S2 Chapter 33

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Avinash was sitting on the dining table sipping his black coffee. Anamika was preparing the breakfast. As Aadhvik and Anirudh was on the trip the house went on silence. Abhishek was busy in his college work and was still grumpy as he was left alone in the college. Sid being himself shut himself off from others. Anamika was tensed as she saw Sid was keeping himself distant from others and also she prayed Anirudh should get some information about Sid's past in India.

Ana: do u think Ani can get some info about Sid Avi....

Avinash who was in deep thought was startled by her sudden question.

Avi: what do u mean Ana....he is going to get the medical files only right....

Ana: yeah...but I hope we can get something useful out of this trip ...

Avi: hope so...

Anamika went back to her work. She wished something they could get from this trip. Her advocate mind was telling so many theories but she needed evidences. If she gets a single clue it will be helpful for them. With siddharth not telling anything now they are on their own to find anything and everything and that scared her. She has to find the truth before something happens again as she can see Sid was scared of Manish. Avinash left from there to get ready for the day.

Sid was tossing around on his bed. His sleep went away with the nightmare which showed all of his bad memories which showed his mother in the pool of blood followed by everything happened after that. He sat up breathing heavily and sweating profusely. He looked around and tried to calm himself down. He can't afford to get his brothers know about his nighatmares. With Manish staying in the same house Sid was getting scared so much.

After few minutes he calmed down and looked at the clock. It was half past 7 and he was hungry. Before in his life he never felt hungry because he was having it all the time but now being pampered by Anamika and Shreya he has started to eat correctly. He sighed and went to get ready.

After getting ready Sid came out of his room. He was best trying to avoid Manish. All the time he met him it was before his brothers and Anamika. So he wished he should not meet him but the fate was not his side again.

Manish: bahut khush lag rahe ho beta....he asked standing on the corridor.
( It seems u are so happy....)

Siddharth froze on his spot. He was praying not to meet him. He looked at Manish who was standing in front of him. A shiver sent down his spine when his eyes met Manish angry eyes.

Manish was looking Sid like killing him on the spot. He was Shwethas best friend from her childhood. He always dreamt of making her as his wife like his grandma used to say. Till college they were so close that he also believed she would become his wife. But unfortunately he got the seat in another college as he was rich enough to pay the fees and Shwetha joined another. And that was the wrong move and Shwetha fell in love with Ravindra Varma who was in that college.

Ravindra was the elder son of Akash Varma who was the growing businessman in that time. Ravindra Varma fell in love with Shwetha on his first meet itself and courted her for a year and successfully won over her. When Manish came to know about Shwetha's love he was furious. He wanted her for himself but he couldn't do anything directly as it would expose his feeling for her. So he kept silent and was with them all the time. When Shwetha's parents came to know about their love they were opposing it blindly not even ready to hear them.

Manish tried his everything to separate Shwetha and Ravindra but stayed with them giving them false support. But Ravindra Varma won in the last and Shwetha left her parents. Manish without having any choice after this helped her. But after Ravindra Varma's death he saw chance to get both Shwetha and the properties she got from Ravindra. He was even ready to accept the twin boys. He was about to make his feelings known to her when Shwetha found herself pregnant with Sid.

Shwetha was on cloud nine when she found she was conceived again. She felt Ravindra himself came back to her. She told the boys the baby was their father's last gift and they promised to protect the baby always. Manish was on beyond furious. He even tried to kill the baby during the pregnancy but he couldn't. When they found that the baby was a boy they all believed it was indeed Ravindra.

For the 10 years Manish always showed his hatred to him but not in front of others. When Shwetha was killed he was shattered but he used the chance and sent Sid away from their life. He was happy atleast he was able to afford the luxuries from them. He tried his everything to keep sid away from the brothers. He kept telling them bad about Sid to get them to hate sid but at the end he was back here despite his threats.

Sid stood there froze on his spot. He was not able to move an inch. His body was shaking in fear.

Manish: kya hua...bolane ke lie shabd nahin mil rahe...he asked sarcastically when Sid looked down.

(what happened...cant find any words to speak)

Manish: how dare u siddharth....he asked grabbing jaw tightly making him look up.

Sid winced in pain and looked at him with teary eyes. The fear was evident in his eyes and his body was shaking.

Manish: I told u right...huh...I told u don't dare to come back here....

Sid just nodded in yes when a tear rolled down.

Manish: then why.... kyon aaye vaapas....he asked crushing his jaw more.

(Why did u came back....)

Sid stood silently not even having the courage to speak a word. Manish was giving the vibes which Akshat gave in the past and he was feeling like he was back in the abandoned godown getting punished for not begging correctly and collecting more money.

