Chapter 21: BitterSweet

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I tap into my past memory. Which I didn't know I could do. I guess my rage has a strong will. I was able to revisit the campsite and apply my enhanced senses of sight. My human eyes were too low grade to peer beyond the darkness. The firelight glared brighter in my mortal phase. In my immortal phase, I see the blackness of the night clearly.    

The face of my enemy is just as I would have imagined. A snarled and vicious expression. A glint of joy in his smile. His pure red eyes burn as flames of hell would. The smirk of dominance. The complete disregard for human life. As if we were just packs of hot meat. I didn't choose to kill...this devilish man did.   

Kota stares at the drawing he produced. His pale eyes can't seem to draw focus away from the sketch on the paper. Now he has a face to place to his suffering. A face to target all of his wrath on. Since he cannot sleep as a vampire, he spends the night glaring at the drawing in his bedroom. There's no light on in the tiny room, only the source of the moon shines across it.  

Kayla must be able to give me a location on this beast. It'll be difficult to ask, since we're not allowed to be alone together. Father most likely still feels that it'll be too overwhelming for her. My dad sticks to his word...which is annoying. I have to speak with her...alone.  

The sound of digging breaks his attention. It's dawn. Kota realizes how long he's been evil eyeing the paper. Time got away from him. He stands from the edge of the bed and goes to the window. Odina is digging up dirt framed by a wooden divider. It doesn't take him long to understand why. 

The soil is dead. I hear the dry crumbling all the way from here. I hear the crackling particles. It has no nutrients. The dirt breaks apart in his mother's hands, which she uses as a shovel. Kota decides to go help his mom. His feet dash down to her in less than a second. 

"Oh, my!" Odina double takes when her son is suddenly at her side.

" guys aren't used to that yet." He apologetically clench his teeth.

"Maybe give me a signal first."

"I'll whistle next time." Kota simpers, then bends to help her dig out the ruined soil. "What are we planting here?"

"Vegetables and fruits. I almost puked when I tried the ones from the grocery. I can't believe your grandad is eating that poison. I taste every single chemical."


"So, a garden is ideal. I could sell to the neighbors."

"Kind of like a fresh market?"


Kota is able to sink his palms deeper than his mother's, so he gains more progress than her. "That sounds fun...I'll help."

"'ll be a fun family project." Odina stops to take a breath and rest her hands on her lap. "The problem is finding pure dirt. I may have to purchase imported soil."

"Or I could sniff it out for you free of cost."

She raises her brows. "You can do that?"

Her son holds up the coarse dirt which platters loudly from his fingers to the ground. "I hear the the smell is potent."

"What does it smell like?"

Kota sniffs the air, cyphering a gassy scent from the atmosphere. "Like nitrogen."

Odina tries to whiff the air to distinguish the scent as he does, but fails. "That's remarkable!"

"Yeah...there are cool perks to what I am." He brags.

"True...but killing isn't one." His mother sulks. "I know you all too well, walela (hummingbird)." She shakes her head. "That drawing is feeding your appetite to slaughter the beast. I agree with justice...I wish to seal that demon away from society so no one else suffers. But you want to avenge your friends' deaths...and yours." 

"Shouldn't I want that?" 

Odina takes hold of his forearm. "No...sometimes we must forget in order to move on."

He grimaces in disagreement. "I can't do that!"

"You must...don't destroy your soul by giving into darkness."

Flashbacks to the bloody night plague him. Partying in the forest with his deceased friends. How they carelessly gorged on pizza and beer. How they embodied the rock song as if on the big stage. The bond of their companionship is haunting. The stress on Kota's heart when he couldn't save them. Kota's survivors guilt grows heavy. He stands quickly. "I'll track down the soil." His once vibrant voice is as dead as the earth that slips from his fingers. 


I should call Darius. It's been days since we talked. Kayla surveys the hallway, looking out for her father since he hasn't lifted the restriction for her to speak to her boyfriend. I wonder how long that will last! It's so annoying! I did one bad thing out of all of my life and get the worse punishment ever?? I miss Darius.  

