S2 Chapter 29

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Avinash and Anirudh reached the mall in just 15 minutes. They didn't knew how many signals they literally dodged. Anirudh was driving as Avinash in a panic state scared for sid. If anything happens to him he can't forgive himself and his parents will never forgive him for failing again to protect him.

Anirudh parked the car infront and Avinash rushed to the entrance but the police stopped him from going in. Already the crazy guy was having a teenager as his hostage, they can't afford a VIP person going inside.

Avi: i have to go...my brother is inside...he said panicking.

Police: sir please already that guy is having a teenage boy in his hold...we can't take risk...

Ani: are u guys hearing him or not....my brother is inside and he is the same who the guy is having in his hold....he yelled in frustration as they were not allowing them inside.

The police officers were shocked as they very well knew who Avinash and Anirudh are. Now it's a double responsibilty for them to get the boy safely out.

Avi: officer u can do whatever which have to be done from ur side....but let's us go inside...atleast let me try to negotiate with that guy...my brother would be terrified now...he needs us...

The police officers looked at eachother troubled. They can't risk them but at the same time what they said was right. Their brother would have been terrified now and their presence can give him some comfort and they need to distract that guy. After thinking about this they gave the permission.

Avinash looked at Anirudh.

Avi: be here and guide them along with our security team Ani...i will need u once I get sid back...

Anirudh nodded and went to his security team. They have to work along with police now.

Here the guy was threatening the police officers who were surrounding them. He was literally choking sid. Sid was getting scared second by second and his breath was hitching. Shreya was pleading to the guy but he didn't budged.

Avinash came inside running along with 2 of the police officers. He stopped dead on his track when he saw Sid in that guys hold with gun pressed to his neck. Sid was struggling in his hold but his grip was so tight and sid was whimpering in pain.

Avinash slowly took his steps towards them. Shreya looked at him with teary eyes. She was feeling guilty to take sid here. She can't forgive herself if anything happens to him. Avinash gave a slight nod assuring her. That guy looked at Avinash who was trying to step towards them. He got angry and shot the gun in air. Sid flinched badly and struggled more.

Avi: hey no...please let him go...

That guy knew who the person was. Avinash is the youngest successfull business man in the city. He didn't knew why he was here but seeing Avinash asking to let the boy go he knew he had the hit the jackpot.  He pulled sid more harshly towards himself and put the gun on his neck again.

Sid shivered when the cold metal touched his skin. He looked at his brother. Avinash breathe hitched. It was the same look which Sid gave 7 years back when the police dragged him away. That time he didn't paid any heed to that look but now he was not ready to let his brother suffer.

Avi: hey I don't know what is ur problem....but please let him go...i will give whatever u want...

The guy laughed crazily. He was frustrated as he didn't had money to buy the drugs. He decided to steal the drugs from the dealer and came to buy it confidently. And when he tried to snatch the drugs from the dealer and was about to run they were surrounded by the police. Both of them were shocked and tried to run but they couldn't outrun them. When the police officers caught them tried to handcuff them he took the gun from the officers belt and shot him on his hand and started to run.

When they chased him, he saw the mall and entered inside shooting in the air and successfully grabbed a hostage. And now seeing the biggest businessman pleading for the hostage he took the advantage.

Guy: u think I will listen to ur crap Mr....he said laughing again.

Sid was trembling in his hold. The gunshot, the person's maniac laughter everything was making him remember his past. Every memory was coming in front of his eyes. He started to imagine himself again in the juvenile. He was imagining the warden of the juvenile holding him and the other children looking at him with pity. He started to breath heavily. He was getting a panic attack and Avinash felt helpless.

He tried to step forward but the officers stopped him making him yell at them.

Avi: can't u see officer...my brother is having a panic attack there...i have to go...

Anirudh who was waiting outside was getting restless as he didnt got any news from inside. After battling with himself he took his security team and went inside. He got tensed when he saw Avinash was trying to talk with that crazy guy. But his eyes fell on sid was struggling to breath and that guy was holding him too tight. Anirudh saw police officers were restricting Avinash to go near so he have to do something to distract that guy. Their first priority was getting sid away from him.

Ani: John..do u have the smoke bomb...

John: yeah I always carry one...

Ani: good...just do one thing...go to the first floor through steps..just drop the bomb near that guy...a minute of distraction is enough for us...

John: But sir Siddharth is already heavily breathing...the smoke bomb will be dangerous for him...

Anirudh closed his eyes..he very well knew that but they can get him to medication quickly..first they have to get him away from that guys hold.

