Chapter 11

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Anamika was waiting in the living hall. By the looks itself it was evident that she was tensed. Abhi and Aadhvik came down and was surprised to see her in the early morning. It was just 7.

Abhi: di....what are u doing here at 7....

Anamika looked at them coming down and tried to smile.

Ana: where is Avinash Abhi....

Addu: di...what happened....why are u looking so tensed...

Ana: some emergency Addu...where is Avi.... I am calling him from so long...

Abhi: oh sorry di....actually bhaiya caught up with something here...

Ana: what happened....

Addu: Sid got some terrible nightmare yesterday....he was going out of control...atlast bhaiyu had to sedate him to calm him down....he said and Anamika found a softness in his tone as Aadhvik was the one who was spitting anger whenever Sid's topic came. It was a good sign of change...she thought...

Ana:'s ok..let's talk about that i want to meet Avi.. where is he...

Abhi: in Sid's room....bhaiya and bhaiyu slept with him yesterday....

Anamika looked surprised. That was a good change but this sudden...something must be terribly wrong then....

Ana: ok i will go and meet him there itself...she said climbing the stairs when the twins left for their work.

Sid was gaining concious slowly. He opened his eyes groggily and looked around. He remembered where he was and the feeling of something soft under him made him frown. He sat and saw he was lying on the bed. He jolted up and climbed down the bed and backed off to the wall looking at the bed horrified..all the beatings and the slappings he got from the senior children in juvenile came to him in a flash. He was never allowed to sleep on bed not even he touched it. Their tortures has inflicted a very powerfull fear for the bed.

Avinash and Anirudh was startled when Sid climbed down the bed and backed off to the wall. They were confused why he was looking so horrified and he was looking at the bed which so much fear.

Anamika entered the room witnessing the scene. She was confused on seeing Sid standing on the other side of room looking scaredly  at the bed and his brothers on the other side looking so confused. But she approached sid as he was standing freezed to the place.

Ana: siddharth....what happened bachha....she asked in gentle tone slowly grabbing his shoulder.

Sid slowly looked at her with a wide eyes which was filled with fear. But her gentle touch melted him and he got remembered her...the one who was his guardian angel...he couldn't help himself. He suddenly threw himself on her hugging tightly and started to cry badly.

Avinash and Anirudh was surprised when they saw him hugging her and crying. But at the same time worried that he was crying and they didn't know whats the reason. They also approached them when Anamika was trying to console him.

Ana: sid...siddharth...what happened....why are u crying baccha...she said pulling him back.

Sid was crying so badly that he didn't realised he was talking to Anamika and his brothers were also present there. He looked at Anamika with tears rolling down. She gently wiped away his tears and made him sit on the chair near by as she understood he is not fond of the beds.

Sid tried to calm himself and to stop crying. He was looking down all the time worrying all them.

Avi: siddharth...he called him and tried to touch him

Sid who realised their presence in the room stood up with a jerk and stepped back from him.

Sid: i am sorry...i am really sorry...i didn't know how i end up on the bed...i will not do it again...i am sorry....

The trio was shocked. What was he talking about...Anirudh remembered that Shankar told him that sid was lying on the floor on the first day he came..he shrugged if off then..but it seems to more problematic now...

Ani:'s ur bed...why are u asking sorry for sleeping on it...

Sid looked at him with blank eyes and spoke.

Sid: u..u will not hit me..??...he asked hesitantly...

Avinash and Anamika looked at eachother.

Avi: why will we hit u...

Sid: for sleeping on the bed...they always hit me...he said the last line like whisper looking down.

Others heard it as it was really silent. Both the elder brothers were shattered on hearing this..who hit their younger brother for sleeping on the bed.

Ana: who hit u siddharth....she asked in a much gentler tone. Sid looked at her for a second and looked down again.

Sid: juvenile..he again whispered.

Avinash and Anirudh closed their eyes to stop the tears rushed to come out. What have they done...

