Day 7

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"Why don't we just order out again?" Rumi sighed, throwing the instruction packet on the counter. She slouched over, her body losing any tension.

"No. It can't be that hard to cook." Tomura replied, picking up the packet. 

"Ya know usually I just buy food anyway." 

"That's because you're always working. You quickly buy food, then continue your job." Tomura scratches at his neck, his nails peeling at the already scared skin. "Right now, you're with your secret villain boyfriend who wants to cook something other than cup of noodles."

"Hm? Who said you were my boyfriend?" Rumi teased leaning close to Tomura. "I do hate teamwork."

Tomura turned his head towards hers. Their faces were close, and breaths of the same air. Tomura had a blank look on his face, not phased by her words.

"Empty threat."

"Is it?"

"I don't see you leaving." 

Rumi rolls her eyes. A smile finding its way onto her face. She rests her arm on his shoulder, while looking at the recipe he held.

"Fine. What are we making?"

"I was thinking we make yakisoba. It's relatively easy." Tomura opens the packet and points to a recipe.

"Hm? Ok. I'll start chopping!" Rumi said, a smirk plastered on her face. She worked on chopping the vegetables, as Tomura boiled the noodles. 

Rumi hated teamwork. She hated to be helped. She was an independent hero without an agency. Rumi ran day by day in big missions with strong villains. As she liked to put it,

"Live every day like your last." Rumi let out a low chuckle.

Though working with Tomura was different. It didn't feel the same as working with a fellow hero against a villain. Maybe that was because Tomura was a villain. Either way Rumi knew, Tomura was tolerable to work with.


"I never thought I'd be ok with my last day to this." Rumi continues chopping the tomatoes. Her hand squeezed a bit too hard and her slices too thick.

"Like, calm?" Tomura questioned, trying to understand what she meant.



"Yeah." Rumi looks up. "I live everyday like it's my last. I run into danger. I know I'll be content with dying if the last thing I did was worth it."

She turns to face Tomura. She let's go of the knife and moves her body to face the taller. Her long ponytail flowed as her body did. 

"So I guess, I never expected to be content with myself if I didn't die in the line of work. Yet, thinking about it. Being with you before I die, wouldnt be all that fucking bad."

Tomura smiles.

"That was oddly sweet of you."

"Guess so." She huffs and turns her head back to the cutting board.

Very average oneshot, but I still think its cute.

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