Ani: i will take care about that John...do what I said....

John agreed and ran towards the steps as it was on the other side and luckily no one noticed him. Anirudh also went to Avinash and Shreya.

Ani: Shreya please stop crying and go out silently....get ready the medical team we will come with sid in 5 minutes....

Shreya: medical team..,.she was confused why he was asking to get ready the medical team but that's when her eyes fell on John who was running in the first floor taking something out from his bag. From the looks of Anirudh Shreya knew they will save Sid so she sneaked from there without anyone's notice.

Avinash also looked at John and looked back at Anirudh. They nodded at eachother giving confirmation and Avinash looked at John and nodded his head giving the command.

The second John dropped the smoke bomb on the floor the smoke started to spread startling the police and the guy. Anirudh and Avinash rushed towards the guy who was startled and coughing heavily but still he was holding to sid. Sid was already breathing heavily found it more difficult but soon he felt someone pulling him away from the guy.

Avinash and Anirudh who rushed towards the guy through the smoke caught him. The guy who was coughing badly loosened his grip on Sid. Anirudh quickly pulled Sid towards him and covers his nose and mouth not letting him inhale the smoke while Avinash was thrashing the guy on the floor followed by the police.

Anirudh quickly took sid in his arms and ran towards the door joined by his security team. Once they were away from from the smoke Anirudh looked at Sid and panicked when he was unconscious. They have to hurry and he called for Avinash.

Avinash who looked back came running to them and took Sid from Anirudh and Shreya came running with the medical team. They took sid to the ambulance and Anirudh hopped in.

Avi: u go with him Ani...i will be behind...he said and took Shreya with him. She was scared for sid that she was crying still.

Avi: don't cry Shreya...nothing will happen to him...i will not let anything happen to him...he said and started the car following the ambulance.

Shreya informed Anamika about the chaos and they also reached the hospital. Abhishek and Aadhvik was scared and worried for Sid. They remembered how happily he went with Shreya in the morning. Manish was with them trying to comfort them.

Aadhvik ran to Avinash and hugged him. Abhishek and Anamika came to him looked at him with teary eyes.

Ana: where is Sid...

Avi: doctors are treating him...Ani is with them...

Anamika prayed for her kid and looked at Shreya. She took her in her embrance and consoled her. She could feel her turmoil and comforted her.

Shreya: i shouldn't have took him there di...it's my fault...

Ana: no Shreya....do u remember how happy he was when u agreed to take him out...it's not ur fault please don't take guilt trip...he will need all of us...

Shreya just nodded in ok. Sid was like her brother she will never let someone hurt him again. They waited till the doctors came out with Anirudh discussing.

Avinash: how is he Ani...

Doc: he is ok now Mr. Avinash...he got fainted as he got scared and panic attack...luckily he didn't inhaled too much of smoke but Anirudh it's time u have to take the situation in ur hands and start ur treatment to him...he needs attention with his kidney problem immediately....

Anirudh agreed to the doctor and he left from there asking him to wait till they shift Sid to the room to meet him.

Avi: he is ok right...

Ani: yeah Avi....but as the doctor said he have to get the treatment soon for the kidney...he can't rely on the medicines for long...

Shreya: but he is not ready to hear us Ani...

Ani: we don't have the choice Shreya...if he wants us to be the bad guy then be it like that itself....if I have to play the villain to make him get the treatment I will gladly do that...

Avi: let's discuss about it later Ani...i want to meet him...

Abhi/Addu: me too bhaiyu...

Ani: they will shift him in 10 mins...

Manish was listening to everything calmly. He didn't knew siddharth was suffering from kidney problems. He knew about the bullying and tortures he endured after he got released from the juvenile. But now he have to play carefully as the brothers didn't know that Sid was released 2 years back itself and it was him who denied to get him back or he thought the brothers don't know about him released before itself...

Manish looked at Anamika who ran to the room where Sid was shifted along with Abhishek and Aadhvik. He always loathed the girl. After she joining as secretary of Avinash he was not able to gamble money from the company. She stopped every possible way for him and she didn't let Avinash also know about this. He was trying his best to get the girl out their lives but the marriage was a huge blow for him. He have to do something about that later but what surprised him was the brothers years of hatred for sid has vanished in just a month of living together. He has worked for so long to sow the hatred but the boy has managed to cut the hatred in one month and now getting to know about the health issue he could see it was their pity a d sympathy but he didn't knew Avinash was running a silent investigation behind without anyone's knowledge and his game is going to end abruptly even before it starts.....

To be continued....

Next chapter will be updated only after the target is done....

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