Goodbye Almost love💦

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Final note:

I loved you, I still love you.

Although I lost a lot for not having you here, I know that in my dreams you are always there, it is the closest way I have to love you.

Even if I can't see you, even if you can't feel your touch, even if you don't kiss me or hug me anymore, I'll stay where we left off.

Att. Olivia Pavs

Box name: Blue, poems that never sent.

Nota final:

Te amé, te sigo Amando.

Aunque haya sufrido mucho por no tenerte aquí, se que en mis sueños siempre estás, es la forma más cercana que tengo para amarte.

Aunque no te pueda ver, aunque ya no pueda sentir tu tacto, aunque ya no me beses o abraces yo seguiré en el lugar donde lo dejamos.

Att. Olivia Pavs

Nombre de la caja: Blue, poemas que nunca envíe.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