I wanted him there at my show. My dad could have at least allowed him to attend. We've never been apart for this long. Dad even drives me to school, so I don't even walk with my boyfriend anymore. This is getting ridiculous!! Why is my mom going along??? Why are they controlling my life??!! 

Kay dials his number and waits. It's 5pm, he should be home working on music. I miss his music. I wish I could hear it in person and not through a mixtape. "Hi, superstar."

"Hiii!! I miss you so much!" She mutters so her father doesn't hear.

"Is your dad still mad at me?"



"I's so unfair."

"Do you know how long you're grounded for?"

"No clue...I guess the duration is to be determined."

"I gave Jia a mixtape to give to you at school..."

"You made a new one?"

"Yeah, I'm entering it into a contest next month."

"I didn't know you were submitting it! That's great news!"

"It is...and could get me into film school, which is-"

"Your dream." They both complete the sentence.

"Aww," Kayla. "I'll wish you all the luck. If you were here, I'd hug and kiss you." She beams, curling the braided telephone cord between her fingers.

"If you were here, we'd be cuddling in my bed."

Kayla gasps and giggles. "Darius...!" She murmurs franticly, startled by the racy scenario of them sharing the same bed. Her cheeks flush fiery red and her heart backflips.

"KAYLA!!" James shouts from behind her. The phone drops from her hand; swinging side to side. Kay whips around in distress. "Hang up the phone this instant!" She obeys his command with hasty hands, she rushes to hang it up. "Your mother and I haven't given you permission to speak to Darius." 

"How long before I can??" 

"We'll let you know."

"That's so unfair!!"

"Don't raise your voice at me! You just extended your grounding." Kayla grunts in annoyance. "Do you want to go for a full year??"


"Then correct your tone."

Kay embarrassingly peers to the side. "I'm sorry." She mumbles under her breath.

"Go to your room."

His daughter scoffs. "For how long?"

"Until dinner."

She slouches away, her posture is as bleak as her blue heart. All I want to do is talk on the phone with Darius. Dad is overreacting and attacking me for no reason! How many times do I have to apologize??? I HATE HIM!! 

This time she doesn't slam her bedroom door, she closes it softly, so her prison sentence isn't extended. Kay goes to the nightstand by her bed to pick up wired headphones. Her frazzled fingers plug the aux jack into a Walkman cassette player.

Kayla flings herself onto the princess bed and play Darius's old mixtape. An instrumental streams from the headset. One featuring a grand piano scaling notes. A harp, flute, and ocean noises. A romantic and stunning piece of art. 

The music sends calming shivers through her body. Relaxing her spoiled mood. Kayla daydreams the inside of a seashell. She imagines the lovely tune as the echoing ocean's acoustics. Of the natural chime within the shell. Her mind envisions a lonely seashell on a beach at night. One trapped by cold darkness all by itself. As she is.

Her numb heart aches for Darius. Doesn't mom and dad understand that I love him? Do they even know?? Maybe if I shared this, they'd lessen my punishment. I hate this pain in my soul. The sting of abandonment. The sting of heartbreak. 

Kayla shed tears. The instrumental plays on. She's sure her eyes are red, but she can care less. James told her to stay put in her room until dinner. But she'll stay put and deny eating. Her depression has switched off any need for food. Her stomach is in knots from sobbing. Anything she eats has a high chance of resurfacing as vomit. 

When James enters her room to call her for dinner, she tells him, "I'm not hungry."

"Don't be ridiculous, you have to eat."

"Just leave me alone..." She sniffles into her pillow. Her salty tears coat one side of her face, dripping water lines down her ear and neck.

James's nostrils flare. "I'll handle this..." Mary interferes with her husband's reply, knowing it'll be blunt. Her mom closes the door and approach the fairytale bed. Her mom sits behind her and rubs a warm hand across her back. "I know you think we're being bullies...but you have no idea how bad that night was. We thought you were lost. Hurt. Kidnapped. That's why the police were involved. You didn't ask our permission, if you had, we would have allowed you to go to the party. I was your age once; I know how your mind tricks you like you're trapped. Like you're not in control of your life. I'll never wish that on you." Mary kisses the top of Kay's head.

