Chapter 3

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Hey guys.....

Uff...i got some little free time i thought to update...u guys don't how much it is addictable to write and post story as much as reading stories....and i am one of those here i am....but please guys....complete the given goals soon in the other books too ...u don't know how much encouraging it will be for us...

Now if u guys have any scene requests for the brothers u can dm....but make sure the scene will be around below 10 years of age for sid...i will definitely try to incorporate it in the story.....

Next chapter after

120 votes....

The servants were making the dinner as per the order of Avinash. Avinash knew it's going to be hella awkward to have him around them after all these years...still he couldn't forget the scene that haunts him that his mother laying dead and his youngest brother struggling in the grips of police drenched in blood....and the eye witnesses voice was ringing in his ears...

But now he is back here...he was surprised when he got a call that his murderer brother was released from juvenile for his well first he wanted to refuse to take him back but the law was enforcing that he was the legal guardian of the latter and he should take the responsibility. Siddharth was still a minor and he needs a guardian atleast till he turns 18 so he took him back.

But he was still not ready to accept him or have him around them so was his other brothers. As he is the elder one in the house everyone kept silent but Aadhvik was not ok with the decision but he kept silent...

Avinash saw the dinner table was full but he was not there. He hasn't saw him from last 7 years...he didn't knew what and how he has grown up...but he was sure he would be a spoilt brat for now...he was in the juvenile with other children who commit crimes and automatically they thought sid would have learned all those things from them. But what they didn't knew was he was nothing of that as they thought. They waited for sometime for him to come down when he didnt Avinash clenched his jaw in anger.

He didn't knew why he was getting angry but one thing he was being stubborn. If siddharth is going to be under his guardianship he should be the one in control and the brat will obey. This was the thought of all the brothers...

Avu: kaka...go and call him...does he needs an invitation to be sent to get him for the dinner...

The servant nodded his head and ran up. He went to the guest room where sid was and knocked on it. After getting no response he took the spare key from the cupboard from the end of the hallway and opened it.

It was fully dark and the only small ray of moon light was coming in through the window. The window was open and the chill wind of that mid October month was coming in. The servant switched on the light and looked at the bed but the said youngest one was not there. He raised his eye brow in confusion. It's not like that sid can run away from the mansion as the security is at its best and above all he didn't came down from his room.

The servant called for him and took some steps towards the bed and saw sid was sleeping on the floor without any pillow or any blanket. His eyes widened as the floor will be so cold and he was sleeping like anything wouldn't matter him. He saw that sid was having his one hand streched out and his head was resting on his own shoulder and he was curled up. Why was he laying on the floor when there a king size bed in the room.

The servant called for him but he was in deep sleep. He went to him and shook him gently but sid jolted up with a startle and quickly crawled back into the corner.

The servant was shocked to his reaction. He just shooked him gently but here sid was leaning himself more into the corner and he was covering his face like stopping someone from hitting him. He was breathing heavily and fear was so evident in his eyes....

Kaka: it's's me siddharth...what happened ..

Hearing his gentle voice sid slowly came out of his place and looked around. Then only he realised where he is and stood up slowly...

Sid: umm sorry...i slept...

Kaka: that's ok...but why are u sleeping on the floor...there is bed na...

Sid: i am not allowed to sleep on the bed...he mumbled.

Kaka:sorry...did u say something.....

Sid: am only used to sleep on's ok...why are u here...

Kaka: i came to get u for dinner...get fresh and come down fast....

Sid nodded and went to the washroom. After a few minutes he came down. He was coming down the stairs when his breath hitched seeing all his 4 brothers at the table. He remembered how Aadhvik was angry on him before and now facing all of them together made him shiver.

A part of him wanted to go and hug his brother and cry his heart out telling all his miseries and fears but another part stopped him. And he heard to the other part. He slowly took steps towards the dining table.

Aadhvik: should we wait for an eternity for u...he yelled looking towards him and sid flinched on his loud tone.

Abhi: Addu...stop...

Aadhvik: whatever....he said huffing and that's when sid reached to the chair.

Avinash and Anirudh who were sitting back facing him now only looked at him. Their world stopped for a second. Anirudh felt that he has met him somewhere else before. But Avinash was numb. The boy standing in front of him was just a Xerox copy of his mother...

Sid was exactly looking like their mother...only his hazel brown eyes was different as he inherited it from his father ..when other two got brown eyes from their mother. Avinash just looking at him when sid stood there hesitantly.

