Chapter 14

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Sidharth went to his room followed by Abhi and Addu. Sid was thinking how to tell them to leave him alone. He was still carrying his medicines. He cannot take it out before them. They reached his room. Sid turned to them hesitantly. Abhi saw him and understood he is not comfortable around them. 

Abhi: go and change siddharth...i will tell kaka to get something to u to eat ok...he said as he really wanted to go down now. The problem going on in the hall was big.

Siddharth was more than glad when Abhi asked him to go and change. He quickly went inside and locked the door. He sighed in relief that they didnt asked anything. He took out the medicines and checked it once and took one set as he have to take it for the morning. He sighed and sat on the bed and thats when he heard the shout from down. He didnt liked the man who was talking to his brother. He immediately stood and went down to see what was happening.

Vish: Marry her and shut them up....he finished and sid saw all of his brothers are looking so shocked including Anamika. 

Ani: are u crazy can u just force a decision on them like's their life...

Vish: i am telling the same thing's my daughter's life...her dignity is at stake now...who will marry her after this problem...(turning to Avinash) is this how u payback ur friend who compromised her carrier to help u Avinash....

Sid didn't liked the way that man was speaking to his brother. He was getting angry by seeing the man directly disrespecting his brother. Same went with the other boys...

Ana: uncle...but..

Vish: u keep quite Anamika...i am here for my daughter...

Ana: and the daughter u are talking about is me...i know what is ur plan...u will not succeeded in it uncle..i will not let u...

They were arguing about it when the news started to telecast caught everyone's attention.

Is that true...Ms. Anamika dutta...the princess of Dutta family is being a mistress for the king of Varma empires..our sources has confirmed that Ms.Dutta has given up her carrier as lawyer only of Mr. Avinash be with him...the said women is found being at Varma mansion most of the time...are the things going around is true...

The news was going on and on...Addu was so furious and Abhi was disgusted that how could they feed on someone's misery like that...everyone has their private life...but these media sharks were invading it directly...

Addu went to the tv and switched it off in great anger. He was literally bubbling up to break the mouths of those reporters who were talking shits...

Vish: so...see how is it going.. they are directly accusing her...he said and internally smirked...someone out in the city was doing their job perfectly and helping him unknowingly in making his work to be done...

Vish: now tell me Anirudh...what answer ur brother is going to give...

Anirudh was about to talk back when Avinash replied shocking all of them.

Avi: i will marry her....he said leaving the others in utter shock...

Ana:what...but avi...

Avi: No's serious...those sharks will not back down before they are shown their place...but like Mr. Dutta said...we cant change the impact that news made in the minds of crores of people...

Ani: but can u just bow to them...they want to put u down and u are ready to go down on ur knees..

Abhi: bhaiyu is right...u can't give in to their demands like this...u can't get urself into a forced relationship bhaiya...

Sid was looking at them not getting anything. He got confused that why Abhi telling it as a forced relationship. All these days he was thinking that Avinash and Anamika was in a relationship as he saw how much close she was to all of the brothers and also the respect they gave to her..

Avi: no's not like that...i know our friendship is pure but those sharks will not back down before we give them a shot...

Ana: but Avi...

Avi: do u trust me Ana...

Ana: Avi..what..

Avi: tell me Ana...i can give u my word...i don't know if i could be the man of love of ur life but i can promise that i will always be a good friend to u and will protect u always... i have failed once to protect  my family...I will not do it again...he said thinking about sid..

Everyone was looking at him silently.

Avi: tell me u me enough to give ur responsibility to me...i promise i will not break the trust...

Addu was silent all the time. He has dreamed so much about his bhaiya's marriage. But he didn't expected this kind of situation will arise where his brother will be forced to accept a girl in his life...he liked Anamika so much but he didn't knew if she was the right girl for his brother.....

Abhi knew why Avinash was doing this. He understood Avinash's last dialogue very well. His brother admited that he failed to protect Anamika being his bestfriend he was not ready to lose her to the cruel society...but he also didn't knew if this relationship will work or not, Especially when it is forced on him.

Anirudh was agitated. He has always wanted Anamika to be the girl of his twin's life. But now being in a forced situation he couldn't get through it correctly..he didn't wanted his brother to get into a forced relationship...

