Chapter 20

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Siddharth was in the medical room after getting bandaged to his wound that he got the before night. The warden literally lashed out on him for being bratty towards the seniors. Sid didn't understood what was his fault in that they hit him like was the medical staff who made him sleep there itself on the bed. But his heart gave a warning looking at the bed...he denied to sleep on that.

The medical staff was confused but considering his health she told him to rest on the couch. He laid down there and slept for sometime. But soon his sleep washed away and he sat up. The sight of his mother lying in the pool of blood came as the nightmare to haunt him.

He sat up and breathed heavily. His eyes were filled with tears. He terribly wanted his brothers now. He wanted them to comfort him.

MS: kya hua baccha...

(What happened baccha....)

Sid: bh..bhaiya...

MS: kon bhaiya...kya yahaan tumhaare saath tumhaara bhaee hai.....she asked but he looked at her as he didn't understood what she said...
(Who's you have ur brother with u here....)

Warden: bhaee ... jo usake lie aaenge jab vah bada tha jisane unki maa ko maar daala tha....he said coming inside the room.

(brother...who will come for him when he was the one who killed their mother...)

Sid looked at him and the medical staff again. He wanted to know what happened to his mother..still he didn't knew why he was here..but he saw the medical staff was shocked on the words of the warden...

MS: he killed his mother....she asked the warden and that was when the blow hit him. Sid looked at the warden for confirmation and he nodded in yes...

Sid: uncle... mumma..mumma will be ok..u are lying right...please take me to mumma...please...he cried making the warden to get annoyed..

Warden: chup...bewakoof.. tumhara maa mar chukee hai..tumhaare bhaee kal usaka antim sanskaar karake New york vaapas chale gae....he said but sid didn't understood what he said but the word Bhai caught his attention.

(idiot..your mother is dead..your brothers went back to New york yesterday after completing her funeral...)

Sid: bhaiya...bhaiya is here...please take me to him...please...he cried pleading to him.

MS: bacha...u don't know Hindi...she asked and shooked his head in no.

The medical staff got worried and sad at the same time for him. She cupped his cheek and tried to comfort him.

MS: bacha...ur mom is dead...she said making him shake his head in no crying more...

Sid: bhaiya...

MS: they went back to New York after her funeral...

Sid: what..wh..why didn't they take me with them...he asked looking at her innocently...

MS: u can't go bacha...u are punished...

Sid: what did I bhaiya angry on me...i am sorry...he said crying more when the medical staff looked at the warden helplessly but he looked with no care.

Warden: mujhe use vaapas le jaana hai..let's go..he said took sid back to his cell.
( I am taking him back....let's go...)

After that he took him back to the cell and sid sat on the corner of the room hugging his knees scared of the seniors. He didn't believed the warden that his brothers will go leaving him here...he waited for them to come but they never did. It was the harsh hit realising that his brothers will never come when he looked at the calender finding its been one year he came here and it was his mother's 1st death anniversary...

Siddharth sat up startling Anirudh who was sitting beside him. Sid was breathing heavily and his eyes were filled with tears. He was sweating profusely. He looked around to find himself in his mother's room and her saree wrapped around her.

Ani: siddharth...he called him softly catching his attention.

Sid looked at him with terror filled eyes. Suddenly his words came to his mind...

Stay away from our mother's room...

Sid: i..i am sorry...i will not come here again...i am sorry...he said jerking up and backed away from Anirudh.

Anirudh tried to reach for him telling that was ok but sid was not in a state of mind to take his word. He was ranting the same thing again and again.

Avinash who came there saw him panicking and trying to get away from Anirudh in fear shocked him. Others also came behind him. Sid saw them and all he could think was he was trapped by them inside the room and now he will be punished for this. Tears didn't stopped from flowing out. He was trying to hide himself into the wall.

Avi: what happened Ani...

Ani: i don't know...he woke up and started to say something...

Avi:'s ok..come here..he said taking step closer to him but Sid shook his head in no crying more.

Avinash stopped on his track when he saw the fear in Sid's eyes. His brother was scared of them. He looked at Anamika helplessly. Anamika tried to go to him but Abhishek beat to her.

Abhi: sid...see its us...we are not going to hurt u bacha...look at us..he said cautiously taking steps towards him.

Sid looked at him tear filled eyes. But he didn't backed away. He was standing still looking at Abhishek who was approaching him slowly.

