Chapter 3) Cursed Blood, Cursed Child

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I hear water and get up to go check it out. As soon as I step outside of my room my feet were wet.

I go down the hall and the bathroom light was on and the water was running. I open the door and Adira was laying in the tub as the water fell to the floor. I rush to turn off the water and take her out. I listen for her breathe and she wasn't breathing.

"Come on, kid killing yourself isn't the way." I start to give her mouth to mouth but she coughs up a large amount of water. She then opens her eyes and scrambled into my arms further.

"You're okay. You're okay." She grips my arms and I see her shaking. "Adira why were you trying to kill your self?" She looks at me with fearful eyes. "I wasn't. I was sleeping and the next thing I know. I'm in the tub. Wait what time is it?" I frown at her question but I look at my watch and see it's a little after 3 o'clock.

"3:15." She jerks away from me and without saying a word she leaves me to clean up her mess.


It was eight on the dot when I heard an elephant sound off in front of my bed room. I flipped off bed and fell right on the floor.

"Time to get up! Let's go people!" I hear Dick cal out. I snatch off the tangled sheets and march over, snatching the door clean open.

"What the fuck!" I say right as Dick passes my door. "Good morning, nosebleed. Group starts in three minutes. See you in the living room." As he walks off I think about giving myself a paper cut just so I can jab him in the neck for that.

"Don't even think about it, Nosebleed." He says as he turns the corner. I clench my jaw and get ready for group.

When I make it down, ten minutes purposely, everyone seems to stop what they were doing just to stare at me. I shrug my hands in my hoodie pocket and sit down farthest away from everyone.

"About time bloodwatch comes down." I hear Wally mutter. "Since you're so fast, does that mean you're a one minute man?" I ask just to embarrass him.

He blushes for a second as the group oh's him. "I can be a minute man but what I have can still make you bleed."

"Giving me an aneurysm doesn't count loser." I reply. "You know what tampo-" Starfire interrupts. "Now that everyone is here, we can begin. Just go get you comfortable with group I'll go first. I'll say my name, code name, power and a like. My name is Koriand'r or Kory for short. My code name is Starfire. I have many abilities some I still can not comprehend, but I hope to master my powers one day."

Next up was the spooky girl.

"I use the alias, Rachel. My code name is Raven and to some up my many powers, dark arts is my specialty."

Next was the green kid. I narrow my eyes at him. "My name is Garfield, my code name is beast boy and my power is that I have the entire animal kingdom stuffed inside of this magnificent specimen."

"More like you're stuff full of shit." Wally says as he laughs with the other kid. Starfire glares at them and they straighten.

The kid with the Mohawk goes next.

"My name is Jaime, my code name Blue Beetle. And well like everyone else here I have a lot of gifts but that wouldn't be possible without this scarab attached to my spine."

Next was Wally.

"Names Wally, my code name is Kid Flash and to some up my powers it's speed." He has a cocky grin and I roll my eyes at him.

Next was Dick. "Names Dick. I use to use the code name Robin, but now I go by Nightwing. I don't have any meta or alien powers, I have exceptional survival skills." Everyone then looks at me.

"We aren't going to burst out singing songs and braiding each other's hair are we cause that shit? Just isn't for me." Starfire places her hand on my leg and I jerk away quickly.

"Please?" It was something in her voice that made me go along with everyone. "My name is...Adira..." I feel a bit nervous so I look at the floor.

"My code name..."

My gums feel funny so I hold my breathe.

"...I don't want to say."

I remember blood everywhere, red..

"My powers..."


"It's complicated." I mutter. "Come on, we all know you're powers are blood related." Beast boy whines.

I look up at him and he shrinks back. "Can I get some air? It's too stuffy in here." I say trying to not breathe in through my nose.

Why is everyone's heart beat so loud?

"Adira, are you alright?" Starfire asks. "I need air." I look down at my hands and my veins turn black. I stand up causing the chair behind me to clatter on the floor. "Ad-" Wally calls out but I take off running.

I run down the halls trying to find a window to open. "I need air. I need air." I know if I take in a deep breathe now, the bad thing will happen.

My throat feels rough and I find a back door and almost kick it open. I feel the cold air hit me and I take in a deep breathe.

"God!" I yell as I fall down on my knees. I look back down and my veins were gray now but that's better than them turning red.

"Adira?" I hear Dick's voice and ignore him. "Here." I feel him next to me and from the corner of my eye I see he's holding out a black vile. I snatch it from him and drink it.