Manish left his jaw and pushed him back a little. He was still confused that how did Sid managed come back here. He carefully cleared all the legal formalities 2 years ago regarding his release. He made sure that no one will contact Avinash or others regarding him. And in 2 years he literally forgot that sid was there out in the city all by himself and no one other than him know about it...but suddenly he was confused how they got to know him. It was not possible that Sid got to come here by his own as he can't afford the transport and even he was not having his passport...he was confused. He wanted to know how the others got to know about him and turned to sid and pulled him harshly.

Manish: first of all I want to know how u got here...come with me...he said grabbing his arms harshly and tried to drag him to the room.

Sid who was in a frightened state snapped when he realised Manish was taking him to his room. He knew if he got him into the room he will hurt him badly. So he gathered his whole courage and pushed him aside....

Sid: chodo mujhe....he said pushing him aside and started to run away from there.

(Leave me...)

Avinash who was coming towards his room stumbled when someone dashed into him. He was shocked when he realised it was siddharth and quickly held him before he could fall. He was shocked to see sid running like that.

Avi: siddharth...what happened....he asked gently in confused state.

Sid who looked at him with tear filled and fearful eyes suddenly hugged him tightly trying to hide himself in his brothers arms. Sid was terrified and all he wanted now was a safe place where no one will hurt him and give him pain.

Avinash was stunned and looked at Sid who was hugging him. He felt happy and at the same time concerned. The look of Sid was not good and his body was trembling in fear. He was not even pulling apart for an inch. Avinash was confused that what made him scared like this. He looked at the way from Sid came from but no one came behind. Then Avinash composed himself thinking he must have had a nightmare again.

Avi: sid...Sid look at me...he gently tried to make him pull apart.

But sid hugged him more tightly shaking his head and buried himself into Avinash chest. Avinash was worried to see him in that such a vulnerable state. The boy who was not even ready to let him to be near him was not leaving him now. He was feeling happy,sad and concerned all at the same time.

Happy atleast now Sid let him to hold him, sad as he realised he will again go into his shell if he realise this moment....and concerned as he was sensing something is wrong that has triggered his fear.

Anamika who came after completing the breakfast works was surprised to witness the scene. She was happy when she saw sid hugging Avinash but the look on Avinash's face alerted her.

Ana: what wrong....

Avi: he is scared of something....he is not leaving me...

Anamika became worried and touched sid.

Ana: sid...what happened bacha...

Her gentle touch and the words worked and he pulled apart quickly from Avinash. He looked at Avinash with a blank face. The eyes which showed the vulnerability few minutes ago was void now.

Sid: sorry...he whispered taking a step back.

Ana: sid...what happened...she asked again to which sid shook his head and hugged her just wanting the motherly warmth.

Anamika let him get the warmth and pulled away after sometime....

Ana: what happened...she asked again to which he shook his head.

Sid: sorry...he whispered again and looked down.

Anamika gently made him look up and looked into his eyes...

Ana: why are u sorry....

Sid hesitated looking at her. She sighed in defeat. It will take time to make him speak.

Ana: it's ok if u don't want to speak about it...lets go and get u some coffee...u really need it...she said looking at Avinash and he also agreed. Sid was slightly embarrassed that he let his guards down and hugged Avinash. He went with Anamika thinking about the hug and the safe warmth he felt in his arms which he didn't get in these 7 years from anyone. Avinash looked back at the way from where Sid came running again and turned back following Anamika and Sid. Manish who was hiding behind the wall witnessed everything with gritting his teeth and left from there.

Anamika made Sid to sit on the dining table and handed him his coffee. He took it silently and started having it. Avinash and Anamika was looking at him with concern...Sid was not even looking at him. He knew they have lot of questions but he was not in a state to answer any of it and he didn't wanted to answer any of them....

Avinash made sure he was ok and got up to go and get ready. He was already late...

Avi: i will go and get ready Ana...he said to which she nodded.

Avinash came to the living hall to go upstairs when the main door burst open. He was startled on the sound and was shocked and surprised to find Aadhvik on the door....they were supposed to return tomorrow... Aadhvik came running to him. Avinash opened his arms to hold him but Aadhvik asked about sid...

Addu: bhaiya...where is siddharth...he asked in a restless tone. His face itself was evident that he has cried so much...

Avi: what happened Addu...

Addu: where is siddharth...he asked again.

Avi(turning towards the dining): he is in dining...but before he could complete his statement Aadhvik ran to the dining hall.

Avi: Addu...wait...he said turning to go behind when Anirudh entered. Even he looked so restless and was not in a good state.

Avi: what's going on Ani...

Ani: I will tell u...where is Addu...he said running towards the dining followed by Avinash but stopped on the track shocked on the scene.

Aadhvik was hugging Siddharth tightly hiding him in his arms who was sitting on the chair. Sid was stiff with sudden hug but Aadhvik was not leaving him and hugging him and rubbed his back and head kissed his head. Avinash and Anamika was hell shocked on the scene and they looked at Anirudh for an explanation....what the hell happened in INDIA....

To be continued.....

What would have happened in India....

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