S2 Chapter 27

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The morning sun peeped outside shyly from the clouds giving warmth to the chilly morning. It was feeling pleasant after a little cold night.

Shwetha came inside the room and removed the screen from the window and turned around when she heard the groaning sound of little Ashu....she sighed and shook her head...he should have been up a good half an hour ago but still he was groaning here...she went upto him and caressed his head

Shwetha: Ashu ..uth ja bacha...breakfast ready hai....
(Ashu...wake up baccha....breakfast is ready....)

Ashu: nahi chahiye breakfast...mujhe sone do mumma...
(Don't want breakfast....let me sleep mumma...)

Shwetha sighed and removed his blanket...

Ashu: mumma....he again whined in sleep..

Shwetha: Ashu....get up...see even sun is out...

Ashu: Sun se kaho ki vah vaapas jaakar so jae...ashu also wants to sleep...he said burrying his head under the pillow.

(Tell sun to go back and sleep....)

Shwetha smiled in amusement that her child was coming with an answer for everything now a days. She could see he was growing up and she was happy that he was getting all the pamperings from his brothers. His winter holidays was starting in a week and our little Ashu was planning to take his vacation a week before itself. He just wanted to stay home and play with his brothers.

Shwetha: see....ur bhaiyu is having breakfast without u that too ur dal chawal....

Ashu: WHAT.....he shouted and the next second he was running towards the dining room.

Shwetha: arey bacha...wait...she slapped her head sighing. This boys obsession for the dish was so high...an another trait he got from his father. She smiled slightly thinking of her love. He was her everything from their college. Despite of their family status he gave his whole love to her and only her...he fought the world to get her and stood her side....he was such a noble man that God decided to take him back quickly...Shwetha wiped her tears when she heard Anirudh yelling for her to make Ashu brush his teeth before eating....

She smiled at the last gift her husband gave her and she knew how to cherish it. She went to the dining hall and saw Ashu was trying to eat but Anirudh was scolding him. Avinash was standing there not knowing what to do....his twin was a hygiene freek a doctor in making and he wanted everything to be hygienic and the other set of twins were trying to muffle their laugh on Ashu and Anirudhs banter.

Shwetha: Ashu....what I have told u about having breakfast....she asked trying to glare at him.

Avi: arey mumma...why are u scolding him...he will brush now come baccha....he said taking him into his arms and Ashu showed his tongue to Anirudh who was still glaring at him.

Ani: bhaiya ke bache...he said stepping towards them when Ashu hid his face in Avinash's neck.

Avi: Ani...don't u dare....he said and walked towards the room to make him get ready for the day....

Avinash smiled at the memory. He looked down at Sid who was sleeping on his lap. He was the reason they laughed everyday back then. But now the boy who was the reason for their smile has lost his smile. Avinash didn't remember more than one or two times sid smiling that too with Shankar or Anamika or Shreya. He caressed his head and the scar showed itself out slapping the reality to his face. The reality that how much of a failed brother he is...he closed his eyes but the tears escaped and fell on Sid's forehead.

Sid groaned and moved slightly making him panic. Avinash didn't wanted sid to wake up and see him first in the morning and get upset or worse to get scared of him. He was not ready to see the fear in his kids eyes. He slowly made him lay on the pillow and caressed his head once again and left the room.

After sometime Sid woke up and looked at the watch. It was past 7.15. He rubbed his eyes and remembered Ana made him sleep and Shreya and Anirudh also came to check on him. He looked around and she was not there and slapped his head. It was her wedding night and offcourse she would have left. But what he didn't knew was his bhaiya was with him all the night. He felt guilty for disturbing her wedding night and thought to apologise afterwards and went to get ready for the day.

When sid came down he saw a women was doing some work in the kitchen back facing him. The women was having her hair in a bun covered with cloth and it was evident she was standing there right after her bath. The cloth was looking drenched. Suddenly something made sid run to her and hug her tightly....

Sid: Mumma....he whispered hugging her tightly.

Anamika who was cooking breakfast was startled on the hug and froze when she heard him. She turned around and sid realised it was Anamika and looked down taking a step back.

Sid: so..sorry bhabhi...i am sorry....he said his eyes moist...

Anamika composed herself and cupped his face. Sid calmed down on her touch and looked at her blankly. Anamika smiled which made him feel more ease and relaxed.