Ana: sid..u got this scar also in the I right...she said pushing his hairs on his forehead to the side and he nodded in yes slowly.

The brothers looked at the scar and felt a pang in their heart. The scar was having about 7 to 9 stitches. Sid was the most pampered one in the house and they never let him have any injury. Having a scar was an impossible thing for him. But now he was having such a huge scar and he was hiding it well from them. The child who seeked everyone's comfort for just scratch was now standing before them not even bothered to tell them about it.

Abhi and Aadhvik who came to check on Sid heard those things stood froze to their place. Sid's words broke them. Sleeping on the bed is a basic right of a human and he was beaten up to give up the right that has pushed him to get scared of it. They silently left from there not having the courage to go inside.

Anamika was about to say something when her mobile rang.

Ana: shit...i forget about it's emergency....we have to go to the office please come fast...

Avinash looked at sid.

Ani: i will take care here Avi...u go ..she sounds serious...

Avinash nodded in ok and left to get ready. He couldnt digest the thing he heard now. They all were having luxurious life here when his kid brother was tortured.

Ana: ok go and get fresh....and have breakfast...u look so exhausted...she said caressing his head.

Sid looked at her. This time his eyes was not blank. He was showing some emotions towards her. He itself didn't know what was that emotion but she reminded him of someone who saved his life once. He respected the concern she was showing to him.

Sid: i am sorry...i hugged u without ur permission....

Ana: no has to ask for permission to hug someone siddharth....and with me u never have to hesitate ok...whatever happens...i am always here with u ok...she said caressing his cheek. He smiled a little and nodded in ok. Anirudh was surprised to see him smile. It was the first he saw him smiling after coming here. Sid left to the washroom giving a small glance at Anirudh.

Ana: don't ask anything about this anymore Ani....let him become comfort first....he have to trust us all to tell us about the things happened with him in the past...what now we heard was just a slip of a tongue...

Anirudh agreed to her.

Ani: what's the problem in office...will I be needed....

Ana: I don't think u have to come...and u should be home today...tell this to the boys..they have to know..they have to realise what's happening in their brothers life...she said and left the room.

Avinash palmed his face. They were in the car on the way to the factory. There was bomb threat given to the factory where 1200 workers were working in a single shift. If the bomb explodes it will not only damage the surrounding part but it will destroy the whole unit. And Avinash was worried for the workers. He can't afford to lose any of them...he can't handle himself if any loss of employees occur...

Anamika was trying to console him. She knew already he was agitated with Sid's problem. And the thing they witnessed and heard few minutes ago was not at all digestible. Her phone rang and she answered. After ending the call she seemed relaxed.

Ana: the threat is just empty's just a rumour...they checked the whole unit...and also they traced the person who made the call....but...

Avinash looked at her.

Avi: but...

Ana: the person made the call is just a young boy of age 10...and they say he is a brother of one of the intern working in the unit....

Avinash sighed. What the hell was would a 10 year old will make such a thing and what made him to do like empty threat that too involving bombs can lead to serious punishment...

Both of them entered the office in the factory unit. They saw that their intern was pleading to the officers to forgive his brother and let him go. Avinash was shocked and surprised. The interns name was Karan and he was just 19. He came to the interview 3 months back and luckily that day Avinash was looking over the interview process. At first he was not ready to select him as he was just 19. But his academics and the skills were good.

Karan literally pleaded him to give him the job as they lost their parents in a accident an year ago and their only property they had in new york was snatched by the bank as it was on loan leading to lose the only income they had and also he informed that he has a younger brother to look after. Avinash saw himself in the 19 year old boy and selected him for the job. But why did his younger brother did like this...

Avinash looked at the boy who was struggling in the grips of the officers crying. He was hardly 11 or 12 years old...the boy looked terrified and was calling for his brother. Karan even though he was angry on his brother gave a cold glare at him but was pleading to the officers to let him go.

