Chapter 5

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Sid was curled up in the corner of the room. He was locked in that dark room for more than 3 days now without food or water. He was getting scared from the creepy sound of the insects. He hugged himself so tightly giving himself some strength and comfort. He was already slipping out of concious at times...

Sid didn't knew what happened.... all he could remember was he falling down to darkness when he saw his mom lying on the floor in her room. He was going towards her calling her softly but  fell into darkness suddenly. He didnt knew what happened suddenly. But when he woke up he was lying near his mom who was fully surrounded by her own blood. His eyes widened seeing the blood and sat up with a jerk..with that shock what he didn't realised was he was holding a knife and it was indeed drenched with blood.

He threw the knife away and ran to his mom. He cupped her face and tried to wake her up...

Sid: ur eyes mumma...please...i am getting scared....get up mumma...he was getting scared as she was lying without any response. He was still shaking her when the door closed shut clicking locked.

Sid got scared more and as he was new to the place he didn't knew the native language fully...though they spoke hindi in their house he being born in New York and grew up fully there he found it difficult to learn the language like others...he tried to open the door and ask for help...but the door was locked.

He again went to mom and cried asking her to wake up. He sat beside her hugging his knees. He was so scared. He wanted his brothers now... He didnt knew why his mom was not waking up...he knew something bad had happened to her as there was blood but he couldn't conclude she was no more...

After sometime the door burst opened and in came the police and all the staffs inside. Sid got startled and scared on seeing them.

Lady: yah vahee hai...mainne use madamji ko chaakoo se vaar karate hue dekha...mainne use andar band kar diya aur police ko bula liya.....she said pointing to sid who was looking at her without understanding what she was telling as the language was difficult to him as she was a native speaker.
( its him...i saw him stabbing madam with knife...i locked him inside and called the police)

Police looked at him and saw him drenched with blood.

Police: get him out...get the forensic inside and close the body with the cloth.

Sid was still standing there with a gaze and when the forensic people came inside and marked the place where his mother was lying and closed her body with a white cloth.

Forensic: i think she is been dead for so long...all the blood has been drained out...

It was then sid understood that his mom was no more. He started crying and tried to go to her but they stopped him. He struggled in their grip and pleaded them to let him go to his mother. As it was the local police and he was speaking in English they got irritated and as they had eye witness the police dragged sid out of that room and that was the same time Avinash and Anirudh was standing there along with Manish...he didn't know when they came..but he wanted to go to his bhaiya and hug him tightly...he was so scared.

Manish: get him away from us inspector....who knows he will kill them to....he said blocking Sid's way to Avinash who was standing there numb looking at the scene infront of him. Sid got scared and stopped dead on his tracks and that's when the police dragged him away...he wanted his bhaiya to stop them but they were not even giving him a glance...

Sid was crying in the room. He so scared and he remembered how that lady said she saw him stabbing his mother in the room and he was sentenced to juvenile...he remembered how all his brothers were shooting daggers at him in the court. He was so scared from the police as they were slapping him and punching him from last 2 days in the name of investigation.

Sid: no...i didn't do anything...please uncle...please it's paining...he was murmuring in his sleep thrashing on the floor...he sat with a startle and looked around and found himself in the guest room of their house.

He was reliving the moment when everything also he couldnt remember what happened back then...who killed their mother or was it really him who killed her...the thought of killing his mother and above all his brothers hating him for that thing made him cry more. His breath was hitching and he found it difficult to breath again.

He slowly crawled to his back and took out his medicine box and gulped the tablet. After some time he became calm. He looked at the medicine kit and saw he was having tablets for only next two days...he have to get a job fast. But even after getting a job he has to manage for 4 days without the tablets as it's only Tuesday and he will get the weekly salary on Saturday...

He didn't wanted to ask for anything with his brothers when they don't want him. If he was right they would have been informed about his health and they are not acknowledging that as a important thing and he als didnt wanted to. He can take care himself like he did from last two years....he will do it till the earth takes him inside happily with love...

He looked at the watch and it was ticking near 6 in the morning..he could go and help the servants in making breakfast and ask them for making him oil free food...and also to ask some information's about the city so he can get a job quickly. He stood up and went to get fresh.

After getting fresh he came down and saw the servants were getting to make breakfast. The one who showed his room saw him coming down. He came to him.

Kaka: siddharth sir...u woke up early...

Sid looked at him for a second. He was always used to wake up early and the parks guard where he sleeps hiding himself will come at 6 clock and he have run from there before he finds him. And above all his nightmares never allowed him to sleep after 5 clck in the was also the same the only difference was he was having a roof over his head.

Sid came out of his thoughts when the servant again spoke.

Kaka:should I get u something to drink...because breakfast will take time to be done...

Sid: ca..can I get a tea...he asked and servant smiled a little. Anirudh amd Abhishek both had a big liking to black tea. Sid was also asking for that made him smile genuinely...

Kaka: come and sit...i will get u a cup...he said guiding him to kitchen counter where there was 2 small chair which can be used with the long counter top. He sat in one of them. Soon kaka gave him a cup of black tea and the sugar bottle asking him to add for his preference. Sid was glad that he gave sugar to himself as he will take only one spoon of sugar as he was not ready to risk his sugar level and he has look for a job today...

