Chapter One: Return

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Sonic's POV

It was a typical day on Earth. By day, I meant to say that it was night. There was supposed to be a meteor shower tonight, so here I am, laying on a grassy hill not that far away from Chris' house where everyone was at, waiting for the shower to start.

*Sonic* I heard a voice murmur in my head. It sounded female and........................... familiar? I know that I've heard it somewhere before, but where? I looked around a bit and didn't see anyone near me, so I lowered myself back into the laying position I was in previously.

*SONIC!!!!* the voice called out again, more desperate this time. I sat up and looked around, noticing that one meteor was glowing a bright blue and was falling towards a clearing not too far from where I was. It crashed down, causing a mini earthquake of sorts and sent shock waves throughout the area. I fell down from the force of it and waited for the rumbling to stop.

Once it did, I ran over to where it fell as fast as I could, hoping that no one else was there. I got there and looked around. No one was there, thankfully. I looked down at the crater and saw something smoking. I carefully went down, noticing that the area felt cold instead of hot like I expected.

I kept my ears perked for any noise. Once down to the rock, I made my way towards it and noticed that the rock was glowing slightly. I then was so close to it that I heard a faint hissing noise, probably cooling off from entering the atmosphere. What? So I know big words, big deal. Anyway, I was close enough to touch it, and I did. It wasn't hot or cold like I expected, but was cool to the touch.

I decided to knock on it, for some reason, and it sort of echoed inside. "It's got to be hollow" I said to myself. Then, the rock started to crack. I jumped back, poised in an attack position. It cracked some more and then split open, a bright blue light emerging from it causing me to cover my eyes with my hands.

When the light faded, I put my arms back to my side and stared at the rock. There was a big, open split in it and something was inside of it. I got closer and said "Oh my Chaos" in a whisper. In there was someone that I never thought that I'd see again. "Sha?" I questioned in disbelief and hope. The blue female hedgehog soon started to move and mumble. Her eyes snapped open and she saw me. "Son?" she asked, her emerald eyes widened in disbelief. "It's me" I said, opening my arms to make my point.

She jumped out of the rock and tackled me to the ground. "Oh for the love of Chaos, Sonic!!!!! I thought that I'd never see you again!!" she cried out in happiness. "Same here, Shock. Same here." I said, tears of happiness forming in my eyes.

Just then, our ears perked up. I heard some voices coming. "Why in such a rush Shadow? a female voice asked. "Something fell. It could be a Chaos emerald." a male voice replied. "Let's get you out of here." I whispered to Shock as I held her bridal style and ran away to a lake house, no one knows about it except me.

I adjusted her to have a free hand to open the door. Once I opened the door, I zipped in and placed her on a couch. Then I went to the door and locked it shut. After that, I zipped back over to her to see her sleeping. I smiled and walked, yes walked, over to the kitchen to cook something for her. What? I can cook. Don't look so surprised.

Anyway, I cooked a couple omelettes and waited for Shock to wake up. It was about thirty minutes later that she woke up. "Hiya sleepy head. Come over here for some food." I told her, motioning for her to come on over with my hand. She groggily rubbed her eyes and put her feet on the floor. She then pushed herself off the couch and started to walk over.

After that she came over to the table and sat down on one of the chairs. I saw her nose twitch and then she seemed to completely wake up. "Omelettes?" she asked, quirking an eyebrow. "Yep. Let's eat." I said as I grabbed one and put it on a plate. She did the same and we ate in a comfortable yet awkward silence. After almost all of the omelettes were eaten, I decided to ask something that was on my mind.

"Shock." I said, serious. "Yea Sonic?" she replied, almost finishing off her fourth omelette. "You called me as the meteor was falling, right?" I asked. She gulped down the rest of her omelette and looked at me. *Yea. This is still up, right?* she asked through our mental link. I started to tear up in joy. *Yea. It's still up.* I replied back, my tears threatening to fall.

She enveloped me in a hug, and I felt my front start to get wet in tears, but I didn't care. She was back, that's all that mattered. "I'm glad that I found you Sonic." she said softly, muffled by my fur. "Me too, Shock. Me too." I replied, my tears flowing into her quills.

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