Abhi reached to him and tried to touch him but he flinched away.

Abhi: it's's's me siddharth....its dada...see I will not hurt u....why are u crying like this..he said softly and slowly reaching to his face. He slowly cupped his face and wiped away his tears.

Sid was just looking at his actions and standing still. Anamika watched as Abhi slowly made him sit on the couch and sat beside him. She also approached him slowly.

Ana: siddharth...she called softly and he looked at her.

Sid: i am sorry...i will not come here again...he said looking around the room and his eyes fell on his mother's picture again.

Ana: its ok bacha..u can come here anytime u want...she said trying to make him feel ease but he shook his head in no and looked at Anirudh.

Anirudh remembered that he himself telling him not to come here. He mentally palmed his face. He wished he didn't said anything that day..but that was done and they can't change. Now he has to do the right thing to make the things right.

Ani:'s ok...u can come here if u want...

Sid looked at him but didn't said anything or have any response. He fell silent again for few minutes.

Sid: i want to go to my room...he said looking at Anamika.

Ana: ok...u go and i will get ur breakfast there...

Sid: no..i am not hungry...

Shekar: how u will not be hungry...i will get u the food...u go and take rest...he said and sid literally ran from there.

The brothers looked at his retreating figure and sighed.

Ana: i hope u guys will realise what's wrong and what's right soon...i will go see the Pooja arrangements....she said left from there leaving the brothers in deep thinking.

The next day came with in blinking of the eyes. The say started with a terrible nightmare for siddharth. He knew what this day was. He didn't wanted to meet any of his brothers today and he locked himself in the room.

In the living hall everyone was present for the Pooja and the priest was doing it. Brothers were sitting with gloomy face. Whatever the situation is this day would make them sad and bring back the unwanted memories. Anamika and shekar wanted sid to come to the Pooja and but he out right denied to open the door. He was not ready to face the reality.

Karan and Karthick were also present there. Avinash asked Anamika to invite them. In short span of time those brothers have got a space in his heart. That was may be it was Karan who showed him the mirror and made him realise he was wrong. In a way Avinash admired Karan and his way of handling Karthick.

Karan was speaking to Karthick in a hush voice. But what got Avinash's attention was Karan's face was bruised like he got into some fight. He was worried that something has happened to the brothers...even Karan was being good elder brother to Karthick he was also just 19 which made him a kid in front of his eyes...he decided to talk to him after the pooja...

The pooja was going on when the priest called the brothers to show the respect for their brother. Avinash looked back at Anamika and she nodded in a no slowly telling sid was not coming. Avinash did what the priest told him to followed by the other brothers.

Priest: everyone from the family did the respect right ...

Abhi: bhaiya siddharth....

Shekar:'s ok...he is not well to come here...let's complete the pooja...

Karthick looked the brothers being so sad as sid was not there. He silently went upstairs to Sid's room. He came to know which was his room on the day when Shekar took them to Avinash's study. He went and knocked on the door softly.

Sid who was still crying in the corner looked back at the door. He didn't wanted to go down. He knew Anamika will come again to get him downstairs.

Sid: i don't want to come down there...please di ...go away...he said still sitting on the floor.

Karthick: sid's me....

Sid was confused who was that on the door. He slowly stood up and went to open it. On the door he found the boy of age around 12.

Sid: who are u...he asked in confusion.

Karthick: arey....u forgot's me Karthick...we met in the supermarket na....don't u remember me...

Sid: Karthick....he whispered when his eyes pooled again..

Karthick: oh no...did i said anything wrong...don't cry bhaiya...I am sorry...he said holding his hand.

Sid who came out of his trance looked at his hands holding his.

Sid: why are u here...

Karthick: it's ur mom's death anniversary na....u should come and pay her the respect come down na everyone are waiting....

Sid: no i don't want to...

Karthick: please bhaiya ..for me....he asked in a low tone stunning him.

Please siddharth....for me...please....

Those words ringed in his mind again and again and he let Karthick to take him down the stairs.

Karthick: Panditji wait....Sid bhaiya is here....he said descending down the stairs still holding Sid's hands who came after him.

Avinash and the others were shocked and happy at the same time. Anamika was happy at least Karthick could reach out to him. Shekar was confused why and how could Karthick reach out to sid this easily. Why was that name was influencing Sid in a many ways ...but all of them were glad that sid came down.

