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"It is time for humaniry to repent" a voice growled in the dark one that sounded hostile in origin.

A soft let cold voice replied"your forces have no one to fear humanity is doomed in its "repent""

"All but one" the dark voice replies

"He is contained. The slayer is set in the deepest most dark pit of your realm guarded by thousands of your warriors that are surrounded by a sea of fire." Said the faintly angelic voice

"And he will trouble me and my armies for no longer..humanity's time of penance is apon them no matter what they do and no matter who tries to stop it.."said the dark voice

"You may be very well correct...but there are other diementions..but their time of peanace has either passed already or has yet to happen.." said the angelic voice

"You're not worried that they will try and stop this?" Asked the dark voice

"The time with the Slayer has made you fearful will trouble you now" said the voice

"Very well then let us commence with the penance" he growled

Earth now overrun by demons was hardly a shell of its former self from space you could see massive demonic symbols burned across the surface of the world.

On the surface it was even worse cities no infested with demons and torn apart in some cases quite literally with the crumbling remains of once massive skyscrapers now fall apart crushed by massive tentacles that flee down from the red sky and clouds.

Meanwhile above orbit a massive singularity opened up and a massive angelic being appeared normally you'd expect a Angel to be fighting for humanity but they decreed that it was "their time" referring to humanity's time for repent as she watched her features not even flinching at microfraction.

As she said nothing before vanishing again creating another tear in space.

Unknown to her her teleportion through space was so powerful that she created a rip and tear in the space time continuum.

In a parallel universe Alice walked along the dark city streets of New York city it was dark out well past midnight and she was the only one out in the streets at this time of the night she didn't mind that though as she was a loner after all and her comrades such as Glacis and Scaldor were back at their apartment probably dead asleep.

She kept walking humming to herself as suddenly a bright golden flash appeared in the eye she flinched and brought her arm up shielding her eyes "the hell?" She growled to herself as she hardly had time to react as  tendrils of golden light streaked down one of which wrapped itself around her.

She heard jaw yell telepathically "Its holy in origin!" Alice struggled trying  to escape from the tendril's grasp and she glanced up and noticed roughly six or seven ish more tendrils heading in various locations three headed to a place she knew to well.

It was headed to Scladors and Glacis's apartment and headed fast

"No!" She hardly choked out before the golden light fully overtook her vision before she lost consciousness.

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