Reawakened (Glacis POV)

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Glacis woke up searing pain filled his head chest and body he felt the ground around him as the pain began to subside.

He was blind so he couldn't exactly see what was going on around him but over time his senses such as hearing and touch have become much sharper and thanks to training he could operate just as well as any regular being that wasn t blind.

Standing up shakily he felt the area around him testing his surroundings as the pain subsided and he felt a panel which promptly vanished from him.

He jumped slightly then cursed somewhat "just a door.." he grumbled and walked past it.

After a few minutes of walking he heard a snarl that sounded a bit to human for his taste for a second he wondered if Scaldor had gotten into trouble again but that quickly changed when he felt the air move and ducked just in time as a hand flew over his head.

"Not..friendly" he mused as he brought up his hand and punched the attacker in the chest sending it back somewhat.

"Organic in nature but skin is very warm" he commented

The creature let out another scream and lunged at him again but this time Glacis simply sent out a wave of ice and froze the being solid where it smashed into the wall behind him as he side stepped the creature.

Apon impact the creature smashed into a large collection of peices.

Sighing Glacis walked forward through another door where he heard another growl much louder and deeper this time as he heard a body slam against the wall and a pained female grunt

Alice! He recognized her aura as the other figure much larger then the one before bore down on her.

Thinking quickly he fired an icicle into it's leg causing to to roar in surprise and stumble before he fired to more piercing through its chest and back.

He sensed it struggling to turn it's head around to face him so he fired an extra icicle into it's face killing it instantly as it fell over dead.

Walking over he said to Alice "what's there to be sorry for?" He asked

Alice smiled back "nothing Glacis nothing at all" she replied

Glacis walked other and helped her up.

"Where are we?" Asked Glacis

Alice shook her head

"I'm not sure but I think I know what we are fighting" she replied

"Which is what?" Asked Glacis

Before she could reply a large ball shaped demon fell onto the floor beside them it's entire body was on fire as it fell into ash.

A few seconds later a body fell with a  very auidable grunt that was male.

Glacis sighed and said "well...theres Scaldor"

(Sorry for this dry and very short chapter I had a lot of writers block plus I wanted to get Glacis and Scaldors personalties correct since they aren't mine XD)

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