Abhishek smiled at him and guided him slowly towards their mother's picture which was there with flowers garland. Sid was just looking at the picture with no emotions. But his eyes held the unshed tears....

Abhi made him take some flowers and shower them on the picture. Sid was doing everything like a lifeless body. He was just looking at the picture. He remembered his brothers didn't even let him attend his mother's funeral 7 years ago...but why now...he wanted to scream to all and ask them why...but he kept silent...he knew what's better and he kept silent.

After the priest declared the pooja was over and they can serve food sid didn't wasted a second and rushed to his room. He was not ready to get the stares from the people present there.

Sid locked himself in his room crying over his fate and his mother. He didn't even came for lunch making the others worried. But in the evening he was feeling so thirsty but was battling with himself whether to go down or not.

In the living room, Anirudh was sitting on the couch when the room was cleaned by the maids. He was just thinking about sid and his condition. He was concerned and worried at the same time. Avinash was with the twins talking to them in the dining hall along with Anamika.

A car came and halted before their door and a person entered inside the house.

Person: i am sorry....i am sorry....i am late...the person said coming inside gaining the attention of Anirudh.

Ani: oh ..madam got time to visit us finally...

Person: come on Anirudh....u know Shreya thakkur is always a busy girl.....she said flipping her hair.

Ani: tell this to Avinash....

Shreya: u shut up ok...bhaiya will understand me....not like u...i agree i missed aunty's death anniversary Pooja but i am glad i am here for bhaiya's marriage....she said when the others joined them in the living hall. She greeted everyone and was still taking to them when her back was facing the stairs.

Sid: that u....a voice made her stop talking and she turned around with a frown on her face.

Sid who came down to get something to drink stopped on his track hearing his guardian angels voice. He called for her to confirm. His eyes widen in shock and sparkled with happiness when he saw her in front of him. Before she could reply he threw himself on her, hugging her tightly hiding his face in her neck and crying.

Sid: i missed u...i missed u so much....he cried making her coming out of the shock.

Shreya: sid u here....she asked hugging him back tightly.

The others were shocked and surprised to witness the scene in front of them. They were confused. The way Sid hugging her and hiding himself in her neck showed how much he trusted her.

Ani: Shreya...u know him...

Shreya: haa Ani...he is siddharth...

Avi: but how Shreya...u never told us...

Shreya: no bhaiya...I have told Ani about him...she said breaking the hug and looked at Anirudh who was confused as hell. Sid tried to say something to Shreya but Anirudh spoke first...

Ani: but Shreya when did u talked to me about sid...

Shreya: i have told u na Ani...about a boy who is being treated for his CKD problem under over NGO and i asked u to checked his file once....

Anirudh remembered once Shreya gave him a file of a patient who was having a level 3 CKD renal failure...and nodded in yes....

Shreya: that patient was none other than siddharth....

Others: WHAT....they shouted in shock and sid stood there not knowing what to do...

Shreya: but what are u doing here siddharth ....

Avi: he is our brother Shreya....he whispered making her confused and soon the realisation hit her and she looked at sid and he stood there like a statue not knowing what to say now. He didn't wanted his health issues to come out like this....

Abhi: what is mean by CKD bhaiyu....he asked to Anirudh who was in utter shock.

Addu: Chronic kidney disease...he whispered remembering once he heard his bhaiyu talking about the reports of one of his patients and others except Anirudh and Shreya got shocked on his statement... Avinash looked at Anirudh atleast to get small shook from him telling thats not true but Anirudh stood like statue confirming what Aadhvik said was true.

Their brother was suffering from a deadly disease all the time and they didn't had any clue about that. Everyone cursed themselves for not giving a chance to him and now the truth is coming out one by one and it was shattering their heart slowly and painfully....will the brothers atleast now take the situation in hands and make it ok...

Or they going to fail this time also....

Let's see that in the season 2.....

So guys here i am ending season 1 with revealing Sid's health condition. It will be explained in upcoming chapters....all the medical terms used here are true and taken from the Google along with some knowledge of my own...

So here the season 1 ends and the season 2 will be started in the same book but i have some demands for that....

Make sure all the chapters of season 1 reaches 210 votes...from chapter 1 to chapter 20....then only i will start season 2....

If u guys don't make the target done then i will put the book on hold and will go to other books to think wisely and complete the demand...

Untill then thank u

Happy reading


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