Sid sipped his tea looked at the house from the living room couch. Once the living room was filled with his pictures but now not a single picture of him was there. Instead there was full of his brothers along with their friends too...he sighed and stood up when he finished his drink. He went back to kitchen and found the servant to making dough for Paratha.

Sid: can i help...he asked hesitantly when the servant looked at him amused.

Kaka: no need sir...i will take care of it...

Sid: do..don't need to call me me me siddharth..

Kaka looked at him confusedly and then nodded ok..

Sid: um...can i make my breakfast...i cant eat buttery foods...he asked slowly...

Kaka: why no buttery foods...he asked as remembered when Avinash informed him about the menu to be included for the new one in the house.

Sid: i..i don't like to eat buttery foods...

Kaka: but Avinash sir said to cook Paneer butter masala as it's ur favourite...he asked raising his eye brow.

Sid's eyes misted knowing his brother still remembers his favourites...but he can't eat it...

Sid: i liked it back then...not...not now...i shouldn't... I mean cant eat them now...please....just let me make some chappathi without oil or ghee...

The servant looked at him some seconds and didn't wanted to drag it more.

Kaka: u go and i will make it for u...u don't want butter and ghee in ur foods right...

Sid nodded in yes...

Kaka: i will make for go...he said sending him to get ready for the room. Sid returned to his room and sighed as he forgot to ask about the locality. He decided to himself to go and look for the job.


Abhishek was sitting at the window looking at the morning birds going to their routine works. But his mind was somewhere else. He turned and saw Aadhvik still sleeping. All those terrible things came to his mind. They were just 3 when their parents died along with their bade papa in the accident. That time they were living with their maternal uncles home in London.

When the news of their parents death came no one actually told them. Both Abhishek and Addhvik were waiting for their parents to return with their gifts as they were on business trip in New York. But only their dead bodies were reached. Both Abhi and Addu didn't knew what happened to their mumma and papa...why were they not waking up and talking to them...

Abhi looked at his Mama who is his mother's elder brother...he was crying but Abhi could sence  a small smile on his face behind that cries....but when all the people who came to their house were crying then only the little souls understood that their parents are not going to wake up anymore... talk to them anymore...kiss them with them anymore...

They did all the rituals said by them. Aadhvik was crying all the time. Being the same age Abhi was also inconsolable. But among everything their mamaji was seeing the great opportunity of getting the properties their parents had. The news of death of their father's brother added the luck to him.

As he thought he took over the business in that 15 days...but one thing he did wrong was to decide to abandon the twins. He thought to put them in foster care and he succeeded in it despite the opposition of other relatives. Only thing he saw was money...

On the 16th day of their parents death two foster families came to their house. The twins were called into the living hall...

Mama: Abhishek and Aadhvik...come here baccha....he called in a sugar coated voice.

Both the boys went to him.

Mama: Abhi and Addu....from today u will live with them ok...he said showing those people...

Abhi: but why mama...

Addu: no i will not go anywhere...he said hugging Abhi.

Mama closed his eyes in frustration. Already he succeded in getting the business and the properties in his name in these 15 days...thanks to his lawyer friend who can do anything for money...but getting rid of these twins were now becoming a tension for him...

And also as per his lawyers advice he chose two foster families from two different country so that brothers will be separated and they will not come back to get their parents properties in the future...

Mama: u will live with them only if u want or come...he said pulling Addu from Abhi and handed him to one of the family... Addu was so scared seeing the man holding him in his arms...he didn't even wanted to be near him for a minute...

Abhi: mama...please i will also go with Addu...he said crying wanting to be with his twin.

Mama: no u will not....they are ur family from now...he said pointing to the other family....

Mama: now take them and get lost from here....and keep it in ur mind...they should not meet eachother never in their life...he said to the families which came there. The brothers were crying badly when they started to walk away...but they were stopped abruptly by someone...

Mama: what are u doing here....he asked in shock as he thought she will be grieving for her husband's death.

Shwetha: what do u think i am here dare u to take over my brother in law's properties and business and above all u are separating these innocent souls...she said looking at Abhi and Addu who was crying...

Mamaji got alerted and signalled the foster families to go from here taking the brothers...but Shwetha beat him up and signalled her guards and they were fully surrounded by her gaurds...

Shwetha: Avi ..Ani go bacha...go and get ur brothers...we are going back...she said looking at her sons who were standing beside her.

Shwetha: u dared to touch the Varma's see what i will do and i will take back my brother in law's properties and business belongs to them...and i will make sure of it...

Avinash and Anirudh who were 7 years old at that time went towards Abhi and Addu called them to come. The families who were holding them tried to push them away but the guards were with them. Abhi and addu quickly came to their brothers... Avinash hugged Aadhvik taking him in his arms and same went with Anirudh and Abhishek...

Abhishek smiled lightly. That was the day they became the brothers of Avinash and Anirudh. Shwetha was their guardian angel who saved them from getting separated. And also she loved them like her own sons...And also as she promised in next 2 years she took over the business and properties which was with their mama and she put both Abhishek and Addu as its sole owner and they will take over it when they turn 25...and till that their guardian will look after it.

Abhishek remembered how she worked hard to handle her business and also their father's company to balance them and how his brother is doing the same till now...but losing their guardian angel was one thing that made Addu hate Siddharth till now...Abhi hoped that one day everything will be ok...but the question is will it get ok...

To be continued....

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