"But you do!" She sniffles. "You're just like dad, you don't allow me to go out, unless you say so! I only see my friends at school! I only see Darius if you and dad are in the house. I only see Jia and Mya, if you say so. I don't have any control of my life!"

Mary exhales. "Parents are usually overprotective. We fear the worst. To us, there's a scary boogeyman around every corner. We view the world as a danger zone. There are monsters walking this planet. Your dad and I just want to protect you."

Why did she say monsters?? Out of all of the words to use. She uses monsters? Does she mean evil humans?? Or does my mother know about the paranormal world?? "Monsters??" Kay queries to quench her curiosity.

"Some humans are living demons. But I guess we can't have such a strong hold on your social life because of paranoia. I'll have a talk with your dad about easing up some. But only by a little." Mary chuckles. "There's no such thing as too safe."

Kayla rolls around in bed and hoist herself onto her elbows. Her tear covered face lusters in the light. "Really? You'll loosen the leash??" 

Mary nods. "By a few inches."

Kay hugs her mom as tightly as a child does to express inexplicable happiness. "Thank you."

"But you'll have to wait until you're un-grounded."

"Okay...I can do that." Kay wipes her eyes like an overgrown toddler.

Mary stands, taking her daughter by the hand to bring her along. "Now, let's eat. I'll convince your father to take a chill pill."

", don't ever say that again." Kayla snorts comically.

"What? I'm hip and bad to the bone." Her mom imitates Micheal Jackson's glove dance with pure accuracy.

The hip thrusts and head jerk tickles Kay's funny bone. "MOM! STOP!" She lets out a donkey laugh, a breathless inhale crippled by manic laughter.

Mary covers her mouth in response to the animal sound effect that just escaped her daughter's mouth. "James! Come quick!"

"No mom, don't."

"Your princess is a donkey in disguise!" Mary heaves for air; buckling over to clutch at her knees. Kayla does an uncomfortable titter, rubbing the back of her neck. She can't help but smile at how goofy her laugh was.


I travel far past the Chicagoland area for clean soil. But I didn't mind the long detour. I needed to escape the conversation before guilt set in. I can't forget and move on as if I didn't witness Liz, Jimmy, and Mike slaughtered right before my eyes. Right in front of me. I was useless. 

My parents would never understand the depth of failing people you love. Maybe if they lost me or Dyani to death, then they'll know how crippling and worthless the world becomes. They've never had loved ones killed as they watched. Never! 

Kota isn't sure where he is. Somewhere far north, near the rim of lake Michigan. There's more beach and concrete near the area and less human interference. That's why the soil is nice and damp and free of toxic fumes. He bends to scoop up the dirt. It's nice and soft in his hands, warm and moist.  

That's perfect. I should have thought this through. I don't have anything to use to transport the soil. Maybe sand buckets would be ideal, there has to be some around.   

His light feet lead him to the sandy shore. Kota's bright eyes shimmer through the curtain of night, inspecting the grainy surface of the land. He strolls the lonely beach for, finding himself surrounded only by grass and clusters of trees. The area is completely isolated from the city. A pocket of a hidden paradise. If not for the loud ambience of the city, one would think they weren't in an urban location at all. 

This place is pretty peaceful. So tucked away from the rest of the world. It could become a hangout spot when I want to get away.  

Kota has no luck locating sand buckets down here, so he doubles back around to try the other direction. His footsteps have an echo. Huh? That's strange. He figures it's a trick of his mind. Or that it's the pebbled surface below causing an illusion of two pairs of moving feet. He continues on, ignoring the additional sound. Once he passes the tree line, his nose detects a venomous odor. A pair of red eyes watch him from the tree line.  

Kota isn't aware of being studied. He's too busy registering the awful scent. His nose flare back in disgust. The scent is similar to a skating rink, a bitter cold aroma. Accompanied by a repulsive peroxide esque fragrance. If he were human, he would vomit from the harm on his nostrils, but Kota's stomach is made of steel. Just before he can rotate his body in the direction, the burgundy irises disappear from the darkness.  

