I Hate Hypocrites To Death: Part Six

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A man-no a boy-was bleeding from his head to his legs. He was tied up. His eye dead and pleading. His lips sowed together. The light heaving of his chest was the only thing that indicated that he was alive.
Class 1-A gasped in horror. Even the teachers could only look away from the scene. The boy tried to move. He held up his tied up hands but they fell down after moving half a inches.

" A-ah! We have to help him!" Ochako exclaimed while finally moving her frozen legs. This made everyone come to their senses as they quickly rushed over to help. While they were doing that, Todoroki noticed a old tape player and screen next to the boy.
He walked to it and randomly pressed a button. The hatch lighted up as the screen projected a video. A person. The Shinigami, Midoriya Izuku.

" Haha ha, did ya find my little 'gift'? Like it?" Izuku laughed. They looked to Izuku in horror. Why would he do this?" Haha! Hmm? You don't like it? Haha that's too bad. I was gonna send Kacchan over like that"

" Why?! Why would you do this Izuku-kun?!" Uraraka screamed at the projection. Izuku merely smiled.

" Haha. Ya know this is just a recording of me right? Oh and why did I do this?" Izuku's grin widened even more." Cuz it's fun" this got everyone riled up.

" What the hell Midoriya! Why would you do this for fun?!!!" Kirishima and the other had started yelling. All Might looked to the screen, saying one sentence to let out his anguish.

" Midoriya, I'm disappointed in you" All Might said solemnly. There was a thick silence as they heard All Might say that. What broke the silence was laughter.

" HAHAhahHa HAHAahaha HA!" Izuku stopped laughing. "You're disappointed in me? Do you know how disappointed I was in all of you? When you guys didn't even notice when I was in pain? When Bakugo tried to kill me? Ha! You didn't notice and you didn't even care! This is why I hate hypocrites like you to death"(A/N: remember this is just a projection of a recorded video XD)They all were reminded that it was them who started it first. They grit their teeth in frustration. He was right though. They deserved that. " Okay bye bye for now. Like I've said, this was recorded right after I left that other note for you so don't get so hung up on it. Ja ne" with that, he turned his back and the projecting went black. Even with that playful leave that couldn't stop the burning pain in their chests.


" Shinigami-sama" this time, it was a different shadow. It was not the usual Yami.

" Hmm? What is it Kuroi?" Izuku asked sitting on the railings once more.

" We have delivered him and the message" The shadow reported. Izuku grinned.

" Okay. You're dismissed!" The shadow disappeared once more and left Izuku to his city gazing. There was a peaceful silence before his laughter broke it. " ........HAHAhahaAHAHaha! Hehe, I can just imagine their reactions~" Izuku stopped as he felt a presence behind him. " Hmm, you're not Kuroi are you? Who could you possibly be?" Izuku said without turning around.

" Haha. Shinigami-sama is quite good at these things I see" The presence said.

" Flattery will get you no where. So, who are you and what do you want?" This time, Izuku turned back with his eyes slightly narrowed to see a cloaked man.

" Straight to the point, aren't you? Okay, I've come with a proposal"


They quickly brought the much wounded boy to the infirmary to get Recovery Girl. There were wounds all over him. Some nearly fatal and some just plain torturing. You can see his nails were turned black by it. There was so much blood you could barely see his snowy hair. It legit looked like it was dyed red. When they reached the infirmary, Recovery Girl instantly got to work. With a loud smooch, most of the injuries were gone without a trace. But now that had to get to work on the stitches on his lips. They guessed it was to keep him silent. They quickly worked and by the time he was almost fully healed, only an hour had passed.
Only All Might and Aizawa were allowed in. After all, who would let twenty kids in when the patient was still recuperating? 22 if you add the teachers. The boy was already awake which was quite surprising.

" Hello! I'm All Might! And this is Aizawa Shoto! What about you" All Might enthusiastically said less loudly than normal. Wouldn't want to rupture the poor boy's eardrums would we?

" U-umm.... T-trevas... M-my name i-is Trevas..." Responded the boy quietly. His wavy snow white hair nearly covered his eyes and went a little past his shoulders.

" Trevas huh? It's nice to meet you!" All Might said again.

" Yea....." the boy didn't know how to respond.

" You're a foreigner?" Asked-stated- by Aizawa.

" U-uh... yes...." Trevas answered anxiously, worried that they might throw him out on the street somewhere.

" You are living here now?" Asked All Might.

" A-ah... y-yes. I am... I came here to become a h-hero.... b-because there was... the famous U.A.... here..." he replied timidly.

" How did you end up with all those wounds then?" All Might finally got to the point. The boy's eyes widened.

" A-ah!! No..! No...! I-i d-don't know anything! I-i!" He clutched his head and shut his eyes as if to reject it." .....go away... GO AWAY..! Please.... I don't know anything... I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING...!" He screamed. He yelled. He thrashed around. The two of them thought to just leave. They heard his screaming even as they left. What happened to him do make him like that? The more they thought of it the more they didn't want to know.

Yay two chappies in a row! Gonna just say that Trevas means darkness in Portuguese! It took me a long time to find that... got the clue? And if ya find it out you can tell me but don't spoil it please!

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