I Hate Hypocrites To Death: Part Nine

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I really didn't think I'd write this many chapters! Thank you all for the 4K reads and buncha votes!
I love comments as well so please keep commenting! They're the best and keep mah wanting to update!
And here's the suprise. Trevas= Darkness in Portuguese. Darkness in Japanese= Yami
Did ya get it? No? Yes? Please tell me in the comments if possible


" Its very nice to meet you face to face Shinigami-san" The man clad in a silvery white says in the ever so courteous manner of his. The man clad in black smiled despite the undertone in the other man's voice.

" Thank you very much for welcoming me, C.A-san" Izuku smiled in greeting.

" Yes, I would also like to thank you for making your way here" the man returned the smile.

" No no, it would be discourteous of me to reject. You even had arranged for a place for me to stay. How could I reject such a kind offer?" Izuku played along.

" I thank you then, Shinigami-san. Shall we get to the main article?" C.A says smilingly.

" Haha. I'm sure you already know my name, as I do yours. Cruz Angelo-san" Izuku says with another smile. At this point, this was indeed a battle with words. Only Izuku and Angelo would know. And if you didn't hear what they were saying, you would completely agree that they were two civilized men conversing civilly.

" Very nice to know that I do not need to introduce myself again, Midoriya Izuku-san" he returned the comment.

" Yes, that is quite a name, isn't it? 'Cross' and 'Angel'. Very interesting if I do say so myself" Izuku had many hidden meanings but neither of them payed it any mind.

" Why thank you, Midoriya-san. Then, shall we get to the point?" ' Enough of the flattering' would be what Angelo meant.

" Yes, of course Angelo-san" he sat down on the other side of the desk facing the masked man" You have my cooperation and I do hope I have yours as well"

" Of course" Angelo had smiled his famous close eyes smile before opening his eyes." I assume you know of the 'Shinigami case' "

" Yes I have. I assume you were there during the meeting?" Izuku asked back.

" I was. You must want to know what happened?"

" I have all of it set it up but ......it wouldn't hurt to have some assurance" Izuku answered without revealing too much.

" I see. Then it is going exactly to your plans, Midoriya Izuku" He replied slightly happily. " Now, show me what you can do, Shinigami-san" Izuku smirked.

" Why of course"


In the middle of the night, Trevas was walking out of the infirmary where he was staying for a while. They had him transferred to the infirmary because Recovery Girl needed to take a look at him. For some reason, some wounds of his weren't healing. So that resulted in Trevas going back to UA. Trevas avoided the cameras and set a picture of himself sleeping normally on the cameras. He headed over towards the gate without being noticed. He opened the gate slowly to show two shadows and unconscious guards on the ground.

" I am happy to see you well captain" Kuroi lightly saluted before following Yami down the halls. Rainer also followed behind them all the while taking in all his surroundings. They got to the roof without being noticed completely. Rainer walked all over the roof and sometimes slightly crouched down.

" Then, Kuroi, Rainer, you have completed your mission. You may go back" Trevas says with a smile. Kuroi shivered. 'It's scary seeing captain smile like that....' and with that, they left with a flash a darkness. Trevas stood there smiling before he headed back towards his room.
' I wonder when I can see Shinigami-sama again....'

Suprised? Not really? I gave out a lot of hints okay! --------------------

" Hmm? Ah Kuroi, you're back" He smiles at Kuroi before tuning to Rainer. "I assume you have done what you have to?"

" Yes. I will be able to teleport there within a few days" Rainer reported.

" I see, that's good" Izuku turned to Kuroi." Was Yami doing good? I mean Trevas"

" Yes Shinigami-sama. Captain has gotten everyone's trust. There is but one that has slight distrust to him" Kuroi reported dutifully.

" Hmm? I assume Todoroki?"

" Yes Shinigami-sama, it is the boy with the red and white hair" Kuroi confirmed before looking up to Izuku. " ...... Shinigami-sama.... are you certain we... you have to do this...?" Izuku's smile falters slightly.

" Yes Kuroi, I have to. Or else it would never end"


Todoroki was never really a sentimental person but he couldn't help think about the Deku that everyone knew and loved. Though he never really thought much about him, he had somehow taken a liking to him as well.
But here is the cold hard truth, they had abandoned him. They had unknowingly pushed him aside and left him to rot. It might sound too harsh but it fit the situation perfectly to him. He needed to do something, and Trevas was the best clue to start with. He had asked him multiple times and each time he refused to answer.
They had said it was mental trauma but Todoroki didn't think so. It looked to him as if he was acting. All so fake. Though the other half of him wanted to believe in Trevas. But he simply couldn't. He needed to find answers. And so he will


The curtains are rising to the opening play. Who are the main characters? Who are the antagonists? Who will deceive and who will be decieved? The play will soon start, and Izuku will be a player. He will be the one to sacrifice, to lose, to disappear from the play.
No, he is not sacrificing himself for others. He is merely doing what he desires. He is sacrificing for himself and nothing more.
That is why he will end it all.
All of it in the last scene of regret and guilt

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