જThe Bars Of The Cage જ ☾Demonnix☽

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Book - The Bars of the Cage
Author - wordywonders
Reviewer - Demonnix

Title -> {10/10}
The title matches the story completely!

Cover -> {14/15}
I like the colorful contrast between the blue and the white! They are a nice color theme.

Story Description ->
It mentions the main points in the description. It is straightforward and gives the audience a straight-to-the-point idea. 

Content -> {49/50} (grammar and punctuation, originality, plot)
In the poem, the story describes how the bird feels. Although I am, unfortunately, not a bird, I can imagine this as its feeling. 

Writing Skills -> {10/10}
The description in each chapter has been written well. The way the twist at the end had been written is amazing - especially how it suddenly questions itself before becoming truly free.

Overall Enjoyment -> {9/10}
The feeling of freeness described in the story is refreshing! Well done! 

Recommend? Definitely! 

Total Marks - {97/100} 
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