Smoky Mountains

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The next day, Nico, Kol, Stefan, Klaus and Kiara walked through the Smoky mountains looking for werewolves. Stefan was carrying Ray.

Kiara was wearing a sweater with a jean and some boots.

"You okay? Is Ray getting heavy?"Kol teased.

"I'm fine."The Salvatore responded.

Klaus added to the teasing "You sure about that? You know, we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down..."

"You know, I get that we're, uh...we're stuck together, but if we could maybe just skip the chitchat, it'd be great."Stefan said.

"So much brooding. Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend."Kol scoffed.

Stefan replied "Maybe it's 'cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves. We've been at it all summer."

"Thanks to our pal Ray, we found ourselves a pack. There."Stefan huffed and stopped walking.

They arrived at a clearing where a bunch of people had set up camp.

"There."Stefan said, walking forward with Ray across his shoulders. He dropped him on the ground in front of the werewolves.

A brunttte ran forward from the crowd. She crouched down next to him and said "Ray! Oh, my God. What's going on?"

"Who are you?"She asked Stefan.

"The important question is who am I. Please forgive the intrusion. My name is Klaus."Klaus told her.

"And I'm Kol."Kol added.

The werewolves seem to recognize the names.

"You're the hybrid and the tribrid."The brunette stated.

"You've heard of us. Fantastic."Kol smirked.

Kiara and Nico sat down on a log and Klaus and Kol followed.

Klaus spoke "It's fascinating, actually...A werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon, a vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid."

Ray gasped as he awake while Kol commented "Excellent timing, Ray. Very dramatic."

"What's happening to me?"Ray asked.

"Stefan." Klaus called.

The vampire got up and asked "Are any of you human? Your friend here needs human blood to complete his transition to vampire. If he doesn't get it, he will die."

Kiara and Nico sensed something farther in the woods. They stood up and walked around. The voices from the camp became more distant. They continued moving and didn't realize how far they wandered from the group. They realized they couldn't hear or seen them anymore.

"Kiara Levesque and Nico Di Angelo."Two voices said from behind them.

The siblings spun around to see Tammi and Kelli, the empousai they had fought a few years ago.

Kiara and Nico immediately uncapped their weapons. Delia with her twin daggers and Nico with his Stygian Iron sword.

"Ready to lose again?"Kiara asked as she did the trick with her daggers. The daggers glowed faint gold lights.

The monster gave a disdainful smile. Both monsters forms began to change. Their eyes became red and their skin pale. Tammi and Kelli's teeths grew into razor sharp fangs and said "You're gonna die, halfbreeds."

"Try us."Nico said.

The empousa rushed at the hybrid girl with her teeth barred. Kiara dodged it and moved to the side. After throwing the knife at Tammi, Delia realized her mistake. Tammi easily caught it.

The monster neered and rushed at her with the blade. Kiara slashed her other dagger at Tammi. The dagger went through her body and a pile of dush was left behind. Nico stabbed the other empousa with his sword and a pile of dush was left behind. Kiara noticed the empousa managed to cut her arm with the blade before she faded to dust.

Blood dripped down to Kiara's hand from the wound.

"Shit."Kiara said as she used her shadows abities to pull shadows towards her. A few moments later, she opened her eyes to see shadows moving in her direction. When the shadows touched Kiara's arm, the cut healed.

Kiara grabbed her other dagger before she and Jason walked through the trees to see people who resembled zombies. They walked around slowly and made odd movements.

"What the Hades happened?"Nico asked as he saw the blood dripping from the eyes of one of the werewolves.

"Ah, we were wondering where you wondered off to."Kol said.

Kiara and Nico noticed all the werewolves had blood leaking from their eyes.

"By the gods."Kiara says.

The siblings walked over to Klaus and Kol but before they could say anything the hybrids began forming a circle around them.

Suddenly the hybrids started rushing at them. Kiara grabbed her daggers while Nico grabbed his sword. When two of the hybrids tried to attack them, Nico and Kiara stabbed them, causing them to topple to the ground.

Later, Nico, Kiara, Klaus and Kol looked at the dead bodies surrounding them. Stefan appeared with Ray draped across his shoulders. He dropped the hybrid on the ground.

Kol explained "They went rabid. Some of them, we killed. The others just...Bled out. In the end...They're all dead."

Klaus yelled angrily as he threw a beer bottle at a tree. Even through his rage, he made sure it was no where near the hybrid girl "We did everything we were told! I should be able to turn them. We broke the curse. We killed a werewolf. We killed a vampire. We killed the doppelgänger."

Kiara went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder, even though she knew she had his full attention.

"What?" Klaus asked.

"Maybe that's the problem. You did what you were told. Think outside the box, it's what I always do."Kiara suggested.

Klaus, knowing that Kiara was much smarter than she looked, tried to calm at hose words and tried to come up with a different plan of sorts.

The two then looked at Stefan who looked very uncomfortable.

Klaus commented"You look like hell."

Stefan retorted "Last I checked, I'm dying...and you don't want to heal me or Kiara or Kol to do it."

He noticed how Klaus looked over to Ray's dead body and spoke once again "I had to take him out. I didn't have a choice. I failed you. I'm sorry. Do what you have to do."

"It should have worked."The hybrid mumbled before nodding at Kiara and gesturing towards Stefan. The hybrid girl placed her hand over the bite and absorbs the magic from it, leaving the vampire's skin as if nothing had happened. Kiara then walked away from the vampire.

"We're leaving."Kol said.

Klaus added "It appears you four are the only comrades I have left."

Kiara felt bad for him. He just didn't want to be alone.

She kept her eyes on the hyrid as she asked "Could you guys walk ahead?"

Nico, Kol and Stefan nodded and left.

Kiara moved so that she was right in front of the hybrid.

The hybrid girl gently placed her hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes.

"We'll figure it out."She assured him.

His face softened. Kiara pulled him for a hug. The hybrid wrapped his arms around her waist.

Besides Kol, nobody had huffed him in a long time. He and the rest of his siblings weren't really that close with each other. The few friendships the hybrid had made never lasted long.

Being in her embrace, made him feel considerably better. He didn't understand how the hybrid girl had such a huge effect on him. Everything about her seemed to draw him in. Despite his only immense rage only moments ago, Klaus felt peace in her arms.

Kiara smiled up at him, when she pulled away. In all of his thousand years, the hybrid swore the hybrid girl in front of him had the best smile he had ever seen.

"Come on, let's catch up with your brother, Nic and Stefan."Delia told him.

She took a step toward the direction the Salvatore, Kol and Nico went but when she noticed Klaus wasn't following. She grabbed his hand and said "Let's go."

Klaus placed his hand in hers as they smiled at each other.

Kiara hated seeing Klaus so lost. She had this natural instinct to help him.

The gold eyed girl didn't know why she felt so attached to him in their short time of knowing each other. But, the pair felt pulled to each other, unlike anything else. It felt as she knew him her whole life. She guessed it was the mate bond.

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