Kaka: sit and have dinner siddharth....he said making Avinash to come out of the thoughts.

Sid slowly sat on the chair. He looked at the dishes infront of him.

Avi: let's eat...he said and the brothers started to self was a habit which they inherited from their mother. She never forced anyone to eat the food they don't like. So she will always fill the dinner table with so much of items and will allow the kids to have what they like...but she always made sure they eat fully...

Sid looked at the dishes. His eyes filled up...there was his favorite dishes also...his brother ordered the servant to cook the dish...but what made him to choke on his own breath was he can't eat them.

Avinash watched him curiously that if he will take the Dhal chawal which is his most favourite. But sid reached for the chapathi which was placed beside the Dhal. Avinash clenched his jaw thinking that sid was doing that deliberately. But his anger raised again when sid reached to sugar bottle instead taking the Paneer butter masala which he likes the most for chapattis....

Sid looked at the foods presented before him. Offcourse his mind pleaded him to eat those because he was getting those foods after so long...7 years to be accurate....but he can't eat it...all the foods were full of butter so he took the chapathi and sugar...even the chapathi was coated with ghee...but he will ask the maid to make oil free chappathi from tomorrow or he will himself make it after getting permission. But what he didn't knew was the mere small thing he did now made his brother so mad....

Avinash was angry but he didn't wanted to ruin the dinner of his other brothers...if the brat was showing his brattiness he will make sure to make the brattiness vanish in his own way...

All were about to complete the dinner and sid was still struggling to finish the second one. Avinash had enough and cleared his throat to gain their attention. Sid looked at him but his head slightly bowing down.

Avi: addu abhi...go to sleep...i don't want u two to play vedio games all the night...if i catch u then Abhi u are not going to court for ur internship next week and Addu forget ur football match which is day after tomorrow....

Both of them nodded their heads in ok with wide eyes ..they can't afford to lose those things...

Avi: and u after finishing ur lovely dinner meet me in my study...Ani u come with me now....he said and left from there...

Anirudh looked at sid who was still looking at the retreating figure of Avinash.

Ani: second floor last room is Avi's study...come fast...

Sid nodded ok and anirudh left from there. Sid looked at his plate. He can't finish that and he was pretending to eat in front of them. Now getting a chance he dumped it in the bin and ran up. The servant saw that he has dumped the food and the amount of food he took was not even a portion of a normal meal a 17 year old would eat.

Sid hesitantly knocked on the door and after hearing a cold 'come in', he went inside. He looked at both of his brothers. But what caught his eyes was there was a huge picture of his mother behind them with garland on it. His eyes filled up. He wanted to touch the picture and hug it this 7 years he didn't even got a small picture of his mother. His brothers took everything from him when he was sent to juvenile. They didn't even allowed him to attend her funeral.

Sid(in mind): why didn't u take me with u....he asked her looking straight in the eyes.

Avinash looked at his teary eyes and the direction he was looking. When he realised sid was looking at their mothers picture he got angry. He slammed his hand on the table loudly making Sid flinch in fear and he took two steps back.

Avi: don't u dare to shed ur fake tears for was u who made her to hung on the wall as a picture....he said anger falling like a broken damn

Sid shivered on his tone and the words did more worse. He stood there hanging his head low.

Avi: look at me...

Sid just stood in silence...

Avi: i said look at me....he shouted and sid flinched in response. Anirudh was observing his all movements. Sid looked at him with fear.

Avi: how many days are there for ur birthday....he asked.

Sid: 8..8 months....tears rolled down his cheeks as his brother has forgot his birthday too.

Avinash  went back to his chair.

Avi: u are going to be here till that only....after that u are free to go...i don't give a damn what u are gonna do till that...but better stay away....from all of it.

Sid nodded his head.

Anirudh: and also dont u dare to even go near moms room....we don't want u anywhere near it.

Sid looked at pleadingly. He was thinking of asking for picture of their mother but now anirudh put full stop even before he asked.

Avi: i repeat siddharth...don't u dare to go near that room...his voice was loud that made sid to nod his head subconsciously in fear.

Anirudh: now go....he said and sid left from there silently.

Ani: i feel like i have met him before Avi....

Avi: where...

Ani: i don't know....
To be continued.

So guys.....

What do u think about Avinash's behaviour....

Why Anirudh is feeling like that....

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