I Hate Hypocrites To Death: Special

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Heyo everyone~ I'm here making some specials for you to laugh your ass off. Hopefully I have not offended anyone. And WARNING: There may be a lot of broken fourth walls.

------------------------- (Refer to part six and seven)

After being sent to deliver a message to his captain and reporting back, Kuroi had a lot of free time left over. Starting with his weekends off, he decided to let loose a little. A while before at school, he had heard that in most stories, cool, badass, evil villains, always had a chess set. He had pondered about it and asked himself 'Then why doesn't the boss have one?'.
So he decided to buy one as a gift to his boss. He asked some of his friends, namely a vixen called Kimiko, who loved evil characters in animes, and a delinquent named Tenjou, who happened to meet some of these 'cool, badass, evil villains who always had a chess set'. So they went off to buy Izuku the perfect cool-badass-evil-villain-chess set.
With that, he came back to base to show his boss, who smiled and said 'Maybe you should use your time to actually do something productive for once'.
But Kuroi didn't get discouraged. He stalked his boss in the shadows as he waited for the perfect time to put the chess board and pieces out for him. That time finally came when Rainer gave Izuku a message. As Kuroi saw the evil smirk on his boss's face, he set up the chess board so quickly, it would put speed quirk users to shame.
As Izuku picked up his King and thought 'Let the games begin' he had another thought in his mind. 'Why the hell did Kuroi put this here? And why the hell did he pick it up?'.

----------------------( Refer to part six)

Yami was lying there in a puddle of his own blood. But he didn't mind at all. This was for his boss. This was for the plan. All he needed to do was endure. It was very hard, that was for sure. Although it was very uncomfortable, he could deal with that. The only thing that he could barely endure, was holding in his laughter.

" Why??! Why would you do this Izuku-kun??!" Uraka screamed as Yami trembled. Luckily no one could see his face as their attention was focused on the screen.

"Okay bye bye for now. Like I've said, this was recorded right after I left that other note for you so don't get so hung up on it. Ja ne" Yami really would've burst out in laughter if not for his lips being down together.

---------------------------(Refer to part six)

When they reached the infirmary, Recovery Girl instantly got to work. With a loud smooch, most of the injuries were gone without a trace. But now that had to get to work on the stitches on his lips. They guessed it was to keep him silent.
Yami was thinking silently as they had their serious conversation. 'Uhh.... yea that was for me not to laugh....' He had stitched his lips to keep himself silent but.... that was to stop himself from laughing.

----------------------(Refer to part five)

" So what? It's not like I'm crazy. Nope~ nope~" There the boy in black laughed. He laughed while singing. " Nope I'm not crazy~ if I were, you'd be insane! I'm not crazy~ "

Random-chan(author): Riiight... and I'm insane so....

Izuku: Oh shut up. Stop trying to make your point. I hate when people have a point.

Random-chan: Well.... I can relate? But ya see, everyone pretty much knows your crazy.

Izuku: I'm not

Random-chan: You are

Izuku: I'm not

Random-chan: You are

Izuku: I'm not

Random-chan: You are! If that's so tell that to the readers!

Izuku: Hey all you damnable Hypocrites! I'm not crazy right? Answer yes and I'll skin you alive

Random: *nervous* uhh.... that's threatening... but okay, I don't wanna be skinned alive. I'd much rather be the one doing it ^-^. Okay I hope you liked the interview! And please answer Izu-chan's question! Or else he may skin me alive

-------------------(Thanksgiving Special)

Izuku: Hey can someone tell me why we're all here?

Yami: Shinigami-sama... I'm afraid that it may be her that brought us here.

Todoroki: What? Who's her?

Uraka: Another girl....? 'Why Izuku-kun..? T-T'

All Might: Hahaha is that a Thanksgiving basket?

Iida: I think the her you are talking about is that girl over there?

Me(AKA Random-chan and Author): Hehe~ hello everyone~ welcome to my dream house made in this story! It has four floors, each for a different purpose. There is the pool, the skating rink and the large dinning roo- *is interrupted by a gun at her head*

Izuku: Please do tell why we are all here? *takes off safety of the gun*

Uraka: Please tell us! And who are you to Izuku-kun?!

Todoroki: Hmm.... I think I've seen her before.....

Iida: *thinking* Oh! She's the author of this book!

Me: Yes yes! Please put the gun away! *whispers* why did I make Izuku such a dangerous character....

Izuku: *smiles but doesn't put away the gun*

Me: Okay! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry! I brought you here to celebrate Thanksgiving! Please! Someone save me! If I die there won't be anymore new chapters!

Izuku: *slowly puts away the gun* why didn't you say that earlier? *sigh*

Me: *curses under my breath* oh well... enjoy Thanksgiving then! I'll be off since I don't want to be killed. *disappears*

Everyone: *silence* *a few seconds later, they take out their weapons and ready their quirks*

Me: Oh god! *I come back* Alright alright! I'll send you back! Don't start killing each other....*sighs before sending them back* and all I wanted was to spend Thanksgiving with my book characters... as you can see I am a lonely little girl. Oh well, that's all for now.
I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving!
(Btw Kuroi was celebrating with his friends and of course, playing chess)

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