway came into the view. His breath hitched when he realised that he was finally back to his brothers...the brothers who didnt wanted him back then and now also...but fate is compelling them to take him back...

Sid: it's ok's just a matter of few months than u are again on ur own....he said to himself taking a deep breath.

He stood up from his seat and took out the only hand luggage he have with some clothes which he managed to buy for himself with the money he earned in Delhi. He waited till all the passengers to go out. It's not like he was scared but tried his every possible way to push the time to meet them.

Sid very well knew they don't want him. They don't even try to get to know about him all these years...but now walking down the stairs of the airport, he dreaded the thought of meeting them. He didn't knew who would be waiting outside to pick him up.

He didn't had any contact numbers of them. He just got the flight ticket sent to him that too through the lawyer. He was looking forward to meet one of the 4 elder brothers.

Sid came out of the airport and his eyes were roaming through the crowd waiting for their loved ones...not in his case he know....he was searching for a familiar face but his eyes landed on a man whom he don't know with a board containing


He smiled sadly seeing that. They didn't even wanted to give their surname to him. Tears welled up in his eyes. He immediately wiped it and slowly approached the man.

Man: yes....he asked coldly when sid stood before him.

Sid felt little scared on that tone. He was always scared of loud yelling and shouting...unwanted gifts from juvenile. Sid silently pointed the board and then to himself.

Man: u are siddharth....he asked scanning him from head to toe.

Sid just nodded yes. He was feeling like crying. He hated that look. The look of judgement from others which he is experiencing from so long...

Man looked at siddharth. The boy looked resembling to his boss. But was he really 17...they said he is going to be 18 in few months ..but the boy in front of him looked much younger. He was so lean and pale. If he was true he did saw a scar on his forehead but the latter has hide it well with his hairs ...if someone meet him for first time without knowing anything about him they would think he is 14.

Sid was just looking down not wanting to say anything. He wished the man will give his return ticket and he will go back and start his daily journey to get a job.

Man: i am Rajiv...Avinash sirs PA...

Sid: h..he didn't came....he asked with a hope that he will be waiting in the car atleast .

Rajiv: sir have an important meeting today so he sent me ...u will meet him at home....he lied.

He very well knew that Avinash didn't even wanted to see his face. So he sent Rajiv to pick him up. According to Avinash, sid was just a spoilt brat who killed his mother....but the boy standing infront him can't be even a inch of brat...being a murderer was impossible he thought...but looks can be deceptive....he thought to himself as till now his boss never failed in judging someone....

Rajiv: ok let's go....where are ur luggages...

Sid: this bag only....he said and again Rajiv looked at him for few seconds and nodded ok. He started to walk towards their car when sid followed him.

The car ride was silent as Rajiv was driving. Sid was sitting silently looking outside the window. All the tall buildings were running behind when they went forward. The place was familiar yet so unfamiliar to him. He has spent his first 10 years of life here... But it felt stranger to him. He felt like when he was standing on the road of Delhi after coming out of the juvenile 2 years ago....places were different but the feeling was same....he is a stranger to everyone here....he is the odd one out everywhere.

The car stopped making him stop his train of thoughts. He looked at Rajiv.

Rajiv: we are here....go inside...i have got a call from office i have to go...

Sid felt suffocated suddenly...he was scared to go inside the house no the mansion which stood majestic before him. He looked at Rajiv little scared.

Sid: b..but...

Rajiv: can't u understand in one time....everyone in the house know u are coming please get down from the car already...he said irritated.

Sid quickly got down from the car. He looked at the mansion and turned to ask something to Rajiv but he was already speeding up the car. Sid sighed and turned back or never....he has to face it now...he has to face his brothers....he took a deep breath and started to walk towards the main door .

Rajiv called Avinash immediately leaving from there.

Avi: yeah Rajiv...

Rajiv: work done boss...i dropped him in the mansion....

The second he heard him Avinash felt something on his was beating so faster...he just wanted to go and make sure he is ok...but at the same time the hatred for him stopped him. Avinash was battling with part of his was screaming to go to his younger one and cherish him but at the same time other part stopped him even from thinking about the one....he hmmed an response and cut the call....

Avinash: i really hate u siddharth....i don't know how are we going to be keeping u around us....he mumbled to himself.

Then he took his mobile and called his head servant in the mansion and gave some instructions regarding him. How much they hate him..he is here now...and they can't ignore the fact and at the same time they can't accept him forgiving him for the sin he did...

But what Avinash didnt knew was the boy coming back to their lives after 7 years was not even a percent of the same 10 year old to whom they showed their back and literally abandoned him...he was totally a new person now...totally a broken person now....

Lets see if the brothers can see through him and find how much broken he is and realise he is really in need of their support and love...or they will just hate him to the full life....

To be continued....

Will the brothers accept him back...

Can sid hide his secrets from his brothers....

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