Ana: slept well bacha....she asked lovingly to which he nodded in yes.

Ana: good...now sit breakfast will be ready in 10 mins....

Sid looked around for Shankar and asked about him.

Ana: i asked uncle to cook lunch and look after other works from now breakfast and dinner I will cook....

Sid: u know cooking bhabhi....he asked meekly...

Ana: offcourse i know....

Sid: will u teach me....

Ana: ok but only after u are 18 ok....

Sid fell silent hearing her...will he be here after 18....he doesn't know...he was about to answer it when Abhishek entered the kitchen with his usual banter with Aadhvik. Sid got stiff hearing their voice and sat silently.

Abhi/Addu: good morning Ana di .....they said in unison.

Anamika smiled and greeted at them. They were still at di basis but atleast they were not keeping her at distance. She was glad they were back to normal with her. May be this relationship will take time to roll on but she has trust that they can make it up ...soon Anirudh and Shreya also joined as she stayed over last night.

Avinash came and saw the dining table was full and Anamika was cooking.

Avi: where is kaka Ana...why are u doing this ....

Ana: this is my house Avi...offcourse I will cook...we talked about this remember....she asked raising her eyebrows.

Avinash: that I thought u will learn to cook after this....do u even know how to switch on the gas.....he teased her

Ana: Mr. Avinash Varma....what the hell do u mean by that....she glared at her husband who is in the best friend mode now ....

Avi: ok ok cool down sherni....i agree u know how to cook ....

Anamika gave a glare to him and turned to cook again. The others looked at their banter and looked at eachother.

Ani: Ana....u guys got married u remember....

Before Anamika gave back to that everyone got shocked to hear sid saying

Sid: bhabhi....

Ani: huh...

Sid: bhabhi hai wo....he said looking at Anirudh. Anirudh was shocked and at the same time happy that sid has talked to him. From the day he came he didn't talked to him casually and today he did

He looked at Avinash and Anamika smiling at him. He was glad Sid talked to him but he wanted to see his little brother who stood for fight for every sentence...so he thought to pull his legs...

Ani: so what...she is my bestfriend before that...after that only she is my brother's wife....he said in a anticipation of Sid telling something sassy to that

Sid: sorry....he said looking down making the others sigh in defeat. Definitely it's not going to be easy to get back old Ashu....

Shreya: let him be sid...he is always so dumb...Ana di...cook fast...i am starving....

Ana: 5 mins Shreya...she said pouring the dosa batter on the pan for sid.

Anamika put the dosa and the same beetroot chutney in front of sid. Sid cringed at the sight. Shreya has told the diet chart to them and they made sure he had the healthy food.

Shreya: don't u dare to sulk siddharth....i know what u are going to do...u have to eat that now....

Sid looked at her pleadingly and then at Anamika. He has always made sure he eats the right food but eating the beetroot daily was making him annoyed. Shreya being there made it more difficult for him.

Sid looked at the plate. Anamika has even mixed curd to the chutney like he prefers but still he was playing with the food. Anamika waited but he was not taking the morsel to his mouth it was going round and round on the plate.

Ana:  siddharth....

Sid: eating bhabhi....he said and started to eat.

Everyone looked at the scene amused. The brothers remembered how sid used to act like this with their mom. Avinash looked at his newly wedded wife. But all he could see was his best friend who was in a making of a mother to his little brother. Anamika smiled at Sid's innocence. She just said his full name and he started to eat. Unknowingly the boy has made his way to her heart and now she wanted to protect him at any cost.

Sid: bhabhi....he called her in a low voice.

Ana: ha bacha...

Sid: sorry bhabhi...

Ana: kyu....

Sid: i disturbed ur sleep yesterday that too on ur wedding night....he said slowly when Anamika frowned.

Ana: but sid...Avinash cut her off immediately

Avi: it's ok Siddharth....u didn't disturbed anyone ok...don't feel like that...

Anamika looked at her husband in confusion. He shook his head slightly not wanting sid to know about him sitting with him all the night. Avinash know he has failed to protect his kid and in that he has lost him. But now he was ready to redeem his mistake and win back his child and he will do that in the right way...but before that he had some work in his hand which have to be done immediately...he looked at his family and determined to complete the work first....

To be continued

Words: 1800.....

The length of the chapter will be reduced if the response gets reduced....can't give my cent percent efforts for the response u guys giving....

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