Karan: Sir..please sir...i am so sorry...i didn't know why he did like this...but i am sorry on his behalf... please sir...let him go...he is not even near the age of going to a jail please....he pleaded to Avinash.

Avinash's mind suddenly flashed a scene in his eyes. The same scene where sid was crying badly in fear and struggling in the grips of the police calling for him. But the only difference between two situations was he stood idle when they dragged away his brother but here Karan was begging them to let his brother go...the truth that he abandoned his brother 7 years ago hit him hard.

Anamika understood his situation. But here he was the boss and he has to take a decision now. Avinash went to the officers who were holding the boy...the boy stopped crying when he saw Avinash coming towards him.

Avi: leave him officer....u are hurting him...can't u see he is just 11 or 12....he said looking at the harsh grip.

Officer: but sir...

Avi: i said leave him officer....

The officer loosened his grip on the boy and he dashed towards his brother hugging him tightly and crying.

Avi: i am not pressing any charges officer...i know this was a waste of time for u all...i apologise for that....u can there is no damage i am not pressing any charges...

The officers reluctantly left from there. Avinash was the best businessman and the no 1 in the city...they can't deny him.

Boy: i am sorry bhaiya....i really didn't know what to do...u didnt even heard me out....i am sorry....he said hugging him tightly and crying.

Avinash heard him and went to him. He gently pulled the boy away from Karan.

Avi: what's ur name bacha...

Boy: Karthick....

Avi: hmm..why did u do like this....he asked making him sit on the couch and taking the place beside.

Karthick looked at his brother with teary eyes. Karan looked away in anger with tear filled eyes.

Kar: i am sorry sir...i didn't know what to do...

Avi: for what...

Kar: to make bhaiya to drop me at school or else i have to walk to the school and the local boys who are on the way will bully me...they are so bad that they always disturb me...they even took my money which bhaiya gave me for the lunch yesterday....and they threatened me to get more money today or they will beat me...

I..i asked bhaiya to drop me today...but he said he have to come for the shift...i didn't know what to only i called 911 and said there is bomb in this factory....i..i thought u will give leave for the work and bhaiya will come back to home...i didnt know it will become this much big problem....i am sorry...he said with tears rolling down.

Karan who was shocked to hear this went to him and took him in his embrance. He should have listened to him when he asked him to drop adamantly. He didn't knew his brother was bullied.

Karan: i am sorry bacha...i am really sorry...i didn't know...he said hugging him tightly. Karthick was crying silently in his bhaiya's embrance.

Kar: i am sorry bhaiya....forgive me...

Karan: it's ok's my fault too...i am also sorry...

Kar: i am sorry sir....please dont fire him from the job because of me...i am really sorry...he said so innocently...

Karan: it's ok karthick....every wrong we do has a punishment....i will take it if there is...dont cry now...please...i have promised mom that i will protect u...i failed once by not hearing to u...but i will not fail again....he said hugging him again.

Avinash saw them with a blank face. He was witnessing the same thing which happened years ago...only the situation and the concept was different. Karan was doing one thing which he failed to stand by his brother....

Avi: I am not going to fire ur brother baccha...don't worry...and also Karan u can shift into the quarters which is there for our employees....i thought u have a good place to live so only i didn't asked u at the time of joining...but now the area is not safe...u can shift to the apartment in our quarters and also Karthick don't have to walk to his school....he will go to school in school bus from tomorrow and the fees will be paid by our Shwetha go home and make sure he is ok....he said gaining a thank u from Karan and they left from there....

Anamika also left to complete the legal formalities. Avinash sat on the couch again going through the conversation between Karan and Karthick. Karan showed a mirror to him that he failed once with his brother. But the destiny  have given him another chance and he will not fail again. And Karan was right every wrong we do have it's punishment and sid got his punishment for the wrong he did....but what he will do when he comes to know that his brother has took the cruel punishment of this society for a thing he never did.....

To be continued.....

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