Chapter 8

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Ishita ran from that place to the attached balcony in the room. She could not hide the tears in her eyes.

Aarushi noticed her and followed her. Slowly she walked to her and placed her palm on her shoulder.

" I am feeling so sad to see you like this. And please forgive me as I am one of the reasons for your state..." Aarushi said, feeling so guilty.

Ishita wiped her tears and turned to her. She smiled weakly and said, " This is my fate. So...don't feel guilty "

" Are you happy here? " Aarushi asked her.

" Trying to find my happiness in my work ..." she replied.

" But we are not happy there..." Manasi said all of sudden, who heard their conversation. Then she continued walking to them, " My mom is missing you. She wants to see you..."

" I will make a video call and talk to her when I am free..." Ishita informed her.

" Why don't you call her now? " Manasi inquired.

" I will call her tomorrow morning. It's already late..." Ishita reasoned. Manasi sighed and looked at Aarushi. She signaled with her eyes to stay quiet, and instantly Manasi nodded her head.

" Let's have food..." Aarushi said, feeling hungry. Everyone went back to the dining hall to have the food. They started having food in silence but Manasi started the conversation to break the silence. She doesn't want to feel awkward between them.

The conversation went smoothly. Everyone talked very cautiously avoiding the family topic which became a very sensitive topic.


After cleaning the table and arranging the kitchen, Manasi went to sleep in the guest room. But Aarushi waited to talk with Ishita privately. She went to her bedroom to talk with Ishita.

As soon as Ishita sensed Aarushi's presence, Ishita asked, " Do you need anything? "

" No... I mean ...I am here to talk with you about ..."

Before Aarushi completed her words, Ishita said, " I don't want to speak about Rishab..."

" Ishita ... you are thinking wrong. I wanted to talk with you about Jhanu Aunty. I would never remind you about him because it hurts you. But..." Aarushi stopped in the middle.

Then she continued, " But ... now I understand that you didn't come out of his thoughts. And I understood that you too have feelings for him...."

" I have nothing for him except hatred " she spat out.

She sighed sadly and said, " I can feel your pain. Rishab made a big mistake by leaving everyone. Your anger is also justified. But don't worry, you can punish him for what he did with you. "

" What do you mean! And why will I punish him? " Ishita asked her.

" Rithwik assigned a few people to search for Rishab. Hope we will find him soon. After he returns, you can punish him until your anger subsides..." Aarushi replied.

She glared at her and said, " I have no relation with a person who is a cheater and liar. I hate him..."

" Yeah.... I can see your hatred on your tongue and your love for him in your eyes" Aarushi said.

" Will you stop talking about him? " Ishita shouted.

" It was you who first talked about him..." she said. Then she continued, " I am here to talk about Jhanu Aunty. After Rishab left, her health was not good. Recently she was admitted to a hospital because of high blood pressure ...."

" What! How is she now? " Ishita panicked.

" She is fine now. Presently Aunty and Uncle are not on good terms. Frequently they were arguing about Rishab. He doesn't want him to return home. He was angry at him because your life was ruined by him. " she told her.

" Thank God! Her health is fine now" she mumbled.

" Hmmm...but...Aunty wants Rishab to return home. She wants to see you and Rishab as a couple." she explained to Ishita.

She smiled bitterly at her and said, " It can't be possible. "

" I can understand what you are going through..." Aarushi patted her shoulder.

"But.... Please visit ... Jhanu Aunty. She will be happy with your presence..." Aarushi suggested.

" I will think about it..." she said.

Aarushi hugged her and whispered, " I and Rithwik are feeling bad for you. We are feeling guilty as we are indirectly the reason for your pain. We are sorry,"

" Shhh... Don't think like that. You and Rithwik did nothing. It was only Rishab, " she said, hugging her back.

" I think's getting late. We need to sleep. Moreover, it's not good for your nothing..." Ishita added.

Both of them went back to the room. Then Aarushi greeted Ishita and started walking to the guest room.

" Aarushi... Wait... Sleep in this bedroom. The washroom is attached to this room. It will be comfortable for you to go at midnight ..." Ishita suggested.

" Don't worry, I will sleep on the couch,'' she added before Aarushi denied her words.

She nodded and lay on the bed, placing her head on the pillow.

" Good night..." She greeted Ishita again and closed her eyes. Ishita turned off the light and lay on the couch. She closed her eyes but sleep was far away from her. She was thinking about Rishab's family.

" This is only happening because of Rishab. At least he didn't think of his family. He ran away from everyone like a coward, " she thought to herself.

" I hate you...Rishab. If by any chance, you show your face again in my life, I will kill you with my bare hands..." she muttered to herself.

" You love him... Stupid. You will run into his arms as soon as you see him..." her soul said.

" Why should I love a person who left me without a word? I hate him now. " her mind said.

" Let's see...what happens when you see him! " her soul laughed playfully.

" I will never forgive him for playing with my feelings. He is not a part of my life. I am not his wife " her mind screamed.

" oh... Can you marry someone, forgetting him! " her soul questioned.

" If I see someone who stood beside me at all good and bad times and if he loves me truly then I will marry him..." her mind replied.

" Ok... I Will see... for now you sleep peacefully... " her soul said.


The next morning, Ishita woke up first in the morning as she needed to prepare breakfast for Aarushi and Manaasi. She quietly completed her chores not to disturb Aarushi's sleep. Then she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She thought of preparing something healthy for Aarushi.

Just then she heard the calling bell. She opened the door and found the servant maid standing at the door.

" Good... You come at the right time. Help me in preparing breakfast..." Ishita said and walked to the kitchen. The servant maid was startled for a few seconds as she was not interested in cooking. She followed her and noticed Ishita preparing Raagi dosa.

" Am I dreaming? "she thought in wonder.

" Don't look at me with shock. My friends came to visit me last night. Please make it fast. And also I need to go to a studio to give my designer bridal suite ...." she said.

" So... That's... Why ....your face is glowing! Huh! " she smiled and started helping her in preparing breakfast.


" Rishu...wake up and get ready fast. Today... We need to go to one place..." Tony shouted in his ears.

" You.... Idiot... It's still 7 in the morning... Let me sleep for some more time..." he said irritatedly.

" First get up from the bed. You will know where I am going to take you..." he said while pulling his arms.

Rishab huffed and stood up from the bed. He completed his chores and then got ready in blue jeans and a red shirt.

" Now...tell me...where are we going! " Rishab asked tony.

" It's a surprise...let's go..." he said with a wide smile. Then both of them started on the bike.

After forty-five minutes, Tony stopped his bike near a studio.

" What are you doing here? " Rishab asked skeptically.

" Because... You are selected as the choreographer of a new film. I got a call from the producer last night. He asked us to come to sign the agreement. Congrats...." saying Tony hugged him tightly.

" What! " Rishab exclaimed in surprise.

Hi readers

Extremely make you all wait for a very long time. Hope you all will forgive me.

Let's see what will happen in the next chapter. Will Ishita and Rishab will meet in the studio?

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