"What gave me away?" I ask as I lick the black liquid off of my fingers. "Earlier this morning, when you were in the bathroom. I remember reading about that in your file and I forgot to give you your dose yesterday. But you did try to kill us."

I close my eyes and feel myself calm down. "How much of my file did you read?" I ask without looking at him. "All of it-"

"Don't, don't say your sorry about what you read. I don't want your pity."

"I wasn't going to give it to you, nosebleed. When you're done come back. You have to have group." He leaves me alone and I take in a few more deep breathes.

He's read my file. So he knows that if I don't get my B-blood after every four days that I'll get irritable and forget my human side.

I stand up and decide I should just run away, but where would I go? I'm a murderer back home, and I can't go to my grandmothers, she's the first place that the authorities would look for me first.

I look and my veins were back to normal...

I pace the play room and I can't help but not feel good. "064, calm down." She says as she writes something down in her notepad.

That's dumb notepad.

"My gums feel itchy. And my skin hurts." I say as I start to scratch at my inflamed skin.

"That's normal." She writes again and I start breathing heavy. "Ouch! Ouch! My teeth!" I start to feel hot tears fall down my cheek as the pain intensified.

"064, has started the next stages. Doctor Collins please extract a sample." The door opens and I see Doctor Collins walking in with a surgical mask and scalpel.

I look down and my veins were turning black. "064, please stand still. Doctor Collins needs a skin sample." As I hear her write it sounds like nails to a chalk board and I cover my ears.

"06-" Everything mutes and as I look at Doctor Collins I see a fat vein on his forehead. I drop my hands down and jump on him. I start tearing into his flesh and as I do I smell his blood and my teeth sharpen.

He tries to call out for help but my nails slash his throat clean open. I take his scalpel then and start stabbing repeatedly. As his blood gets everywhere I can't help how hungry I am so I lean down and start to lick at the blood coming from his body.

"064, enough." She says calmly. I growl and stand up leaving his carcass as I stare at her through the glass.

"Thallos, mir ellia." I say as I watch her jugular pulsate. "What was that?" She asks. Before she knew it I had cracked the glass with one swift kick and she was backing away from me.

"064, calm down before you get a shot." I cock my head at her barely knowing what she's saying. "Thallos, mir ellia." I say to her.

"I said calm down! Now!" I stop and as she takes a deep breathe I run and she falls down. She wasn't my target, instead I jump on a guard and was about to feast on him but I feel someone taser me.

I snap back into the present and see I'm sitting in group but I'm barely paying any attention. "..I still have nightmares but they aren't as bad as they use to be." Raven says as I start to tune her out again.

"Adira, would you like to share anything?" Dick asks. "No, I'm not the sharing type."

"Then group is over, I'll see you guys next Tuesday, same time." Dick closes group for the day and when there's less people around he singles me out just as I'm trying to get back to the room.

"You need to know that while you're living here, you have to put in some work. The chore chart says that you have garbage duty. And when you can be trusted, you can leave the house but you'll be on curfew."

"Is that all?" I ask him as I cross my arms. "You might not want to participate in group but at least be respectful, everyone here is trying to cope with something. At least you can do is show you're interested."

"But I'm not. I don't like any of you, especially you. And the next time you decide you want to read my private files, I will make sure the last thing you see over you at night is my blood shot eyes." I shoulder bump him and go to the kitchen to grab some food so that I can stay hold up in my room for a few hours...


"Kory, I know you can see the good in her, but I must be blind because she's as devious as they come."

"She's just broken, you didn't see what I saw when I had touched her." I was a bit curious then.

"I've read her file, what else is there to know about her?"

"The doctor? She's her real mother."

"Okay and?" I ask. "Adira was human. She was born human and she had the ZZ virus dormant in her blood."

"Wait, so are you saying what I think yours saying?" She nods. "Her mother turned her."

"That's so fucked up on so many level."

"The worst part, is Adira doesn't know. Because her mother blocked those memories due to high volumes of stress and punishment tactics."

"She went though a lot like all of us, Kory." She shakes her head and places her hand on my shoulder.

"You don't understand Dick. Adira not only lost her humanity. But something inside of her is trying to get out. Like an evil, in a cage. We need to help her."

"I'll help her, but she needs to meet us half way."

"She will, she just needs a friend." I go to speak but we both pause as we hear a scream. We both take off running and everyone seems to be near Adira's room.

"Guys what's going on?" I ask in a panic. "Look." Jamie points in the bed room. When I look all around her walls words were in ink. "What does that mean?"

"Thallos, mir ellia. It means cursed blood cursed child." Raven tells me....

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