A Girl of her Times / Bloody Mary

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Blue Moon Banshee, 2020.


IN WHICH, a girl with power and a plan finds herself in the middle of a dysfunctional family and an impeding apocalypse.

❝if i were in this family, i would've disappeared for sixteen years too.❞

❝ yeah, they have that effect.❞



As Described ✷ Valerie Rose Carson
Sixteen(?), Aquarius, The Banshee


Warnings and Disclaimers,
  This story takes place between Seasons Two and Four.
♱  Themes included are — mature themes, violence, torture, racism, gore, and death.

Author's Note,
♱  Hey guys! I just finished the Umbrella Academy Season four and... it was a season for sure! I ended up rewatching the entire show because I was so unsatisfied with this seasons ending. I wound up wanting to write a five fanfic, so here we are. I definitely will NOT be going in the route season four went in. I will follow some but not all plot lines that did not fit the characters in mine and everyone else's opinion.
♱ Also, I am aging up five to be 16 years old physically, he's still an elder mentally, of course.
♱ I was also too lazy to look for a face claim for Valerie. She is a black girl, that's all I have description wise of her so far. I couldn't find an actress that matched my vision of Valerie who was also age appropriate for this story. So, use the greatness of your imagination!

Published: August 16th Twenty Twenty Four
Completed: -

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