Kota observes the edge of the tree line. There's a sidewalk cutting through the pathway...nothing more. But what is that smell?? It isn't the's almost animalistic. Kota nears the source of the stink, hoping to unveil the answer. The tree line is clear. Only a few line the walking trail, enough to allow a small coverage. There's no rodent here. I'm thinking maybe a skunk sprayed. Maybe...? He concludes, still oblivious of one of his kind stalking him from the top of a tree, hunched over and hidden well from sight. 

The enflamed eyes trace Kota as he walks away. I know how a skunk funk is; it's nowhere near that grotesque. Nowhere near that unpleasant. He steps on to meet the shoreline, which leads to the main beach. Kota can't help but rake his mind for an explanation. What was that subzero fragrance? As if artic ice had somehow visited the city??? And the hydrogen peroxide fume?? That was beyond strange... Halfway down the sandy ground, Kota is urged by his instincts to turn around. He does so...eyeing the top of the trees. Where the vampire just was. 

Kota squints over the treetops. It has to be a rodent that ran to hide on a high branch. He convinces himself and walks on, unaware of it being an immortal being. The main beach has what's he looking for. There are many sand buckets which litter along the lake. A few are swept away into the black, rippling water and carried out into its depths. Kota choose two large ones, that were previously used for a sandcastle which was trampled by the receding lake. The remains of the structure is diminished to soggy, wet mud. 

As he shakes out the wet sand, a sixth sense forces him to stare far out at the murky, colorless water. This time he was nearly close to noticing the hell-fire eyes. Nearly. The sinister vampire dipped under the water without making a sound. Without causing ripples or a disturbance in the tide. Kota places down the buckets to heavily peer at the spot. this is weirding me out. I'm tempted to swim out. But it's late, I'll likely waste my time over a jumping fish. What else could it be? 

My senses are amplified and overcomplicate simple occurrences. That's all. Now...I have to get these back to mom. I know she's worried about me running off. I'll apologize. He retrieves the buckets and go to the clean dirt to pack handfuls of it into the containers. He doesn't stop until each one is jammed to the rim. Then he sprints off. 

Kota proceeds home so rapidly that the buckets have no time to react to his velocity. His feet appear to never touch the ground. His arms work too fast to register their next swing. He's without a doubt, unseen by the naked eye of residents. They notice no change in the wind. No sound of supernatural footsteps. No presence of a vampire speeding down the streets.

When he comes to an abrupt stop in the backyard, the buckets finally respond to the insane speed. Both swing forward, almost looping their handles around his palms. This delayed reaction perplexes Kota. Whoa!! So neat! How is that even possible?? I was moving that fast?? Was I shifting through space and time. Another dimension?? Because I just defied gravity! 

"Whoa, baby bro!" Dyani claps from the back porch. "You better hope that little trick of yours helps mom forgive you." 

"What do you mean??" He slowly sits down the buckets. 

"You disappeared...and reminded them of that...night." Dyani refers to the night he transformed. "I'm pretty sure she's experiencing PTSD. You know that crap from Vietnam?" She schools him. 

"Oh, no..." He leaps up the steps and into the kitchen. His mother isn't there. He uses his nose to locate her. Odina's natural aroma is just the same as he remembered. A delightful perfume. As if she rolls sweet dough on a daily basis. This rids his nose of the horrid odor from the beach. He's lured to the front porch, where his mother is. She sits in a swinging chair, rocking in it to tame her stress. Kota does a light whistle to alert her. 

Odina still jumps out of her skin. Once again, he's moved too fast for mortal senses. Even how he opened the front door was done too swiftly for human ears to detect. "Kota!" She runs from the chair to hug him. "Where did you go?? I thought the worse!" 

"I'm sorry, mom...I needed time to think." 

"Think about what??" 

"If I don't avenge them...then their deaths will always be in vain. I can't forget. My mind won't let me. Time doesn't let me." Her son says so dismally, as if he's lived beyond his years. As if he isn't a teenager. The burden of his ghastly existence ages him. 

"Dear..." She cups his face in her palms. "Please...don't ruin your soul. Say your farewells. Visit their graves...and find closure."  

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