But in between the trio totally forgot to think about Anamika who was standing there numb. Anamika looked at Avinash who was waiting for her answer. She has admired him all the time for his sincerity in their friendship. She has adored him for how he took care of his brothers he loved them..but now she was stuck. She herself didn't knew if she can get along if they get into this relationship.

But again the news telecast was ringing in her mind. The word mistress has shaken her up from inside. It was one thing that a girl should not go through. Getting questioned about her character and the dignity.

Anamika looked at her uncle. She very well knew he will be partying inside for getting his work done here..then she looked at Avinash. He was also badly shaken up from the incidents happened. The pain in his voice told volumes that he is regretting already for leaving his youngest brother to face this cruel world alone. Now he was not ready to let her face this world alone.

Anamika knew Avinash will not fail her anytime. Even if this is a forced relationship she knew he will not fail her. If he promises to be her best friend always he will...she composed herself and wiped her tears.

Ana: ok...she whispered and her uncle did a victory dance in his mind. The brothers were shocked. They didn't knew she will accept. They didn't knew if they should be happy for this or angry for forcing it on their brother. Sid was a silent spectator for everything. Still he is an outsider. He don't have any rights to say anything about this...

Vish: that's good...and also it will be more good if u two itself announce it...

Avinash took a deep breath. The desicion is made and he can't back out from that. But he will not leave those who dared to touch his family...yes Anamika was now family..the world will know it soon..

Avi: i will...but before that i have something to take care of it...i will let u know once I prepare everything...he said and left to his study. On the way he saw sid standing at the stairs. Sid immediately made his way up.

Avinash sighed. It was just few hours ago he realised his big mistake of failing to protect his brother but now this problem. The time and fate was being so cruel to him. But his blood boiled when he thought about the reporter who questioned in the press meet. He was furious and left to his study...the grieving and grovelling part with his brother can wait for sometime...

Vishweshwar was happy that he succeeded in what he came for. He didn't expected Avinash will accept this easily. But he didn't knew he has done one thing that is proving to be useful in his whole life. He thought he can make the Varma's to dance to his tunes with Anamika in their family...but one thing he doesn't know is that is Anamikas family and she will never let anyone to play with it...

He left after Avinash left to his study. Anamika also left as she couldn't understand what the other brothers were thinking when themselves don't know what to do next. Anirudh composed himself and comforted Abhi and Addu...this was not a time to grieve. The desicion is already taken..they respect his elder brother to take the right desicion and they will support him. He left for the hospital as he got emergency patients...Abhi and addu left to their rooms thinking thier brother will make everything alright.

Avinash went to the study and found Karan and Karthick along with Shankar. He totally forgot about them. He was confused why they were here that too with siddharth.

Avi: everything there any problem..

Karan: no sir...everything is fine...

Avi:ok..then pack ur stuffs and ur quarters will be ready by tomorrow...u two can shift by the evening...

Karan: ok sir...

Shankar: umm...Avinash sir... I wanted to tell u something...

Avi: what is it kaka...and yeah why Karan and Karthick came with u...

Shankar: that's what I want to talk about...actually when we went to the supermarket...he started to explain everything happened back in supermarket.

Avinash palmed his face. Sid's problem was getting revealed one by one within few hours and he was feeling guilty with every single thing he comes to know what's with the name Karthick...who is that and what relation does he had with sid...he was confused like hell and above all the media problem was getting on his nerve...

Avi: i will look to it kaka...Karan thank u for coming and helping sid...u can go...i will take care of it...he said and dismissed them.

After that Avinash took a deep breath thinking about everything happened from last night to the thing which happened few minutes ago. He didn't knew why the God was doing this to him. May be He was punishing him for abandoning his brother back then.

But now it was not a time to grieve about it. Its the time to take actions and show those sharks their place. He took out his phone made some calls. Now the enemies who tries to touch Avinash's family to get him down will know what will happen if they even think of it again...for the world Avinash family is always OFFLIMITS and they will know now in a painfull way....

To be continued....

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Will the balance the brothers and Anamika change after this...

Can they accept her...

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